Anatoly Protopopov
Extract from "Cold facts or hot passion, does size matter"
Edition of translation from russian by Yulia Starodubets and Atir Raihan

I would like to express my infinite gratitude to Anna Fazeeva, who collected the data for this article

Data Collection.

      The primary data of phallus sizes was obtained exclusively from women, as were inquires regarding the frequency and subjective quality of their sexual interaction with these males based on the reported phallus size.
The data collection exercise was carried out during March and April of 2005. The bulk of the respondents reside in Estonia, but additional questionnaires were obtained from Russia. The total sample size of the reporting group was 13 women, aged between 30 and 53, and they collectively reported about sexual interactions with a total of 76 men.
      The group was asked to specify frequency and subjective quality of the interaction. As noted in a previous article by this author, "Phallus as a reflection of hierarchy", the ideal measure of phallus size is based on volume, as opposed to linear length. However, this is not a measure that is readily recalled nor calculable by the female, therefore this study operates with the approximation that phallus length correlates to the volume.
      This study also recognizes that quality and frequency of coitus will not be accurately recalled, particularly as many of the events will have taken place several years ago. To accommodate this, respondents were given ranges of coital frequency to select from, in the event that they were unable to recall the exact number of interactions. These ranges were averaged across their range to give an integer value representing the number of interactions. The total declared frequency of copulation came to 11140, or about three acts per month of viable reproductive life. These figures include the pseudo acts of group 0, which totaled 272. These figures seem to correlate with subjective expectations, based on commonly accepted beliefs.
      For certain reasons, which we cannot divulge for ethical reasons, we believe the reliability of this data to be quite high, for this the author would like to express the utmost gratitude and respect to the volunteers who gathered the information for this study. As you may appreciate, to extract such personal details from complete strangers requires patience, skill, talent and courage to obtain the information without receiving a slap in the face! Thank you all once again.
      The group are spilt into the following five quality categories as follows:

