Part I: Mundane

Name: Koi

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AIM: Available upon request. :x

Part II: The Basics

Name: Cécile Roux Follet

Name Meaning: The original Red Riding Hood tale was first recorded in Charles Perrault's Histoires ou Contes du temps passé – and since that is French, Sailormars’ name is French in origin. Cécile is the French version of the Latin form of the Roman family name Caecilius, which was derived from Latin caecus "blind". Roux is a name meaning “red”. Although Follet is attributed as a British name, it had roots in Old French meaning “little fool”. Put together, this means “blind red little fool”. The original Little Red Riding Hood was foolish enough to talk to a stranger, and can’t tell the difference between her grandmother and said wolf (ie – blind). However, this does not necessarily reflect the intelligence of the current Sailormars. (we hope… c.c;)

Kingdom: The Second Kingdom

Class: Lower middle class, essentially a just common peasant girl.

Birthdate: October 25th

Age: 16

Astrological Sign: Scorpio, the second sign that is ruled by Mars (as opposed to Aries).

Occupation: There are few jobs to be done in the small town that Cécile lives near, though she does work at and basically runs the bakery, now that her grandmother is retired. Her specialty is pie, since she is absolutely mortified by cakes.

Likes: Independence; since she is a loner, she doesn’t like to have to depend on others, and isolation also gives her time to unwind, think and calm down. Nature, the forests, and it animal habitants, as the atmosphere and trees create a wilderness that brings out and satiates the feral, wolf side in her and seem to put her at peace – the natural world is one of the few places where purity still exists. Having control over situations and leading others, and though she reluctant to give up her leadership, she will if she has to or if she believes others are capable of doing better jobs than she. Dogs, who are somewhat distant cousins to Cécile, and she gets along with just about any dog, sometimes better than with people. Fires, although even she doesn’t quite understand her attraction to controlled flames, except that they are beautiful to look at. Wolf is a HUGE hero and idol to her; he’s like the Jackie Robinson of half wolves (well, sort of). She also likes the smell of pine trees, of fresh water running in a stream, and of freshly baked bread.

Dislikes: Bigotry, since she is part wolf, and is against all of the anti-half wolf sentiments in most of the Kingdoms, though prejudice in general is a bad thing to her, mostly in terms of species/race. Charmers, seducers, flatterers; human or otherwise, whom Cécile is especially wary of – fool her once, shame on her; but fool her twice…never. Deception and false pretenses fall into the same category – if lying is done for selfish, unnecessary causes, Cécile is not tolerant of that sort of behavior. She hates helplessness, in terms of both those irritating Damsels in Distress, and feeling like she can’t do anything to help others. Admitting that she needs help and has significant weaknesses is even more difficult for her to deal with. People who are naïve, innocent and too idealistic are also the types she can’t stand, simply because Cécile herself was once that way, and look at what happened to her! Public displays of affection and romantic sentiments are often looked upon with disgust, mostly because of her own personal experiences.

Hobbies: In her spare time at home, Cécile has taken up basket weaving with her grandmother, who produces much more than she does. However, her favorite thing to do is running through the forest and going hunting for small game, such as rabbit. Woodcutting and gathering logs for the hearth is an errand/chore more than a hobby, though she enjoys it because it allows her to spend more time in the surrounding forest. She also has a habit of singing, but only in private when she thinks that no one is around to hear her.

Favorite Food: Lamb stew, sausages, fish, ham, rabbit, any type of pie (both meat or fruit)

Least Favorite Food: Asparagus, cake, red wine (both bring back bad, bad memories)

Aspirations: To be honest, Cécile doesn’t really have any dreams of “happily ever after”. The best she can muster up is a strong desire for equality for her kind – which can possibly be achieved if she saves the Nine Kingdoms. If two part-wolves can do that, then there are so many possibilities left open for others like them.

Theme Song: "Untouchable" - Garbage

Part III: Appearance

Perhaps non-threatening at first glance, Cécile has the look of your average peasant girl – standing at 5’5”, she’s not particularly tall, nor is her build anything remarkable. She’s on the lean side, and seems to lack many curves in the right places, such as having narrow hips and a moderate to small chest. However, she is unmistakably female, though that is mostly due to her facial features. She's fairly ruler-straight in her main torso, though has somewhat sculpted arms and legs and broad shoulders. Her shoulders and upper arms have clearly defined muscle. Her legs are less thin, but they bear the strength of muscle rather than fat. Cécile can be described as fit and athletic, lacking much body fat, though not anorexic in build. Despite her small bust size, Cécile is still fairly attractive, though for her face more than her body itself.

