The Substitution of
*w for *b
by Patrick C. Ryan
The circumstance that IE *b, especially initially, is unexpectedly rarely reconstructed, has often been discussed.
This short essay seeks to illustrate that Proto-Language P[?], which theoretically yields IE *b, instead, in many cases, was reflected initially in IE *w.
In order to substantiate this equivalence, I will give several examples of what I believe are cognates between Egyptian (Afrasian) and IE.These equivalences are significant because Proto-Language and Pontic-Nostratic P[?] is quite regularly reflected in Egyptian p (from PL P[?]E and P[?]A; PN p?ya and p?a); and f (from PL P[?]O; PN p?wa).
1. PN p?ya, 'urine, pour out' (cf. English 'wee')
a. pn', 'overturn' / 7. *wel-dh-, 'turn, wind, rotate'
2. PN p?a, 'buttock(s), seat, sit, half (one of two), piece, split, cleft'
a. p(j)t, 'sky' / *baita:-, 'goat-skin, tent' (loanword)
b. p3x, 'scratch' / 7. *wer-g[^]h-, 'rip open, scratch'
c. pr, 'house, temple' / 5. *wer-, 'close, gate'
d. prjj, 'hero' / 5. *wer-, 'protect'
e. p'.t, 'patrician' / *wadh-, 'bail, bailee, bailiff'
f. pH, 'reach' / *weg[^]h-, 'move, march, drive'
g. pšš, 'straddle' / *wa:g(w)-, 'protectively cover over, put a cap on'
h. pns, 'cut off, pull out' / 8. *wel-s-, 'rip, snatch, rob'
3. PN p?wa, 'cheek, swell, testicle'
a. f3, 'raise, support, suspend, weigh' / 1. *wer-, 'bind, line up, hang up'
b. -f, 'he, his, it, its' / 4. *(a)u-, 'that'
c. fn, 'be weak, faint' / (*wa:-n-), 'lack, empty', listed under 1. *eu-
d. fx, 'loosen, cast off' / *weg[^]h-, 'move, march, drive, shake'
e. fz, 'cook' / [s]wei-s-, 'twitter, whistle'
f. fq(3), 'reward' / [s]wenk-, 'be heavy'
g. fk, 'empty' / (*wa:-k-), 'lack, empty', listed under 1. *eu-
h. f(j)d, 'pluck' / 1. *weid-, 'turn, bend'
i. f(j)d, 'sweat' / 2. *[s]weid-, 'sweat'
[s] indicates author's identification of s-mobile
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Patrick C. Ryan * 9115 West 34th Street - Little Rock, AR 72204-4441 *