Nine years ago Danny Boy won this cool award!  Look at him in his winning scary costume!
eight years ago it was Pepe and her friend Puffer who brought home the honors!
Pepe wanted to be the first to welcome you to the Purr Babies Halloween Page.
Witchiepoo is watching for any trick or treaters that venture too close.
Simba thinks she looks the best of all in her little Miss Muffet outfit.
Mickey thinks she is way too old to be putting on some silly outfit.
Danny Boy is keeping his ears open for any danger to the habitat.
Tinkerbell is standing watch cause she heard there were pomegranate thieves in town.
Seven years ago Pepe & Puffer won this fine award for their butterfly outfits they wore to the costume party.
Seven years ago Simba was thrilled to win this award for posing so well in her little orange witch hat.
Seven years ago Stormy was so hungry that he started to eat his pumpkin pie raw.
Six years ago Simba was so pleased with this award for her
BoPeep outfit!
Six years ago Stormy felt very proud of his Best Design award!
Six years ago Pepe & Puffer were delighted to receive this award in the CLAW costume contest!
Stormy is resting after a long day herding them doggies. (2005)
Stormy was very excited to wear his Batman outfit and even more excited to receive this award!
Simba was so happy to find out that she was not the only one that thought she looked good as Miss Muffet!
Ms Pepe loves Halloween and dressing up.  Receiving this award in her green renaissance gown was a special treat.
Stormy and friend Sylvannia, as Unicorns, accompanied Pepe and Sylvannia's brother Buddee, as Minnie & Mickey Mouse, to a fun Halloween party two years ago, where they entered a costume contest.
Come experience Supercat's thrilling Halloween tale...... if you dare!
Pepe was very much surprised to get this award!
Stormy looks like he is up to some skulduggery! (2006)
Honey Nut and her little friend bunny were on the lookout in 2007 for any trick or treaters that might come into the habitat.
Stormy decided there is safety in numbers.  He dares any boogymen to bring it on. (2007)
Every Halloween needs a witch and Cocoa Puff was ready to cast a spell on her first Halloween in 2007.
Pepe and her new Wink Shamus Blue are dressed as Sandy and Danny from "Grease."  Shamus' meowmie put them in their costumes
Pepe's wink Shamus Blue and family has a wonderful Halloween page for you to visit!
Honey Nut wanted to wear a costume and didn't she look sweet.  But don't be fooled, she could be quite mischievous when she wanted to be. (2008)
Stormy planned to have a devilish good time trick or treating. (2008)
Cocoa Puff wore a skull collar that made her look extra spooky. (2008)
Check out this great party and hayride!
Stormy did so good last year with the trick or treating he thought the devilish look might be even better this year.
Cocoa Puff says she will do almost anything for treats, even wear a silly, yet cute costume like this one.
Honey Nut says she can be just as spooky and even more scary than her sister was last year.  If not, then she'll call on her four friends to scare up some treats.

on Parade