Attractive, perhaps even described as beautiful, Cécile has a naturally pretty face that seems to come to the attention of many young men, and makes her seem older than sixteen years of age. However, it is also her facial features set upon a long, oval shaped head that allude to her heritage. The bridge of her nose is long and somewhat thin, leading to a broader yet flat base, lacking a pointed tip. Set beneath her nose is a mouth that has a thin upper lip, though a thicker lower, leading to a rather pointed chin. Her coral lips conceal a set of off-white teeth that are generally straight. The only odd thing about these teeth are that the canines seem to be a bit oversized in comparison to the others, and are almost like fangs. Her ears are also somewhat pointed rather than smoothly rounded. However, it is her eyes that are the most significant thing about her – somewhat angular and set beneath an arched brow, they give her a feral look, perhaps alluding to more danger than one would notice at first. The iris of her right eye is in a dark earthy, brown tone, while her left is a vibrant yellow, and definitely wolfish. Once one realizes the look in her eyes, upon drawing back from her, it becomes all too clear that she is part wolf. If showing any expression at all, her mouth is generally curled into a wry, almost predatory smirk.

Fortunately for her, the oddity that is her eye color is concealed by the hair that hangs over her left eye. Parted to one side, long bangs that reach neatly to her chin frame her face, while the rest of her hair is held back in a neat French braid that reaches her shoulders. It is dark brown in color, appearing black when not in direct light. When loose, it falls straight, though the way it looks is deceptive, as her hair is somewhat coarser in texture than it appears. Her skin is a rich sun-browned tone – being that she comes from peasant backgrounds, she does spend more of her time outdoors than nobles would. This also leads to slight hints of scarring on her flesh from traipsing through the woods, but nothing prominent enough to be noteworthy. In addition to her wolfish face, her carriage has a sort of wild grace to it – she’s lithe, flexible, and somewhat of a fast runner, and carries herself with a straight and confident poise.

Cécile’s wardrobe is far more ordinary than her physical attributes. Wearing typical garb of peasants, the material of her garb is either linen or wool. Clad in light undershirts/blouses of un-dyed linen, the most decorative that her tops get are having a string laced up to the neck of the shirt. One thing that she almost always wears is a vibrant red long-sleeved jacket, which she only buttons in the middle. A matching red strip of cloth is tied around her neck like a choker. Rather than wearing a long skirt, because she has to go through the forest to get to her job, Cécile tends to wear trousers of dark, lightweight material that sometimes only reach mid-calf (similar to capris). Covering her feet are thick, sturdy leather calf boots, which she sometimes tucks her longer pants into. At work, she is often seen wearing an apron over her top with her sleeves rolled up.

Part IV: Personality

Despite the fact that wolves in nature form packs and mate for life, Cécile can be described as a lone wolf. This is partially because of her nature, but mostly because of her surroundings. She is not amongst wolves – in the Second Kingdom, she is amongst humans that have had a long history against wolves and their half-breed offspring. She has had no other choice for most of her life but to keep what she is a secret, unless she wanted to face persecution and perhaps being lynched. Perhaps the one word that describes her best is ‘untrusting’. And secondly, 'controlling'.

Polite, but cold, many find it hard to read what Cécile is thinking beneath her mask of utter coolness. Perhaps there had been a time where she would've been more receptive towards keeping the company of others, but now she is fairly isolated and always reserved in conversations, keeping her thoughts to herself and her feelings even closer. She seems self-confident and probably even arrogant, but that's only because she...well, is. Cécile is set into the belief that few people could ever understand her - the only ones who might would be other part-wolves, but those are few and far between - and those who might try to get close could eventually turn on her. A loner, the only reason why she's even talking to people she would not, under any other circumstance, choose to be around is because of the mission she's been thrown into. But that's something else altogether.

