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Company "B" Bios I to R

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  1. Coy B Irwin John T. (Thomas) Home Richmond AAE 19 Rnk Pvt. DLE 20 March 1864 Richmond, Other Info:

  2. Coy B Jackson Charles Home Detroit AAE 18 Rnk Pvt. DLE 14 March 1862 Detroit, Other Info: Attached Co. F 17th Mich. Inf. Returned on 09 April 1864

  3. Jenkins George W. Home Hudson AAE 19 Rnk Pvt. DLE 10 May 1861 Hudson, Discharged DLD 13 July 1862 Other Info:

  4. Jessup, Joseph, Home: Milford, AAE: 21, Rnk: Pvt., DLB: 25 June 1840 England, DLE: 10 May 1861 Hudson, Jessup was in Company B, 2nd Michigan Infantry, 1861- 1862, until he was taken prisoner at Williamsburg, Va. DLD: 21 May 1862 Washington Dc, After his discharge, he re-enlisted in Company H, 5th Michigan Cavalry. Other Info: Worked as a Farmer, TLDD: Natural; Died of Consumption 18 December 1909, Seventeen letters (1861-1865) written for him by men in his company. He tells briefly of camp life, food and a box from home, sutlers, the weather, picket duty, skirmishing and the capture of rebels and rebel property, with one paragraph about General Custer and his "Flying Devils of Michigan." One letter, written to him by John Van Sickle, concerns news of men in the company; another, telling of his being wounded in battle, was written to his mother by John Brown of the 5th Michigan Cavalry. Page Apr. 29th 2005

  5. Coy B Johnson Henry M. Home Hudson AAE 18 Rnk Pvt. DLE 10 May 1861 Hudson,Disability Discharged DLD 06 October 1861 Other Info:

  6. Coy B Johnson John Home Detroit AAE 19 Rnk Pvt. DLE 31 March 1864 Detroit, Other Info:

  7. Coy B Jones Walter P. Home Fenton AAE 24 Rnk Pvt. DLE 29 March 1864 Fenton, Mustered Out DLD 28 July 1865 Delaney House DC Other Info:

  8. Coy B June, John L. Home Hudson AAE 22 Rnk Pvt. DLE 10 May 1861 Hudson, Other Info: Attached Co. B 17th Mich. Inf. Returned on 09 April 1864.

  9. Coy B Kane John Home Muskegon AAE 23 Rnk Pvt. DLE 26 March 1864 Muskegon, Mustered Out DLD 28 July 1865 Delaney House DC Other Info:

  10. Coy B Kehl Anthony Home Detroit AAE 20 Rnk Pvt. DLE 10 May 1861 Hudson, Other Info: Attached Co. B 17th Mich. Inf. Returned on 09 April 1864.

  11. Coy B Keller Lewis -or- Louis Home Detroit AAE 18 Rnk Pvt. DLE 28 March 1864 Detroit, Other Info: TLDD KIA Petersburg Va. 25 March 1865.

  12. Kellogg, George L., Home: Jackson, AAE: 19, Rnk: Pvt., DLE: 29 March 1864 Cambria, Other Info: TLDD: DOW Portsmouth Grove RI, 26 August 1864, Cemetery: Philadelphia National; Philadelphia PA #66, He also had a headstone in the Chester Rural Cemetery, Government lot-Delaware County PA. Page Jan. 29,2006

  13. B Kidder, Henry A., Rollin, 21, Pvt. Page Oct. 28,2005

  14. Coy B, Kling Jacob Home Detroit AAE 29 Rnk Pvt. DLE 12 March 1864 Detroit, Other Info: died of disease in Prison, TLDD DIP Andersonville 01 Sept. 1864.

  15. Coy B, Lacy James Home Muskegon AAE 22 Rnk: Pvt., DLE 26 February 1864 Muskegon, Other Info: TLDD KIA Petersburg Va. 17 June 1864.

  16. Coy B, Ladd Joseph Home Pontiac AAE 22 Rnk Pvt., DLE 10 May 1861 Hudson, Other Info: Attached Co. B 17th Mich. Inf. Returned on 09 April 1864.

