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  • Updated: January 12, 2005
  • Rankings are vital to Pro Wrestling Glory. You will not even be considered for a title shot unless you are in the Top 5. These rankings are based on win-loss records, activeness within PWG, creativity of character and storylines, and the overall excitement you add.

    TIE-#1. Jonathan Collins
    For the second set of Rankings in a row, Jonathan Collins finds himself in the number one spot. The only problem? He's sharing with Alex Hudson once again! After battling to another draw, the latest encounter being a time-limit draw, both men retain their top spots.
    TIE-#1. Alex Hudson
    Will Alex Hudson and Jonathan Collins finally be able to bury the question of, "Who is better?" at Hope's Last Stand? In a unique match the two men will face off with the winner meeting John Iley for the PWG Heavyweight Title later that night!
    #3. Joshua Frampton
    Joshua Frampton sticks in the number three spot this week. He has developed a mean streak as of late, using his anger and frustration to take out Stevie Erickson in a brutal beating at New Year Rising. Perhaps the biggest reason Frampton stays at three is due to the neck-and-neck race between Collins and Hudson.
    #4. Mark Sherrick
    Mark Sherrick made his first public statement in quite some time at New Year Rising, claiming that he has been held down by the PWG Officials. Nonetheless, Sherrick has been awarded the number four spot in this week's Top 5, after an impressive showing against John Iley.
    #5. Brandon Williams
    Brandon Williams certainly took it to Chip Masters, but a win over Masters would have meant much more months ago. Chip has visibly lost a few steps recently, and although it is a big win for Williams, it will be a true test to see if he can take down fellow R(E)volution Dojo trainee Joshua Frampton at Hope's Last Stand.
    Previous Rankings

    #1. Jonathan Collins
    #1. Alex Hudson
    #3. Joshua Frampton
    #4. Brandon Williams
    #5. Mark Sherrick

    #1. Joshua Frampton
    #2. Alex Hudson
    #3. Brandon Williams
    #4. Mark Sherrick
    #5. Jonathan Collins

    Data Lost

    #1. Bobby Skylark
    #2. Troy Fenix
    #3. Joshua Frampton
    #4. Mark Sherrick
    #5. Shawn Braxton

    #1. Dune
    #2. Bobby Skylark
    #3. Troy Fenix
    #4. Joshua Frampton
    #5. Chip Masters