
The Substitution of
*w for *b

by Patrick C. Ryan


The circumstance that IE *b, especially initially, is unexpectedly rarely reconstructed, has often been discussed.

This short essay seeks to illustrate that Proto-Language P[?], which theoretically yields IE *b, instead, in many cases, was reflected initially in IE *w.

In order to substantiate this equivalence, I will give several examples of what I believe are cognates between Egyptian (Afrasian) and IE.These equivalences are significant because Proto-Language and Pontic-Nostratic P[?] is quite regularly reflected in Egyptian p (from PL P[?]E and P[?]A; PN p?ya and p?a); and f (from PL P[?]O; PN p?wa).

[s] indicates author's identification of s-mobile

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Patrick C. Ryan * 9115 West 34th Street - Little Rock, AR 72204-4441 * (501)227-9947