SECRET PROHIBITION: THE TERRIBLE TRUTH ABOUT AMERICA'S DRINK-DRIVING WARby John LeeStrictly speaking, a driver can register a BAC of .00% and still be convicted of a DUI. The level of BAC does not clear a driver when it is below the "presumed level of intoxication." --verbatum quote from 1999 Tennessee Driver Handbook and Driver License Study Guide NEWS YOU CAN USE?America is currently in the grip of Prohibition. ALCOHOL Prohibition. Since 1988, eighteen to 21-year-old ADULTS are painfully aware of this fact -- yet amazingly fail to try and overturn it. (As if there were any politicians for them to vote for. Only three other nations have a legal drinking age of 21: the Ukraine, Malaysia and South Korea.) Every decade, 30-MILLION additional adult Americans get a $5,000 lesson in reality. Are these tens-of-millions of "criminals" deranged alcoholics -- or are they "responsible" adults who simply failed to grasp the infinitude of the government's "blind-justice" machine? Every decade, America's police make 500-MILLION traffic stops, and every traffic stop represents a drunk-driving criminal investigation. This ties up 90% of all police "detective" work, allowing predatory criminals virtual free reign to commit "real" crimes -- career criminals who are often employed by the government as "informants". |
Walking or driving, it doesn't make any difference to the Prohibition police. Driver or passenger, "designated driver" or teetotaler, it just doesn't matter. According to police and the courts, there is no such thing as a "legal limit" for blood-alcohol level, regardless what the professional news media allege. Nor is there any "passing" score for so-called field sobriety "tests". As for "Miranda warnings", all citizens are forced by "implied consent" laws to testify against themselves in drunk-driving criminal investigations long before there is any requirement for police to warn of the legal right to be free from "self incrimination". As for the "Miranda rights" to freedom from testifying against one's self and the right to an attorney, citizens currently face automatic license suspension for asserting their Miranda rights, with legislation pending to punish assertive citizens with automatic 45-days in prison (even if found innocent of "drunk driving"). Alcohol "crimes" are the only crimes in America that are based MERELY ON AN OPINION -- an opinion perverted by 1-million police officers working under the influence of ILLEGAL QUOTAS. Recreational drugs, ALL medications -- both prescription and over-the-counter medicines -- as well as alcohol beverages are all prohibitied by the Prohibition police, according to lawyers, judges and the police themselves. Even drinking alcohol communion in church is literally outlawed for Americans who run the gauntlet of roadblocks and speed traps on their drive home. (One of the "uses" of America's first national Prohibition of the 1920's and 1930's was for established Protestants to oppress the ambitious Catholic immigrants from Europe, since Catholics had fewer prohibitions on alcohol. All Prohibition laws are based on hypocritical oppression, since those who make the laws aren't required to abide by them due to their control of corrupt police forces.) It's a WAR out there. A "DRINK" Driving War, not a "Drunk" Driving War. A deadly war waged by employees of the American government upon ALL the 250-million American citizens who live outside that elite caste system. A violent war where police -- the "local military" -- inflict the DEATH PENALTY upon 3,000 Americans every decade -- including 750 dead innocent bystanders -- WITHOUT the benefit of judge, jury or legal representation. Most of these police executions are over "routine" traffic violations, according to the American Automobile Association and Illinois State University, department of Criminal Justice Sciences (Police Pursuit in Pursuit of Policy, 1992). Police also cause 200,000 crash injuries every decade -- 50,000 to innocent bystanders. (Innocent bystanders are always victimized as part of wartime "police actions" -- "collateral damage," as the government's war machine calls it.) This figure does not include crashes caused by reckless off-duty police who know they don't have to pay traffic tickets, crashes by on-duty cops who just can't drive safely, and the thousands of police killings that occur in police custody, such as "suicides" and motorists stopped on the side of the road. The total directly killed by all police actions is approximately 5,000 every decade. Many of these killings occur simply when a citizen "commits contempt of cop" by merely asking a cop what his legal rights are (i.e., "resisting arrest"). These police-crimes cost taxpayers billions of dollars in civil penalties to the grieving families of the police's victims, as well as clog the legal system already overburdened with corporate crimes. Traffic police are lucky if they receive "high-speed" training at 30 MPH in a parking lot. THIS IN NO WAY QUALIFIES POLICE FOR DANGEROUS HIGH-SPEED CHASES IN COMMUTER TRAFFIC, which is usually ILLEGALLY done, not only without emergency lights and siren, but often without headlights at night as well. Cops try to allege they have a dangerous job and thus need permission to carry guns and use their police cars as 2-ton battering rams, yet cops have only half the fatality rate of farmers and retail store clerks. Cops are chicken-shit, to put it bluntly, since they prefer to pick on law-abiding citizens driving safely instead of violent predators that steal and kill. For example, when two sickly children went psycho and murdered 15 kids and teachers in Columbine High School in Colorado, the armed cop assigned inside the school ran and hid. The 700 cops outside waited