0 Respondent refused coitus, despite the male positive offer. Although coitus was not carried out, the male was a known partner, and the phallus size was known prior to offer of coitus. There are many reasons for refusal, even within a lawful marriage, and these could include subjective mood or objective health reasons. While the reasons given by the respondant varied, and included such mundane things as lack of time, percieved inconvenience, and the unwillingness to mess up a freshly made hairdo, there was a clear correlation between the number of these rejections and the size of the penis. This clearly suggests that there is a deeper issue worthy of furthur investigation, that would support the hypothesis of female sexual desire being related to penis size.
Another rejection situation may be the sudden change of mind by the female after viewing the male genitals for the first time, and the that the rejection was based on the size of genitals being at the extreme ends of the size spectrum. For example an overly large or small penis or other deformity. However, our study did not find such a situation.
1 Coitus had occurred but it brought no satisfaction to respondent at all.
2 Respondent had some satisfaction from coitus
3 Respondent had significant satisfaction
4 the Satisfaction was excellent
      In addition to quantity of sexual acts, respondents replied about the total number of their sexual partners with the specified size of penis, with husbands, lovers, and the fathers of children being specified separately. The husband was defined as the partner who kept a joint household with the respondent, and played the traditional economic role in the relationship. All other sexual partners were considered as lovers, even for single acts of unsuccessful coitus.
      Most of the partners of the test group were lovers, 63 in total, and 13 husbands. One respondent was never married, and another was married twice, so the total number of husbands was equal to the number of respondents. There were a total of 9 children belonging the test group, 8 of which were to husbands and one to a lover.
      Penis sizes distribution of sexual partners of respondents of different categories is given on fig. 21.
Partners quantity with different size of penis
The figure 21.
We can see that the maximum number of partners falls into the 16 - 18 cm range for penis size, which is slightly more than the accepted average of penis size in European males, which is 15.2 cm. This supports the assumption that women prefer large phalluses men. However, due to the small deviation from the accepted average size of penis, this cannot be taken as a definitive statement, and a larger sample size would be required to establish this assumption.
      Looking at these figures more closely, it can be seen that the average penis size of a lover was larger than that of husband or father, with the figures showing 15.8 cm, 15.5 cm, and 15.2 cm for lover, husband and father respectively. The latter two figures may seem to contradict expectations that the penis size of a father would be larger than that of a husband.
      Looking at the data regarding the quality of satisfaction achieve from coitus, we refer to the table above where the subjective experience ranges from 0 for no satisfaction to 4 for maximum satisfaction. In Fg 22, this satisfaction data was correlated against the penis size of the partner and the average number of coital acts. From this correlation we can see how penis size relates to the degree of satisfaction and frequency of sexual acts.
Number acts of different quality
The figure 22.
It can be seen from the data that the greatest number of sexual acts were with males with an average penis size of 16 - 18 cm, and that these were mainly qualitative acts. The greatest refusal of coitus was given to men with a penis size less than 10cm, and there are no reports of satisfaction of any level with a penis size of less than this size. In the size range of 10 -12 cm, satisfaction is frequent, although maximum satisfaction is rare. In size group of 18 cm and above, maximum satisfaction is frequent, and instances of refusal or no satisfaction is rare
      Fig. 23 shows similar dependences between the penis size and satisfaction with the sexual act; In contrast with fig. 22 averaging was performed, not for men, but for sexual acts. The sum of the count of each group of quality is normalized to 100%; thus, this diagram shows what the contribution size brings to frequency of coituses of given quality. Quality comparisons were performed against other groups, and not internal to the containing group
Dole of different quality coituses
The figure 23.
      In conformity to the data of the previous diagram, the most coitus refusals fall to the owners of less than 10 cm penis, while the 16-18 cm group carried out the majority of all performed acts, from unsatisfactory up to excellent. The excellent acts we most numerous in this group - 62% of all excellent acts were provided by this size group. But this is absolutely not surprising, since this group is most numerous and sexually active. The smallest number of excellent satisfaction was in the 20 cm group. However due to the small sample size of this phallus size, small quantity of sexual acts with them, then it is necessary to search for an explanation of this phenomenon bearing in mind the small number and low-activity. Though this low-activity is not too surprising to me; I have repeatedly mentioned about absence of aspiration for high-ranked men to long-term relationships, and the poor suitability of such males to these relationships. The result of this inquiry seems to confirm this thesis. In other words - men with larger phalluses are likely to be a "vagrant sire", but not "colleagues - supporters", they may not hold appeal to certain woman. However I still can't explain so small quantity of partners of this size group; natural small number of this size group nevertheless looks like insufficiently convincing explanation. It would be interesting to study this phenomenon on more extensive statistics.
      Fig 23 also shows the dependence, shown by deep-lilac colour, between the size of a penis and average quality of the sexual act; The numeric scale of this dependence is placed at the left vertical axis. This, in my opinion is the most eloquent diagram. It can be seen that that quality of sexual contacts with owners of phalluses less than 10 cm is extremely low. On the contrary, acts with owners of large penises (more than 18 cm), is rated highly, with the average quality not lower 3. Also important to note is that in the range from 11 to 17 cm, the variation of reported satisfaction was low, and this result supports the widely observed refutation by women of a direct correlation between the size of penis and their satisfaction from coitus. The vast majority of men (approximately 75-80 %) have a penis within this range of length. Quality variations - from "a little better, than some satisfaction" to "a little less, than good satisfaction", very difficult to notice. This assertion may be supported, if we bear in mind that the average quality of coitus versus penis size increases not so much due to the increase of number of high-satisfaction event, but more to the decrease of events of dissatisfaction. This may be related to subjective factors relating as much to the quality of the coitus, as the emotional affinity of the woman to the partner

Conclusion: The measured dependencies of quantity and quality of sexual contacts with men possessing penises of different size, confirms the possible existence of dependence between rank potential of the man (ranking being directly proportional to penis size) and his sexual appeal to women.

Other articles of the author in English on this theme

  1. A. Protopopov. The Treatise of Love, as it is recognized by awful bore
  2. A. Protopopov. Phallus as a Reflection of the Hierarchy
  3. A. Protopopov. Some Statistical Data Concerning Marriage Adverts Efficiency

Whole version of article "Cold facts or hot passion " in Russian

All the articles of Anatoly Protopopov in Russian, English, Spanish and Bulgarian