April 1, 1991 - May 21, 2005
Simba's Story
as told by her sister
Simba Thumbelina Cricket was born on April 1, 1991 at a dairy not far from our home.  The lady there knew my humans wanted a part Siamese kitten, and when Simba & her brother were born she called meowmie to ask if she wanted the girl from the litter.  Meowmie said yes, and wondered how she would wait six long weeks to be able to adopt Simba because she was so excited!  After two weeks my parents went to see Simba because her eyes had opened, and fell in love with her, and again, wondered how they would wait four more weeks to adopt her!

When the day finally came they were very happy to have Simba join the family which consisted of only two other kitties at that time, my sisfur Mickey who was one year old, and my brofur Mouse who was 15.  Simba was very sweet and happy, although she had some allergies with her eyes and nose for awhile when she was a baby, but she outgrew that and was very healthy till she was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism when she was 13 years old.

Simba fit right into the family, and after a couple days Mickey stopped hissing and started to take Simba under her wing, and maybe thought she was her baby.  Mouse would watch the two from a distance.  They kept him very entertained.  Mickey taught little Simba many things, how to hunt birds for one, but for many years Simba would not harm any birds.  If she saw a bird that Mickey had caught she would just look at it, and not try and hurt it. The first time Mickey presented Simba with a bird Simba had no idea what to do, but she understood that it was some sort of trophy because she took it in her mouth and trotted around a big circle in the yard as proud as she could be!  When she got tired, she put the bird down and never tried to eat it.

As Simba's personality grew she became the boss of our house, almost talking to my parents and telling them and all us kitties what to do.  Between her purrs, meows and chirps she got her point across.  Over the years five other kitties came to live here, me included.  Simba was 4 years old when I came to live here and she welcomed me and never acted cross even at first!  Simba loved everyone and everything.  Simba hated it if she ever heard anyone get upset and would hide under the bed until things calmed down.  Simba liked to supervise things my parents did.  One time when my daddy human had pruned the trees and had the limbs stacked up and was moving them from one part of the yard to the other, Simba stayed out for hours with him trotting back and forth as he moved all the limbs.

We have a special cat proof fence around our kingdom, and one time to my parents surprise, Simba jumped from a tree to the top of the patio roof!  Up until then, none of the other kitties had ever attempted that, or escaped from the kingdom for that matter.  Daddy ended up having to cut the tree back several feet to stop Simba from escaping.  She really wasn't trying to escape, just explore.

Simba's favorite things to do were eating and being brushed.  Besides her cat food, she loved to steal daddy's Honey Nut Cheerios in the morning, and to lick his plate after he'd had syrup.  She liked to get up in the morning with daddy.  As soon as the alarm went off she was on the bed purring loudly to let him know it was time to get up. 

She insisted on being brushed at least a couple times a day, more if she could get it.  She would park herself at meowmies bathroom, either in the room or just outside it, and ask to be brushed each time my parents walked by.  She could never get enough brushing!  At times they thought they would make her go bald with all the brushing because she was short haired to begin with.

Simba loved to carry her toys around especially during the night, and meowmie would often find them in the bathroom, Simba's favorite room.

Another of Simba's favorite things was getting her picture taken, and she liked to be dressed up and to pose.  She'd wear Halloween costumes and take great pleasure in having a fuss made over her.

The habitat has lost its ray of sunshine, and we are very grateful to have had her here with us for the years that we did.
Simba at six weeks old with Mickey looking on from the shadows
Simba loved being pampered by her older sister and best friend Mickey
Simba and Pepe during play time