hours before "storming" the school to rescue hostages -- hours after the two kids had already killed themselves. Needless to say, grieving parents were understandably outraged. In California, even the convicted "Dr. Death" -- as one cop named himself while he moonlighted as a $10,000-hit man, burgler and pimp -- only executed targets he could sneak up on, as his government training taught him in Vietnam (The Dark Side of the Force, by Jan Golab). If guns and traffic patrol cars were taken away from cops, they would have one of the safest jobs in the world (as well as protect themselves from their high rate of suicide via car or bullet). The highest risk police face is being hit by passing cars while writing traffic citations beside high-speed traffic (all traffic cops ought to wear florescent orange or yellow uniforms with reflective tape so traffic can see them, instead of invisible black -- or better yet, just prohibit traffic police completely). In England, where cops aren't allowed to have guns and speed traps virtually don't exist, the violent crime rate is TWENTY TIMES LOWER THAN AMERICA'S. Coincidence? For example, a random check of a police officer's personnel file revealed that in his five years as a cop, he crashed his police car five times. If a private citizen crashed five times in five years, he or she would certainly lose the license to drive, and would certianly get a massive increase in insurance premiums. Yet this cop was promoted, given a pay raise and described as being on the "fast track" (and got to take one remedial driving course). Only one crash was (before) a "police pursuit", where the cop admitted to speeding at 65 MPH on a busy city street without the required emergency lights and siren. The cop "routinely" crashed into the rear of the other car, and the other driver got scared and fled, crashed and sustained serious injuries. Another crash occurred as the cop ran a red light with his emergency lights and siren on, seriously injuring an innnocent motorist. Cops are legally required to exercise due caution when using lights and siren, which this cop violated. For this crash, the cop got a written "oral" reprimand, to legally protect the city government from legal liability for the cop's reckless driving. The other three "routine" crashes occurred with innocent motorists as the cop drove around in his patrol car. This 400-member police department in Knoxville, Tennessee, recently earned frontpage, banner headlines for its illegal quotas. Contrary to allegations that police work is dangerous, in that particular organization, no cop was killed on duty since 1957 -- although an off-duty cop was murdered and the alleged killers, friends of a convicted sheriff, were set free by the chief of police. The most serious injury this particular cop suffering in the line of duty was from an assault by two "killer" bees, which required a trip to the hospital and a paid leave of absence. Incidentally, this cop was rewarded with Officer of the Month after apprehending a burgler. A bag with over $80,000 cash was seized. Was this cash returned to the rightful owners? Or did it get "forfeited" to the police department as alleged "crime proceeds"? As one can see, our government would prefer that such information about police activities be kept from the public -- perhaps that's why the Tennessee legislature is attempting to pass a law in Y2K classifying traffic-cop files as "confidential" (as "undercover-cop" files already are). (While investigating this and corruption of other police agencies, the author's car was stolen, and "KPD PROVES" (Knoxville Police Department?) and other web-site and personal information was spray-painted at the crime scene. Personal information that would only be known via close surveilance. Perhaps "ghetto criminals" are going on-line these days? No "detectives" showed up to investigate. Knoxville and Tennessee police and politicians routinely steal cars on a grand scale (occasionally getting convicted), according to front-page newspaper reports and police sources. Writing out a traffic citation form is probably the scariest part of a cop's job. Many cops are run over by traffic while harassing a detained motorist, both accidentally (it's normal to drive where one is looking) and intentionally (there are millions of pissed off citzens out there). As one cop wrote to Dear Abbey in 1999: "[I]t can be equally dangerous to just 'pull over' while on the highway. Many vehicles stop in the breakdown lane for this purpose. Without realizing that the most serious accidents take place when there is a large variance in the speeds of the objects colliding. This occurs most frequently when a stationary car or person is only inches away from traffic traveling in excess of 60 to 70 mph. It takes only a moment's inattention for a tragedy to occur. Many fatal accidents are the result of a truck or car straying only slightly over the white line near a parked vehicle…." This cop was whining about cell phones -- one of the best safety improvements of the last 10 years judging by the millions of 911 calls made with the magic of electromagnetic radiation -- but it also describes the dangerous distraction of having flashing cop-lights disturbing the normal flow of traffic. The real danger of using a cell phone is calling 911, since police routinely arrest or murder the citizens who request police help. The so-called scientific study most-quoted regarding alleged cell-phone "related" -- NOT cell-phone "caused" -- traffic crashes did not discover a single crash that occurred while a driver was using a phone -- the crashes occurred hours before or hours after the crash (New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)). Our government is