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  Problems in Regression Analysis 


their Corrections


     Multicollinearity refers to the case in which two or more explanatory variables in the regression model are highly correlated, making it difficult or impossible to isolate their individual effects on the dependent variable. With multicollinearity, the estimated OLS coefficients may be statistically insignificant (and even have the wrong sign) even though R2 may be "high". Multicollinearity can some times be overcome or reduced by collecting more data, by utilizing a priory information, by transforming the functional relationship, or by dropping one of the higly collinear variables.

Two or more independent variables are perfectly collinear if one or more of the variables can be expressed as a linear combination of the other variable(s). For example, there is perfect multicollinearity between X1 and X2 if X1 = 2X2 or . If two or more explanatory variables are perfectly linearly correlated, it will be impossible to calculate OLS estimates of the parameters because the system of normal equations will contain two or more equations that are not independent.

High, but not perfect, multicollinearity refers to the case in which two or more independent variables in the regression model are highly correlated. This may make it difficult or impossible to isolate the effect that each of the highly collinear explanatory variables has on the dependent variable. However, The OLS estimated coefficients are still unbiased (if the model is properly specified). Furthermore, if the principal aim is prediction, multicollinearity is not a problem if the same multicollinearity pattern persists during the forecasted period.  

The classic case of multicollinearity occurs when none of explanatory variables in the OLS regression is statistically significant (an some may even have the wrong sign), even though R2 may be high (say, between 0.7 and 1.0). In the less clear-cut cases, detecting multicollinearity may be more difficult. High, simple, or partial correlation coefficients amongst explanatory variables are sometimes used as a measure of multicollinearity. However, serious multicollinearity can be present even if simple or partial correlation coefficients are relatively low (ie less than 0.5).


Serious multicollinearity may sometimes be corrected by 1) extending the size of the sample data, 2) utilizing a priory information (for example, we may know from a previous study that b2=0.25b1), 3) transforming the functional relationship, or 4) dropping one of the highly collinear variables (however, this may lead to specification bias or error if theory tells us that the dropped variable should be included in the model).




     If the OLS assumption that the variance of the error term is constant for all values of the independent variables does not hold, we face the problem of heteroskedasticity. This leads to unbiased but inefficient (ie, larger than minimum variance) estimates of the standard errors (and thus, incorrect statistical tests confidence intervals).

One test for heteroskedasticity involves arranging the data from small to large values of the independent variable, X, and running two regressions, one for small values of X and one for large values, omitting, say, one-fifth of the middle observations. Then, we test that the ratio of the error sum of squares (ESS) of the second to the first regression is significantly different from zero, using the F table with (n-d-2k)/2 d.f, where n is the total number of observations, d is the numbers of omitted observations and K is the number of estimated parameters.

If the error variance is proportional to X2 (often the case), heteroskedasticity can be overcome by dividing every term of the model by X and then reestimating the regression using the transformed variables.

Heteroskedasticity refers to the case in which the variance of the error term is not constant for all values of the independent variable. That is, , so . This violates the third assumption of the OLS regression model. it occurs primarily in cross sectional data. For example, the error variance associated with the expenditures of low-income families is usually smaller than for high-income families because most of the expenditures of low-income families are on necessities, with little room for discretion.  

Figure 9-1a shows homoskedastic (i.e., constant variance) disturbances, while Figure 9-1b, c, and d shows heteroskedastic disturbances. In Figure 9-1b,  increases with Xi. In Figure 9-1c, decreases with Χi. In Figure 9-1d,  first decreases and then increases as Xi increases. In economics, the heteroskedasticity shown in Figure 9-1b is the most common, so the discussion that follows refers to that.



With heteroskedasticity, the OLS parameter estimate are still unbiased and consistent, but they are inefficient (i.e., they have larger than minimum variances). Furthermore, the estimated variances of the parameters are biased, leading to incorrect statistical tests for the parameters and biased confidence intervals.