With most strangers, Cécile has found it useful to be at least politely kind and listen more than speak, until she can find a way out of the conversation and go back to her own life. No, she doesn't want to talk about the weather, and no, she doesn't want to hear your life story. If there's something you want, you should be forward about it and not waste her time. Thankfully, most people don't come up to her for a casual chat, and usually have a reason behind talking to her. In the event that she is caught up, her replies are sometimes manipulative in nature, though not necessarily harmfully so, but she enjoys being in control of situations and does her best to steer others in her chosen direction, which may be ending the conversation altogether. Often she must use these tactics to avoid questions about herself, but Cécile tries her best not to blatently lie when the time does come. Deception and false pretenses are not welcome. However, she has found it necessary to keep some things a secret, and sometimes white lies are needed to protect people. But she's good at sniffing out liars, as common sense (read: a general skepticism about the world) allows her to be less-than-sure of the word of someone who is overly charming.

However, this is a bit of a hypocritical standard, as she, too, has things to hide and will do what it takes to protect herself. In fact, protecting her status as a part-wolf is probably the thing she is worried about the least. Deceptive in many ways, the thing that she is most concern about is concealing her emotions. Underneath a critically cool and calm demeanor, Cécile is a sensitive and passionate person. She feels more than she'll willingly let anyone know, and believes that certain emotions are better left unspoken, and shown rather than told. One such emotion is not Anger. Being a control-freak goes hand-in-hand with being stubborn, and Cécile is more than devoted to her own moral standards and beliefs -- she will not hesitate to enter into a fight if you pick one with her and try to prove her wrong. Try it, she dares you. Shouting matches are not below her, and neither is the use of physical force. She has a ferocious temper, particularly during her 'cycle', and it only during the week leading up to a full moon that her control is lost. Granted, she'll still be convinced that she's in control, but clearly her rages and capability to be easily irritated prove otherwise.

The fact that she is part-wolf comes into play more than during one part of a month. Ruled by her gut instinct, Cécile is often convinced that She Is Right, Damn It! because she has been endowed with extra senses. When her instincts are challenged, sometimes her pride for being part wolf comes between her and her colleagues. Your puny human nose can't smell the same things as hers, so naturally you are somewhat inferior if you doubt her. She's not that into this new "teamwork" concept, as Cécile is gung-ho about being individualistic and independent, though more in the sense that no one else should have to rely upon her (because, you know, it's not as if she'll ever have to rely on them -- at least, not in her view). She's willing to protect and defend others, but total dependency on others is a weakness that should be eliminated.

If there's anything that Cécile doesn't like, it's incompetency. She has a lot of high standards -- if they're high enough for herself, then they should be applied to everyone else. After all, why should she be any harder on herself than she is on everyone else? It's only fair. She expects people to be reasonable, expects them to be able to utilize their talents to their full potential, expects them to be focused on their given tasks, and expects them to be just as independent as she is. While she leaves room for variation in personality, all Cécile really wants from people is to be able to do their best. They don't have to be the best at the same things she is skilled in (and that is, in fact, preferrable, because she is competitive), but those who are too lazy or too stupid to utilize their full potential are annoying. Idiocy is annoying. Wasting her time is annoying. If you aren't going to do your part and do it well, then she'll do it for you.

She is abrasive and blunt when in a bad mood or if you're not performing your duties as expected. She will roll her eyes, make snarky comments about you, or altogether ignore you. Cécile finds taking the icy method to be effective, as her 'HI YOU SUCK GO AWAY' glare is usually enough to make any remotely sensible person give up. However, in the case of those who are clearly incapable of taking a hint, she will fight fire with fire. If you're not meeting her standards, then your other qualities will not be redeeming until you can prove you are worthy of her respect. Respect is earned, not given, and no one but those who are proven equals (or possibly even better) will get to see her softer side, or at least have her stop talking down to them. Friendliness and kindness are often associated with naivete, and as such, Cécile can't help but speak down to some of the 'nicer' sailor soldiers. She may not intend to do it out of malice, but she feels she knows better than you.

Now, Cécile is not all bark and bite. She has a high list of dislikes and demands of others, but once someone has proven that they can be trusted, or at least respected, then she's willing to let people in a little more. Her sense of humor is still on the wry and a bit meaner side, but she's less openly critical and temperamental, but more accepting. Rather, she'll humor you and just sigh and shake her head if she feels you're being immature or embarrassing. She's not likely to confess her deepest feelings or have profoundly moving conversations, but she just might crack a smile and try to have a good time.

