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  • Updated: December 1, 2004
  • Basic Rules
    1. No real wrestlers may be used. All creations must be your own.
    2. Skip on the vulgarities. We are a family-oriented organization and want to be able to present this product to all members of those families.
    3. Obviously, you are required to do some sort of on-card segment for each show you are booked on. Do not overdo the in-ring interview. Live crowds are fickle and get bored with interview segments. If it happens backstage, sure, the crowd can't see it, but it will be taken into account for your match and become available on the home video release.
    4. The deadline for submissions of all on-card materials is 12:00 PM (Eastern) two days prior to the show's date. Therefore, if it were a Saturday show, your materials would have to be in by noon on Thursday.
    5. Strategies are due one week before on-cards are due. Using the above example, this would mean that your strategies are due on a Saturday by 12:00PM (Eastern).
    6. There is NO interference in Pro Wrestling Glory matches.

    Match Guidelines
    The following are rules to be followed in Pro Wrestling Glory matches:
    1. 20 second countout
    2. Closed-fists are considered an illegal weapon. That is how they were presented in the golden days of wrestling, and this is how they will be presented now. A warning will be given for the first closed fist used, and after that will come a disqualification.
    3. A title can change hands on a countout or a disqualification.
    4. In some cases, The Pillars of Glory may be ignored. This means no DQs, no countouts, and basically, anything goes. This happens only in certain circumstances when a feud becomes so heated that drastic measures are needed to be taken.

    The Pillars of Glory
    The Pillars of Glory are put into place to ensure the fact that the most competitive, fair, and action packed matches are presented to our public. The Pillars of Glory consist of:
    1. Wrestlers must shake hands before and after each match.
    2. Interference in a match is outlawed.
    3. Harming an official is outlawed.
    4. Backstage attacks are outlawed.