I grew this catnip to earn my gardening badge.
I advanced to Explorer Purr Scout after earning three badges.
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Kitty Clubs & Activities
I'm dressed for Purr Scouts!
Purr Scouts
These are the badges I have earned!
At CLAW's Award Ceremony on 9-25-99 I was the proud recipient of this fabulous award!
After earning ten badges & doing a special project I advanced to Master Purr Scout.  To see my special project click on my Helping Paws pin
I am a very proud Purr Scout!
Being a part of Purr Scouts is so great and getting awards like this makes it even better!
We Purr Scouts were all very proud to be members of a CLAW Featured Group for July, 2000!
Click on home badge to view my hometown page!
At CLAW's Award Ceremony on 8-25-00 I was honored with this fabulous award!
We were again honored in Sept. 2002 as Featured Group of CLAW!
I received this award at the CLAW awards ceremony 11/02!
This page chronicles a club I used to be active in.  This club is inactive now.  Some of the links still work.  I had lots of fun being a Purr Scout.

Gus, The
Theater Cat