While it may seem like Cécile is a fair weather friend, put these bonds of friendship to the test, and one can see that her loyalty is strong. Her expression of her concern may not be overt, but if it came down to it, she would protect her true friends with her life. At the same time, she might also be even more critical and controlling of their actions, and will not hesitate to point out serious faults and moments of stupidity. Akin to the method of her grandmother, she expresses tough love, though it is often misinterpreted, and she has difficulty apologizing, as she feels she has done nothing wrong. Despite being somewhat difficult to live with, ultimately Cécile is a good person and a good friend at heart, and always has the best of intentions.

Despite her young age, Cécile is already embittered and jaded when it comes to issues such as love or romance, and has thus far planned to live her life as a virgin. She ignores any physical or sexual attraction, because she knows what happened the last time she gave into desires. Because her sense of trust has been damaged, her sense of romantic love has been crushed with it. She can understand platonic love – she loves her grandmother, and she will learn to love her friends. But anything deeper, especially to the point of involving sexual relations, she has almost a phobia of. Even public displays of intimate affection between others tend to disgust her. Perhaps she still has it in her, somewhere beneath the fear of letting go of control, to desire the sort of intimate and nurturing love from a romantic companion, but for the most part, she pushes away any advances on instinct.

All in all, Cécile is a guarded, cold person – a lone wolf in society. It’s not easy to get her to trust others, or for her to allow others to trust her. After her experiences with a deceptive and cruel man, her faith in the beauty of the world has been lost, creating a broken girl with a cynical outlook on life. However, her aloof behavior conceals a truly passionate person. Once she adjusts to the company of the other soldiers, she will become loyal to them like they are her pack. One can only hope that her new life as a soldier will restore her happiness.

Part V: Senshi Profile

"The song of the wolves calls me to condemn you, and so flames of wrath will strike you down! I am Sailormars!"

Senshi name: Sailor Mars

Element: Fire, Stone

Colors: Red and gray

Weapon: None.

Transformation Item: A strip of red cloth.

Transformation Sequence: Cécile draws the piece of cloth from around her neck and holds it in her fist, the background dimming to crimson. Her body floats in henshin space, her silhouette in a twinkling bright red. She stands with her legs spread apart, toes pointed downwards, and her arms raised above her head. The red cloth becomes a snake of flame, and wraps itself like a ribbon over her body, starting from the wrist and snaking around her rapidly where her fuku appears. It becomes something like a cocoon of lava, then darkens and hardens into stone.

With a sharp and loud rumble, the stone casing shatters apart, exploding in a burst of pale red light with pieces of sparkling stone flying everywhere. Starting from her heels, the camera pans upwards to reveal her fuku, stopping at her eyes. Her eyes open, at first both glowing an intense red, then yellow, then restored to normal. As her tiara sprouts from the red gem on her forehead, from the top of her head forms a red hood and wolf ears. The red cloth continues from the hood to form the sailor lapel/cape over her shoulders and down her back.

Sailormars lands in her finishing pose with her arms crossed over her chest, body turned to the right, with her right leg turned forward and her left leg behind her and turned to the right. Behind her is a full, bright, blood red moon against a dark sky.

Fuku: The first thing to note about Sailormars’ fuku is the red cloak – she almost always wears the hood piece. In addition to the hood, however, Sailormars also bears false wolf ears, which don’t replace her normal ears, just rest on the top of her head. They poke through the hood if it is worn. Set upon her forehead is a thin silver tiara, set with a red gem in the center. Around her neck is a gray choker of a shiny ribbon-like material. Combining the cape with the sailor collar, the part of the red cloak that falls over her shoulders has white piping along the edge and is tied closed on her chest into a small red bow of string. The back of the cape continues the piping to her shoulder-blades, where the white comes together in a straight line, like on the sailor lapel. The rest of the flowing red cloth falls to the back of her knees. Beneath the cloak, Sailormars wears a gray sleeveless v-neck, over which is a red corset (matching the vibrant cloak) with the strings in the front. Over both the corset and the top is a darker red sash that ends in two forked tails reaching to her mid-calf. Upon her legs are gray trousers that reach just below her knee, and are tied to her legs above her knees by thick red ribbon in the same shade at the sash. Similar ribbons serve as bands around her upper arms, and to tie her fingerless gloves to her wrists. The red gloves reach up to her mid lower arm. Her feet are clad in silvery-gray fur boots.