seriously planning anti-phone legislation, which, according to one doctor in the NEJM, might as well be named "Don't Think and Drive." Thousands of other so-called scientific studies are misused by the government in order to destroy highway safety and to reap the resultant profits. Police-caused crashes and medieval prison systems are not the only weapons in this expensive war on American citizens. Vehicle seizures have become automatic, even for first-time "offenders", even when such "offenders" are found innocent of so-called drunk driving in a court of law. Formerly, property-forfeiture laws applied only to drivers accused of so-called drug crimes, who likewise lost their property -- even when no drugs were found and the citizens were never arrested for a drug crime (all police require is "reasonable suspicion" and "probable cause", since according to the conservative courts, it's the "property that commits the crime", not a human being). These forfeiture laws originated in Europe during the Dark Ages, when greedy and unscrupulous people could make an accusation against a neighbor for "witchcraft" (which included "church crimes" such as taking a bath, washing clothes, reading, practicing medicine, researching science, profanity, owning valuable property, baking spoiled bread (sickness and hallucinations from food poisoning), or practicing the Native-European religions). The accused was given a "trial by ordeal", which meant she or he was tortured to death with their entire families, where "innocence" could only be "proven" with death. The accuser, "Christian" church and state then divided up the spoils of Prohibitions. Millions of ordinary Europeans were murdered by the "Christian" church's armies and courts and its lapdog governments, and huge wealth accumulated to their Prohibition accusers. This is one reason why it is healthy to fear a combination of "church and state" today, where the Bible's so-called Ten Commandments ALL carried the death penalty, where Moses would massacre thousands of his own people for such heinous crimes as dancing. (Don't want to believe it? Dare to read Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy.) At least there was no Commandment against drinking and "driving" a horse, donkey or camel. And to think that fornicating, adulterous, drug-using, alcholic-imbibing politicians keep trying to pass laws requiring ten of the 600 Commandments to be used to brainwash "morals" to schoolchildren. In America, wealthy "tax-free" churches are one of the main instigators of mass hysteria in the alcohol Prohibition war. As American witches quiety point out today, so-called Christianity is the best religion ever created for ruling elites to control the minds of "sheeple" -- and to control the sheeple's bank accounts. As millions of American Jews, Native-American Pagans and Prohibition-worshipping American Muslims realize but keep to themselves, so-called "Christianity" is little more than a marriage of Jewish and European-Pagan rituals. (I.e., Christmas six months after Jesus was born, Santa Claus the patron saint of theives and harlots, Easter sexual-fertility rites, even the "Christmas" tree is Pagan since Jesus and the Jews never had such a holiday, etc.) Christianity doesn't have a monopoly on "prayer" (i.e., Extrasensory Perception (ESP), bioelectric "radio" transmissions, whatever one calls it), nor does any other religion -- and ESP works for athiests, too. Likewise, Prohibition is for everyone, too, and millions of good Christians have been convicted of drunk driving in America. Are "Christian" abstainers -- and two-faced "Christian" hypocrites -- trustworthy with our lives? "Christianity" only exists due to the massacre of tens of millions of Europeans, Native-American Pagans and Muslim Africans, and the ruthless conversion of those who survived the Inquisitions, genocide, slavery, witch hunts and inter-faith "Christian" wars. Judging by the violent setbacks "Christianity" has also dealt to scientists for 1,500 years, experts estimate medical science was set back at least 1,000 years. Churches may be good places to meet people in an exclusive club atmosphere, to celebrate weddings and to bury the dead, but "Christian" churches hold zero moral high-ground when it comes to public health and safety, including highway engineering and the disease of alcohol-dependency syndrome. Many people who consider themselves good Christians refuse to put their faith in the hands of organized religion, so it's not only "heathens" who fear the individuals who run the churches. Like cops and politicians, many American church "leaders" also have been convicted of thousands of rapes (a single Catholic priest in Texas), murder (a Tennessee Baptist "pistol-packing preacher with a Bible in one hand and a gun in the other," as the prosecutor called it) and theft of as much as $150-MILLION (Jim Bakker of the Praise The Lord Club (PTL)), so blind faith in religion can prove costly. Reform Party governor Jesse Ventura, a born-again Christian, agreed: "Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers. It tells people to go out and stick their noses in other people's business.... And being weak-minded is not necessarily a detriment. It just means that you have a weakness and, therefore, you go to organized religion to help strengthen yourself. That's the context in which I talked about it. And for those people, it's OK.... I don't believe necessarily that I need a church to go to." Multi-billionaire Ted Turner, founder of the Cable News Network (CNN) also agreed that Christianity was a "religion for losers.... Under the guise of religion they murdered tens of thousands of women as witches only a few hundred years ago -- burned at the stake.... Heaven is