  17. Coy B, Langan James Home Detroit AAE: 22 Rnk Pvt., DLE 21 March 1864 Detroit, Other Info: TLDD: 14 April 1866 Cemetery Elmwood Detroit Mich.,

  18. Coy B, Lenz Joseph Home Detroit AAE 18 Rnk Pvt. DLE 18 February 1864 Detroit TLDD KIA Petersburg Va. 18 June 1864

  19. Coy B Leonard William Home Detroit AAE 33 Rnk Pvt. DLE 18 March 1864 Detroit Mustered Out DLD 28 July 1865 Delaney House DC Cemetery Oakhurst Whitehall Mi

  20. Coy B Littlefield Charles H Home Ann Arbor AAE 27 Rnk Pvt. DLE 30 March 1864 Ann Arbor Transfered: to B Co. 2nd Mich. Inf Mustered Out DLD 28 July 1865 Delaney House DC

  21. Coy B Loomis James M. Home Hudson AAE 29 Rnk Pvt. DLE 10 May 1861 Hudson Other Info: Attached Co. B 17th Mich. Inf. Returned on 09 April 1864

  22. Coy B Lynch John Home China Mich. AAE 18 Rnk Pvt. DLE 22 March 1864 China Mich.

  23. Coy B Lyon Franklin D. Home Hudson AAE 18 Rnk Pvt. DLE 10 May 1861 Hudson Discharged DLD 02 February 1865 Detroit Other Info: TLDD Natural Cemetery Pine Ridge Bay City Mi Page May 3rd 2005

  24. Coy B Main Henry Home Medina AAE 21 Rnk Pvt. DLE 10 May 1861 Hudson Disability Discharged DLD 13 October 1861

  25. Mapes, William L., Home: Ransom Centre, AAE: 23, Rnk: Pvt., DLE: 25 May 1861 Hudson, Enlisted D Co. 11th Mich. Cav., DLD: 10 August 1865 Pulaski Tenn., Other Info: He is reported to having Died of Wounds on Aug. 25 1862. He was actually discharged for wounds Aug. 25, 1862. Date of Discharge does not confirm this. Last Reported Residence at Ransom Mich. Page July 1st 2005

  26. McCarthy, Dennis, Home: Wright, AAE: 21, Rnk: Pvt., DLE: 16 March 1864 Wright, Mustered Out, DLD: 28 July 1865 Delaney House DC, Other Info: Page July 1st 2005

  27. Coy B, McKalloy -or- Nickloy Orin Home Hudson AAE: 24 Rnk Pvt. DLE 25 April 1861 Hudson, Mustered Out DLD 21 May 1862 Washington Dc Other Info:

  28. Coy B, McKalloy -or- Nickloy William Home Hudson AAE 22 Rnk Pvt. DLE 10 May 1861 Hudson, Disability Discharged DLD 18 October 1861 Other Info:

  29. Miller, James, Home: Jonesville, AAE: 19, Rnk: Pvt., DLE: 22 March 1864 Jonesville, Other Info: Page July 1st 2005

  30. Coy B, Minner Gregory Home Richmond AAE 30 Rnk Pvt. DLE 12 March 1864 Richmond Mich., Other Info:

  31. Coy B, Monroe Alexander Home Port Huron AAE 35 Rnk Pvt. DLE 03 March 1864 Port Huron, Other Info:

  32. Coy B, Morgan James Home Ash AAE 20 Rnk Pvt., DLE 10 March 1864 Ash, Other Info:

  33. Coy B, Morwood Hugh -or- Henry Home Hudson AAE 19 Rnk Fifer DLE 10 May 1861 Hudson, Other Info: Attached Co. B 17th Mich. Inf. Returned on 09 April 1864.

  34. Mysick (Myrick), Charles F., Home: Hudson, AAE: 25, Rnk: Pvt., DLE: 10 May 1861 Hudson, Disability Discharged, DLD: 18 October 1861, Other Info: Page July 1st 2005

  35. Coy B, Nichols David R. Home Milford AAE 21 Rnk Pvt. DLE 10 May 1861 Hudson, Disability Discharged DLD 22 May 1863 Detroit Other Info:

  36. Coy B, O'Brien John Home Detroit AAE 22 Rnk Pvt. DLE 29 February 1864 Sumpter, Other Info: TLDD KIA Petersburg Va. 18 June 1864

  37. Coy B, O'Brien Timothy, Home Detroit AAE 18 Rnk Pvt. DLE 11 March 1864 Detroit, Discharged DLD 26 June 1865 Philadelphia Pa Other Info:

  38. Palmer, Levant D., Home: Pittsford, AAE: 20, Rnk: Pvt. to 2nd Lt., DLE: 10 May 1861 Hudson, Transfered: from Company B to Company F, Discharged Dec.31, 1863 to re enlist as veteran. Promotions: to 1st Sgt. on 15 April 1865; to 2nd Lt. on 22 July 1865, Mustered Out DLD: 28 July 1865 Delaney House DC, Other Info: Cemetery: Maple Shade Onsed, Mich, Page Sept. 8,2006

  39. Parker, George W. (Willard), Home: Hudson, AAE: 20, Rnk: Pvt., DLE: 10 May 1861 Hudson, Disability Discharged, DLD: 18 October 1861, Other Info: TLDD: 26 FEB 1894, Hanover cemetery in Jackson Cty., Jan. 14,2006