Asteroid Hail

    What it looks like: Sailormars cups her hands together then opens them slightly to reveal a stone in her palms. She then holds it in one hand and bends over to strike it against the ground. It sparks like a piece of flint, and as she returns to standing upright, it ignites into a brilliant orange-red ball of energy, surrounded by flames. She then leans back and pulls her arm back, in a pose similar to that of a baseball pitcher, and throws it towards the enemy. As it soars through the air, the stone is broken into about five or so pieces, and they fall towards the enemy like shooting stars.
    What it does: Its purpose is simple enough: to pelt the enemy with really, really hot chunks of stone/energy. They aren’t that large pieces once it’s been broken up, and are about a little more than an inch in diameter. Though it doesn’t look like it, they are still pieces of rock – except at such a high temperature, they seem to glow. It simply burns to be hit by them, similar to the effect of searing a person (doesn’t leave permanent marks, but it still leaves an opponent sore afterwards…if they’re still alive), and they can possibly ignite an enemy on fire if they’re wearing enough long, flammable clothing (doesn’t catch on skin, that would be too sick…).

Fighting Style: Offensive

Senshi Mission: As Sailormars, your job is to protect the princess. It’s a significant step up from being a common peasant – as well as a significant step up for those who have wolf in their blood. If a half wolf can save the kingdom, and a quarter wolf can protect a princess who is destined to bring about the next golden age, then it makes an amazing progress for her kind. Why not be proud and take advantage of such a high position? Admittedly, Cécile was a bit reluctant to make what had been a secret most of her life public, but the end result seemed to justify her personal sacrifice.

Part VI: History

Once upon a time, a woodcutter and his wife had a baby girl. They lived in the Red Riding Hood Forest in a small town of loggers, through which merchants often passed through. They were supposed to have lived happily ever after. However, the woodcutter’s wife was no ordinary woman – she was a half wolf. Most of the time, temptation for destruction caused by the moon, with the support of her husband and the notion that she had a daughter to protect. However, on the day before the full moon was to rise, the woodcutter was forced to go on a trip to a larger city for trading business. He was determined to return home before evening fell, but he was caught up in an accident. It was on that same night that his wife couldn’t help but give in to her transformation, and it was on that night that she attacked a passing merchant’s livestock.

When the woodcutter came home, he found his house burned down and his wife dead – slaughtered and charred. Frightened and furious, he could not find his daughter there, and he searched the forests until sunrise. The woodcutter woke up to the cries of a baby girl – his little Cécile, who was bundled up in a red cloak and had a note attached to her. She had been rescued by a sympathetic neighbor, before the raging merchant and his companions destroyed the building. However, the note told him to leave and never return lest he be killed as well. For several nights and days, the woodcutter carried his daughter to his wife’s mother’s home. He could not care for her himself, not when he had nothing left but a few coins and no place to go. He also could not bear to see her face, which reminded him too much of his wife.

So Cécile was left with her grandmother, and the woodcutter never returned. Grandmother was a loving but strict woman, who ran the local bakery and lived just outside of town by herself, a widow. She had not seen any of her children in years, and to find that her only daughter had been killed was devastating. She was quite willing to take Cécile in and care for her, home schooling her when she was not at work. For fourteen years they lived in peace, and though it was known that she had had half-wolf children, she was still well respected in their community. Cécile began to take up more of the chores as Grandmother got older, and the management of the bakery began to fall into the hands of their loyal employees. Eventually Grandmother retired from baking, and Cécile remained working there to ensure that the bakery lived up to its reputation.

One day on her way to work, Cécile was fourteen when she met a handsome man when she was taking a shortcut through the woods. Straying from the path was something that she always did, but normally she did not meet up with strangers on her way. The man was only a few years older than she, in his twenties, and seemed like a very nice person. Though she often seemed to attract the attention of most of the young men in town, he was much more charming than any of the boys she knew, and he offered to escort her to town. They got along quite well, and for a few days he continued to meet her in the woods and take her to town. By the end of the week they were friends, and Cécile was enamored by him.

