Substitutes & Drafted Soldiers

Unassigned Soldiers
Unknown Company
Drafted & Substitutes

    This is the list of Substitutes. The reason I decided to add this list here is very simple. Some of your ancestors might have been drafted or might have volunteered to be Substitute for another soldier.

    For many personal reasons Civil War Soldiers that were drafted and could not go to war could hire another to go in their place.

    This worked some of the times. It was abused by those wishing to defraud others and collect the Bounty. In some cases they would collect the money, report to the recruiting center then dissapear without a trace.

    This list is still under construction so please be patient as I gather the names together. If you have any links, info or names to add please let me know.

      Drafted Soldiers:

    1. Beacher, Levi, Substitute by Knowles, Jacob
    2. Bump, Henry, Substitute by Milton, Archie
    3. Burger, William, Substitute by Smith, William (2),
    4. Carlton, Horace, Substitute by Smith, William (1),
    5. Chase, David B., Substitute by McKinney, Mahar
    6. Cramer, John B., Substitute by Chase, David D.(2)
    7. Emerich, Frank, Substitute by Smith, Thomas,
    8. Haynes, Henry, Substitute by Murphy, George,
    9. Hogan, Daniel, Substitute by Dugery, John
    10. King, Aaron, Substitute by Chase, David D.(1)
    11. Lafever, George, Substitute by Thompson, William
    12. Lindsley, William, Substitute by Shirber, Jacob
    13. Miles, Alonzo, Substitute by Mead, John W.
    14. Perkins, Henry, Substitute by Smith, John H.
    15. Ray, George, Substitute by Roff, Emil
    16. Reese, James H., Substitute by Frank, Paul
    17. Stickney, Levy, Substitute by Spencer, Charles,
    18. Warner, John, Washington Tn, n/a, Pvt., Substitute by Neal, Charles W.


    1. Chase, David D.(1), Substitute for King, Aaron
    2. Chase, David D.(2), Substitute for Cramer, John B.
    3. Dugery, John, Substitute for Hogan, Daniel
    4. Frank, Paul, Home: Osceola, AAE: 32, Rnk: Pvt., DLE: 04 March 1863 Unknown, Other Info: Substitute for James H. Reese drafted 02/24/63 from Oceola
    5. Knowles, Jacob, Substitute for Beacher, Levi
    6. McKinney, Mahar, Substitute for Chase, David B.
    7. Mead, John W., Substitute for Miles, Alonzo
    8. Milton, Archie, Substitute for Bump, Henry
    9. Murphy, George, Home: Jackson, AAE: 19, Rnk: Pvt., DLE: 10 February 1865 Jackson, Other Info: Substitute for Henry Haynes,
    10. Neal, Charles W., Home: Washington Tn, AAE: n/a, Rnk: Pvt., DLE: 27 February 1863 Sterling, Other Info: Substitute for Warner, John,
    11. Roff, Emil, Home: Erin, AAE: 28, Rnk: Pvt., DLE: 03 March 1863 Unknown, Other Info: Substitute for George Ray drafted 02/17/63 for 9 months from Erin Macomb Co.
    12. Shirber, Jacob, Substitute for Lindsley, William
    13. Smith, John H., Home: Flushing, AAE: 20, Rnk: Pvt., DLE: 25 February 1863 Flushing, Other Info: Substitute for Henry Perkins who was a substitute for John Patton (Drafted)
    14. Smith, Thomas, Home: Monroe, AAE: 27, Rnk: Pvt., DLE: 10 February 1863 Monroe, Other Info: sent to regiment 03/06/63, Substitute for Frank Emerich (Drafted)
    15. Smith, William (1), Substitute for Carlton, Horace
    16. Smith, William (2), Substitute for Burger, William
    17. Spencer, Charles, Substitute for Stickney, Levy
    18. Thompson, William, Substitute for Lafever, George

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    Table of Abbreviations
    Coy = Company AAE = Age at Enlistment
    Rnk = Rank DLB = Date and Location of Birth
    DLE = Date and Location of Enlistment DLD = Date and Location of Discharge
    KIA = Killed in Action MIA = Missing in Action
    POW = Prisoner of War DIP = Died in Prison
    DOW = Died of Wounds DofD = Died of Disease
    TLDD = Type, Location & Date of Death DOAI = Died of Accidental Injury
    NOR = Not On Rosters I found

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