Our Nation's Capital's Historic German-American Cemetery Established 1858 |
In addition to our Newsletter that appears on our website, Prospect Hill has several books available for those interested in the cemetery and its families: Crabill, Jean Bischof, The Immigrants and Their Cemetery: the Story of Prospect Hill, (incorporates History of the Prospect Hill Cemetery Society of Washington, DC, 1858-1950, by Professor P. G. Gleis). 195 pages. $30, plus $5 postage. Crabill, Jean Bischof, The Families of Prospect Hill, information concerning about 160 families, written in conjuction with descendants of these families. Many pictures. 496 pages. $20, plus $5 postage. Holler, Carol M. and Jean B. Crabill, Adult Burial List, Prospect Hill Cemetery, Washington, DC all burials of 14 years of age and above. To the extent of our knowledge, gives age of death, birth place, birth date, death place, death date, interment date, location in cemetery, lot owner, and family relationships. $35, plus $5 postage. Children Burial List, Prospect Hill Cemetery, Washington, DC. $20, plus $5 postage. All books are available from the cemetery's office Prospect Hill Cemetery, 2201 North Capitol Street, NE, Washington, DC, 20002-1103. Phone 202-676-0676 Books may also be ordered by mail using the (order form) from this website - you need Adobe reader to open this order form. please feel free to send an email to jcrabill@aol.com |