Over the years many critters have come and gone from our farm.
The record for longevity goes to the Geese.
Mort and Mandy lived with us into their twenties.
Each spring a nest was built many eggs laid, but only one gosling to show for it.....Junior.
The ducks were more prolific and every spring when they hatched,
Mort and Mandy were very excited and made every effort to take over the babies.
Any duckling brave enough to stray too far out into the pond
without supervision was promptly ducked under the water
and chased back to the spillway by Mort.
One particular year an orphan duckling came under their wing.
The proud adoptive parents hovered over that duckling making it their own.
It even attempted to learn to honk with little success.
The following year the adopted duckling
rewarded them by producing a new batch of ducklings to babysit.
Mort and Mandy gave us many smiles and much laughter and still
today this tradition is carried on by Junior who is now approaching her twenties.
Customers at my bed and breakfast
Click on baby duck for great links
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