perfect. Who wants to go to a place that's perfect. Boring, boring." From Reverend Jim Jones who murdered 900 of his imprisoned "followers", to nearly 100 of David Coresh's Branch Davidians shot and incinerated by the FBI, ATF, Secret Service, etc., to the Bible's Masada suicides, religion does not necessarily bode well for public safety. Yes, Christianity is a deadly religion, both for its marketing competition and for its own members. Thousands of Christians meet their personal Armageddon every year thanks to "Christian" meddling in driver safety. When it comes to devouring Christians, the lions of the Roman Colliseum were pussys compared to the ravenous modern-day lions of government, auto-makers and insurance corporations. The most infamous "drunk-driver" crash in American history involved a church bus that caught fire after a minor fender bender. By diverting the entire blame to the alleged "drunk" driver, the church (and the bus manufacturer) avoided its legal liability for operating an unsafe vehicle with an exposed gas tank. Perhaps God (Allah, Jehovah, Higher Power, etc.) was trying to get people to finally notice the designed-in dangers of all motor vehicles by sending over a dozen people to a REAL-LIFE death in a fiery hell. Hundreds of bus crashes occur every year, and bus drivers have been arrested for vehicular homicide (making a U-turn on the Interstate or trying to run over kids and parents) and drunk driving. It is one of the many proofs that America must abolish the National Highway Traffic "Safety" Administration (NHTSA) when the NHTSA refused to recommend basic improvements in bus safety for Y2K, such as seat belts or fire protection. Accused "drunk drivers" face a simliar "trial by ordeal" in America today, with "failure-designed" sobriety tests that have no passing score, with Miranda rights that apply to murderers and rapists but not to honest drivers, where a person's right to travel can be extinguished as effectively as in a Communist totalitarian state, where tens of millions of Americans find themselves living in the American gulag of the wealthy prison-industrial complex. In America, literally millions of motorists are experiencing horrific deaths thanks to alcohol Prohibition laws that divert attention from the real causes of traffic casualties. Censorship of public discussion on these subjects is greater than for any other topic in America today. The coup d'grat in this profitable war occurs after a fatal traffic accident. When the vehicles of motorists collapse like soda cans, the merest allegation of alcohol, drug or medication can result in a life sentence or even the death penalty. Perhaps only 1% of Americans are wealthy and motivated enough to employ a competent and motivated defense attorney, which can cost over $10,000 even for a "routine" drink-driving defense. A typical drunk-driving defense is actually more work than a murder defense, since more laws are stacked against the citizen, and a police officer alleges to be an "eyewitness" at the scene of the alleged crime. Republican DWI prosecutor-turned-defense lawyer Gerry Spence observed in his book From Freedom to Slavery, "In America, the cost of justice even in the simplest of cases is prohibitive for ordinary citizens to bear…. I would rather watch the ant engage the elephant in mortal combat than witness the usual unequal matches between the government and the individual. Guilty or not, most people charged with crimes give up and plead guilty." Responsible citizens who are ignorant of both the Prohibition laws and of their own legal rights as American citizens have no hope for justice. DEEP THOUGHTSThen you will understand what is right |
JOKE OF THE DAYDiscovering too late that a watermelon spiked with vodka had accidentally been served to a luncheon meeting of local ministers, the restaurant's owner waited nervously for the clerics' reaction. "Quick, man," he whispered to the waiter, "what did they say?" "Nothing," replied the waiter. "They were all too busy slipping the seeds into their pockets." This is a non-commercial site. All quotes and graphics are reproduced under "fair use" guidelines as given in The Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manuel. For instance, "ideas and facts are never protected by copyright," and "everyone has the right to comment on matters of public interest and concern." Government publications and court records are, of course, copyright free to the public. Publications older than 75 years are also copyright free, such as the Christian Bible. Copyright attributions on images are visible with mouse-over and in source code. If a gentle reader disbelieves any scientific study quoted by this website, the intelligent thing to do is for the gentle reader to get off his or her duff and do some serious research of his or her own. Driving is a dangerous full-contact sport. The author merely provides suggestions based upon years of professional training and world-wide competitive experience. The reader assumes all physical and legal liability for driver-education mistakes, highway defects and vehicle-design flaws. America has thousands of traffic laws that change from town to town and from day to day. The legal information given here is without guarantee. If the reader wishes a money-back guarantee against legal malpractice, seek the professional opinion of a licensed attorney in every jurisdiction traveled through. Some of the shocking information provided here may prove injurous to those with certain medical conditions. For a money-back guarantee against medical malpractice, consult the opinion of a licensed doctor from every speciality. The author and publishers offer no guarantee the reader will find all the included jokes funny.