Witchiepoo (also known as Witchie, Witchlet, Pooh Bear and Grey Poupon) was born in meowmie's mother's backyard on May 4, 1994. She had a sister and brother who are still living here at the habitat.* The mother of the three kittens was a stray Siamese who was not very tame, so about a week or two after having her babies, she decided to move them, and picked a kingdom two houses up the street from where they had been born, and hid them in a wood pile. Meowmie was upset because she knew her mother's backyard was far safer, so she kept an eye on the family by watching the mother cat's actions (she was still eating her meals at meowmie's mother's.) Meowmie would see her eat and then go up to be with her kittens in the wood pile. Meowmie informed the man at the castle that they were there and that she would take them when they got a bit older. Meowmie was nervous that the mother Siamese (who was named Siam) might decide to move her family again, so she didn't wait too many weeks before deciding to go "steal" them.
One day while Siam was eating one of her meals, meowmie and daddy went up to the wood pile with a kitty carrier and got the kittens into it. They were in a small confined area and were only about 4-5 weeks old, so they weren't hard to catch, however, Witchiepoo was very upset, and hissed and spit at meowmie and daddy thinking she needed to protect herself and brother and sister from humans. She behaved like a little witch and that's how she got her name. When the kittens were placed back in their original birthplace and saw their mother was there, Witchiepoo felt much much better. Siam accepted the fact that they were there, maybe partly because there is a high fence around the kingdom and the kittens were now a bit too big to jump with and take away in her mouth. So, the family settled in and in a few weeks the kittens came to live at the happy habitat while Siam remained with meowmie's mother. The other two kittens were named Danny Boy & Tinkerbell. They were all a year old before I came to live here. When I came here Witchiepoo lived up to her name and acted like a witch towards me at first, but after awhile she left me alone.
Even though Siam was not a feral, she was very untrusting. It took quite a few months to get her tame enough to pick up, etc. She instilled this fear into her kittens, especially Witchiepoo, who preferred to be off by herself in the kingdom. She didn't care for petting or interaction, however in her later years she warmed up to my meowmie and daddy some and would run out to let them pet her. Each morning and evening when meowmie would be tending to the kitty chores, Witchiepoo would run out of her favorite bush and lie in a certain spot on the ground, and ask to be petted. She also loved to be brushed. If any of the other kitties came around her during this time she would lash out and demand her own private time. Her purr was very faint but was there at special times. Sometimes meowmie would pick her up but Witchiepoo would stiffen up and be uncertain if she really liked that.
Witchiepoo was a very good hunter and caught many birds in her lifetime. She was very fast and meowmie and daddy joked that she was going quickly, quickly on her broomstick. She loved to lie in the tree on the perches and rest under the bushes. She was always very healthy during her life so it was a shock when at age 14, she suddenly started having a problem in her mouth and a fast growing tumor was discovered under her tongue area.
Witchiepoo is buried in the kingdom near the purr babies who have gone to rainbow bridge before her.
* Danny Boy joined Witchiepoo at the bridge on 10-19-09. |