Main/Comics/Merchandise/Credits/Order/Submissions/Fan Art/Links/Contact

Purrsia Press accepts comics material of multiple genres. We specialize in manga-themed titles, but we also publish other comic types, such as sci-fi, fantasy, drama, comedy, horror, furry, superhero, etc.

We operate by doing a single intial print run of each comic. Further publications or future issues of that are based on how well the original comic sells. Submissions are done one of two ways, either as their own title, or in one of our anthology series. Depending on the length of the submission, or if it's intended to be a continuing story, it would be published as its own title. If it is a short submission, particularly a self-contained story, then it would probably be placed in one of our anthologies. All those whose submissions are published as their own title would recieve half of the original print run for themselves to keep and do with what they want. All those whose submissions are placed in an anthology title would instead recieve a finite number of copies of the original print run based on how much of that issue their work takes up.
Here are the guidelines for all our submissions:

*Send all material either as hard copies(prints or printouts)on 8 1/2 x 11 white paper, or on CD-ROM. No original artwork.
*All characters and storylines must be the artist's original creation. No fan art or fan comics. If material is not from the artist's creation, then they must show the original owner's consent.
*All interior artwork must be in black & white or greyscale, and inked. Only cover art should be colored.
*Only send completed submissions. Do not post or email us samples.
*No material dealing with ultra-violence, sex, or excessive frontal nudity.
Send all submissions to our postal address: P.O. Box 53113, Atlanta, GA. 30355, USA
Please include this submission form along with your artwork.
For any further info, please email us!