  40. Parker, Joseph, *NOR, Co. B. 2nd Mich. Inf. Cemetery: Soldiers' Home; Grand Rapids Township; Kent Co., Mich. Page May 8,2005

  41. Parkman, Milan L co b 2nd Mich inf. died 6/7/1911, 75, GAR Page May 18,2005

  42. Pettit, Abram M., Home: Hudson, AAE: 26, Rnk: Sgt.

  43. Coy B Pike Albert H. Home Muskegon AAE 21 Rnk Pvt. DLE 24 March 1864 Muskegon, Deserted, Other Info: deserted at While On Furlough in Mich. on 15 February 1865, Joined regiment 05/25/64

  44. Pixley, Henry S., Home: Rome Mich., AAE: 21, Rnk: Pvt.-Corp., DLE: 10 May 1861 Hudson, Mustered in Co. B 25th of May 1861, Promotions: to Corp. on 31 December 1863, Mustered Out, DLD: 28 July 1865 Delaney House DC, Other Info: Re-enlisted at Blain's Cross Roads Tenn. 31 Dec. 1863. May 18,2005

  45. Plumb Sylvanus R. Home Hudson AAE 21 Rnk Pvt., DLE 10 May 1861 Hudson, Disability Discharged DLD 13 October 1862 Other Info:

  46. Coy B Pomeroy George W. -or- Quartus W. Home Hudson AAE 22 Rnk Wagoner, DLE: 10 May 1861 Hudson, Other Info: Attached Co. B 17th Mich. Inf., Returned on 09 April 1864, Last Reported Residence at Westphalia Mich.

  47. Coy B Porrett Nelson Home Groveland AAE 18 Rnk Pvt. DLE 25 March 1864 Groveland, Disability Discharged DLD 05 May 1865 Other Info:

  48. B, Power, John, Home Milford AAE 21, Rnk: Pvt. to Corp., DLE: 10 May 1861 Hudson, Promotions: to Corp. on 05 July 1862, Other Info: WIA & MIA in Jackson on June 11th 1863. He became a POW.

  49. Reed, James O., Home: Grass Lake, AAE: 44, Rnk: Pvt., DLE: 03 August 1864 Grass Lake, Disch by order War Dept., DLD: 24 May 1865 Detroit Other Info: Cemetery: Oak Grove Manchester, MI Page May 18,2005

  50. Richards, Alexander, Home: St Johns, AAE: 44, Rnk: 1st Sgt. to RSM, Co. B & HQ, Page #2 Aug. 16,2006

  51. Coy B Riley Charles H. Home Detroit AAE 20 Rnk Pvt. DLE 10 May 1861 Hudson, Disability Discharged DLD 07 November 1861 Fort Lyon Va. Other Info:

  52. Rinehart, Sheldon, Home: Pontiac, AAE: 20, Rnk: Pvt. to Sgt., DLE: 10 May 1861 Hudson, Promotions: to Sgt. on 01 June 1863, Mustered Out, DLD: 09 April 1864, Other Info: Last Reported Residence at Eagle Lake Florida, Cemetery: Veteran's Grand Rapids Kent Mi., Page May 8,2005

  53. Coy B Roberts Thomas W. Home Detroit AAE 44 Rnk Pvt. DLE 17 February 1864 Detroit, Mustered Out DLD 28 July 1865 Delaney House DC Other Info:

  54. Coy B Roe Joseph Home Springfield AAE 21 Rnk Pvt. DLE 10 May 1861 Hudson, Disability Discharged DLD 07 November 1861 Fort Lyon Va. Other Info:

  55. Coy B Ruddock Sidney Home Moulin Rouge AAE 24 Rnk Pvt. DLE 10 May 1861 Hudson Disability Discharged DLD 05 December 1862 Washington Dc Other Info:

    *** Russell, Albert L, *NOR b. 1842, d. 1931, Co B 2nd Mich Inf Long Beach Municipal Cemetery, Los Angeles County, California Page April 25,2005

Note #1 The ones with (1) beside their ranks indicates that they were the First Captain, 1st Lieutenant and 2nd Lieutenant of the Company.

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Table of Abbreviations
Coy = Company AAE = Age at Enlistment
Rnk = Rank DLB = Date and Location of Birth
DLE = Date and Location of Enlistment DLD = Date and Location of Discharge
KIA = Killed in Action MIA = Missing in Action
POW = Prisoner of War DIP = Died in Prison
DOW = Died of Wounds DofD = Died of Disease
TLDD = Type, Location & Date of Death DOAI = Died of Accidental Injury
NOR = Not On Rosters I found

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