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Indiana Alphabetical Information

    Name, Rank, ###, Type, Co., Cemetery, Death Date, Age At Death, Notes

  1. BRADLEY, Bazill B. Pvt 29 Inf 1-20-1933 Oct. 22,2005
  2. CARMIEM, Jesse P. Lt 152 Inf F 10-24-1897 Oct. 22,2005
  3. CLARK, Lorenzo Alonzo Pvt 12 Inf A 11-18-1928 Oct. 22,2005
  4. COCHRAN, William E. Pvt 44 Inf F 6 Mar. 1915, Oct. 22,2005
  5. COLE, Royal A. Pvt 100 Inf B B in OH in 1836, 10-5-1897 Oct. 22,2005
  6. Ferris, John A. 87 Inf. K Oct. 22,2005
  7. FRANK, Henry W. * 38 Inf 6-30-1917 Oct. 22,2005
  8. GATES, Henry Pvt 48 Inf I B in OH in *1842, 03/05/1917 Oct. 22,2005
  9. GATRELL, Paylen Henry 47 Inf. B 09/08/1924 Oct. 22,2005
  10. Himmelein, John M., 44 Vol. I b.Aug. 10, 1828 d.June 24, 1897 Oct. 22,2005
  11. HUGHES, Matthew Milton 1st Lt 8 Inf A B in NY, 4-15-1921 Oct. 22,2005
  12. KEATON, Virgil D. Pvt 85 Inf F 9-22-1915 Oct. 22,2005
  13. LUCAS, George W. Pvt 26 Inf D 10-20-1913 Oct. 22,2005
  14. MOSER, Stephen Pvt 152 Inf A B in PA in *1830, 3-28-1912 Oct. 22,2005
  15. PEISCH, Philip E. Pvt 30 Inf K B in PA in 1838, 2-29-1896 Oct. 22,2005
  16. PERRINE, Lewis J. (B) Pvt 30 Inf G B 10-5-1838, 4 March 1915, Oct. 22,2005
  17. PORTER, Amos E. Pvt 15 Inf C 12-15-1907 Oct. 22,2005
  18. PYLES Joseph 88 Inf. B b. May 13, 1843 d. Jan 14, 1902 Oct. 22,2005
  19. REED, Rob't P. Pvt 86 Inf G B in IN in *1836, 8-29-1882 Oct. 22,2005
  20. ROOT, Theodore F. Pvt 75 Inf G 8 Feb. 1915, Oct. 22,2005
  21. ROSENBERGER -or- ROSENBERG, John, Pvt 128 Inf B B in OH, 4-23-1921 Oct. 22,2005
  22. RUCH, Albert P. (*F) Pvt.- Prin Mus, 88 Inf 5-29-1924 Oct. 22,2005
  23. SCALF, Samuel A. Pvt 152 Inf E B 10-31-1837, 11-22-1925 Oct. 22,2005
  24. SHALL or STALL, James 88 Inf. D Oct. 22,2005
  25. SHATTO, Jeremiah J. Sgt 44 Inf K B in PA, 12-23-1899 Oct. 22,2005
  26. SHAW, Charles N. Pvt 74 Inf G 3-23-1912 Oct. 22,2005
  27. SHEARER, Davis R. Pvt 154 Inf F B in PA, 1-24-1908 Oct. 22,2005
  28. SHERBENDY -or- SHERBONDY, J. W., Unk 15 Inf C 2 Apr. 1900, Oct. 22,2005
  29. SMITH, Isaiah Pvt 44 Inf D B in OH, 10 Sept. 1924, Oct. 22,2005
  30. STUTSMAN, Abraham Cpl 9 Inf C B 11-11-1842, 1-25-1916 Oct. 22,2005
  31. VAN ALSTINE, L. (*Lovant) Pvt 74 Inf G 9 Apr. 1908, Oct. 22,2005
  32. WARBLE, Enos M. Pvt 23 LA 07/05/1928 Oct. 22,2005
  33. WARREN, John R. Pvt 59 Inf E Born in 1849, 05/07/1928 Oct. 22,2005

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