One day, the young man met her in the woods, holding a bottle of wine and a basket containing cake. Pleased and surprised by this, Cécile was happy to oblige him when he suggested that they have a picnic. Despite being told not to drink by Grandmother, she drank several glasses of wine and ate merrily while they talked. She began to feel tired and a bit tipsy, and followed the man’s suggestion to take a nap. So she laid her head down on the grassy knoll and closed her eyes. She was suddenly startled by the feeling of rough lips on hers and the weight of the man’s body on top of her. Aware and afraid of what he was trying to do, she pleaded with him to get off, but her cries were unanswered as he placed a hand over her mouth to muffle her. Desperately scrambling beneath him, Cécile was too light and weak to throw him off of her, though she felt around at the ground beside her and grabbed onto a fist-sized rock. With all of her strength, she raised it and smashed it on the back of his head, knocking him aside and unconscious long enough for her to escape.

Cécile ran home in tears, and admitted the terrible things that she had done to Grandmother. Though upset and disappointed that Cécile had not listened to her, Grandmother explained that it wasn’t the girl’s fault, and to lock the doors. Cécile had told the man where she lived, and so when he awoke, he followed her to the house. It was in the evening that he knocked on the door, using a falsely friendly voice – he only wanted to apologize. But neither Cécile or Grandmother believed him, and so he tried to pretend that he was someone else. Finally he realized he could not get through the front door, so he went away. The next morning, Grandmother tried to stop Cécile from leaving the house, but believing that the man had given up, she went to work anyway. Wearing a piece of the red cloak that she had been wrapped in as a baby, it was for her Grandmother to recognize her identity and unlock the door when she came home. This time, Cécile took the main path to town and arrived at work safely.

When Cécile came home wearing the strip of red cloth, the door to the cabin was open. She could smell an intruder and danger in the room, but the house seemed empty of people. Against better judgment, she went further inside the house and went into her grandmother’s room, where she heard banging noises. The sounds were coming from the closet, which Cécile quickly ran to open, and from out of the closet spilled a bound and gagged Grandmother. Frantically untying the old woman, she did not notice the man standing behind her. He grabbed her arms and yanked her away, and though she screamed and kicked at him, it did her little good. He threw her on the bed, Grandmother still tied up tightly in rope and helpless to do anything but shout. It was then that instinct set in, and she managed to twist around and bite his hand. Freeing her arm, she grabbed the red bandana from her neck, setting her first transformation in motion.

In a burst of flame, the man was repelled from Cécile and she reemerged as Sailormars. Fighting him off with her new powers, she burnt the man badly and knocked him unconscious. Weary after her battle, Cécile de-transformed and freed her grandmother, tying up the man with his own rope. They managed to drag him to the town jail, explaining that he had committed attempted murder and rape, as well as had been stalking them. Apparently, the man was a serial rapist/murderer, and wanted throughout the Second and neighboring Kingdoms. Though the man protested that he was the one who was the victim and that the girl had transformed into something, no one believed his accusations. Cécile and Grandmother returned home, keeping the secret of Cécile’s transformation.

From then on, Cécile learned never to talk to or trust strangers, and she learned how to defend herself from becoming prey by utilizing all of her senses. She also learned that she was more special than just part wolf – but she did not understand just how special she was, or what her destiny was to become.

Part VII: Miscellaneous

Enhanced senses: Aside from prosecution and dislike by most humans, being ¼ wolf has its benefits – Cécile has a more sensitive sense of smell, ability to hear, has sharper vision, and quicker reflexes. She’s not superhuman in terms of strength or speed, but she is quicker to respond to danger or can sense it coming, if only a few seconds before it happens. But a few seconds can occasionally mean saving someone’s life. However, this also makes her susceptible to being overwhelmed by her senses more easily than a regular human could – a loud, high pitched tone could potentially damage her hearing and disable her. She also tends to be more irritable during full moons, due to the wolf in her blood.

Original Sailormars fuku design
Cécile Follet
Gown for the Moon Princess Ball

"Gotta Knock A Little Harder" - Yoko Kanno
"Humpty Dumpty" - Aimee Mann 
"Save Me" - Aimee Mann