The presence of heteroskedasticity can be tested by arranging the data from small to large values of the independent variable, Xi, and then running two separate regressions, one for small values of Xi and one for large values of Xi, omitting some (say, one-fifth) of the middle observations. Then the ratio of the error sum of squares of the second regression to the error sum of squares of the first regression (that is, ESS2/ESS1) is tested to see if it is significantly different from zero. The F distribution is used for this test with (n - d -2k)/2 degrees of freedom, where n is the total number of observations, d is the number of omitted observations, and k is the number of estimated parameters. This is the Goldfeld-Quandt test for heteroskedasticity and is most appropriate for large samples (i.e., for ). If no middle observations are omitted, the test is still correct, but it will have a reduced power to detect heteroskedasticity.




    When the error term in one time period is positively correlated with the error term in the previous time period, we face the problem of (positive first-order) autocorrelation. This is common in time-series analysis and leads to downward-biased standard errors (and, thus, to incorrect statistical tests and confidence intervals).

The presence of first-order auto relation is tested by utilizing the table of the Durbin-Watson statistic (App.8) at the 5 or 1% levels of significance for n observations and k' explanatory variables. If the calculated value of d from Eq.(9.1) is smaller than the tabular value of dL (lower limit), the hypothesis of positive first-order autocorrelation is accepted.

the hypothesis is rejected if d>dU (upper limit), and the test is inconclusive if dL<d<dU.

Autocorrelation or serial-correlation refers to the case in which the error term in one time period is correlated with the error term in any other time period. If the error term in one time period is correlated with the error term in the previous time period, there is first-order autocorrelation. Most of the applications in econometrics involve first rather than second- or higher-order autocorrelation. Most of the applications in econ0ometrics involve first rather than second-or higher-order autocorrelation. Even though negative autocorrelation is negative is possible, most economic time series exhibit positive autocorrelation. Positive, first-order serial or autocorrelation means that , thus violating the fourth OLS assumption. This is common in time-series analysis.

Figure 9-2a shows positive and Figure 9-2b shows negative first-order autocorrelation. Whenever several consecutive residuals have the same sign as in Figure 9-2a, there is positive first-order autocorrelation. However, whenever consecutive residuals change sign frequently, as in Figure 9-2b, there is negative first-order autocorrelation.



With autocorrelation, the OLS parameter estimates are still unbiased and consistent, but the standard errors of the estimated regression parameters are biased, leading to incorrect statistical tests and biased confidence intervals. With positive first-order autocorrelation, the standard errors of the estimated regression parameters are biased downward, thus exaggerating the precision and statistical significance of the estimated regression parameters.


The presence of autocorrelation can be tested by calculating the Durbin-Watson statistic, d, given by Eq.(9.1). This is routinely given by most computer programs such as SPSS:  

The calculated value of d ranges between 0 and 4, with no autocorrelation when d is in the neighborhood of 2. The values of d indicating the presence or absence of positive or negative first-order autocorrelation, and for which the test is inconclusive, are summarized in Figure 9-3. When the lagged dependent appears as an explanatory variable in the regression, d is biased toward 2 and its power to detect autocorrelation is hampered.


One method to correct positive first-order autocorrelation (the usual type) involves first regressing Y on its value lagged one period, the explanatory variable of the model, and the explanatory variable lagged one period:

     Yt = b0(1-p) + pYt-1 + b1Xt -b1pXt - 1 + ut                       (9.2)

(the preceding equation is derived by multiplying each term of the original OLS model lagged one period by p, subtracting the resulting expression from the original OLS model, transposing the term pYt-1 from the left to the right side of the equation, and defining  ut =ut -put-1). The second step involves using the value of p founding Eq.(9.2) to transform all the variables of the original OLS model, as indicated in Eq.(9.3), and  then estimating Eq.(9.3):


The new error term, ut, in Eq.(9.3) is now free of autocorrelation. This procedure is known as the Durbin two-stage method and is an example of generalized least squares. To avoid losing the first observation in the differencing process,  and is used for the first transformed observation of Y and X, respectively. If the autocorrelation is due to the omission of an important variable, wrong functional form, or improper model specification, these problems should be removed first, before applying the preceding correction procedure for autocorrelation.




    Errors in variables refer to the case in which the variables in the regression model include measurement errors. Measurement errors in the dependent variable are incorporated into the disturbance term and do not create any special problem. However, errors in the explanatory variables lead to biased and inconsistent parameter estimates.

One method of obtaining consistent OLS parameter estimates is to replace the explanatory variable subject to measurement errors with another variable (called an instrumental variable) that is highly correlated with the original explanatory variable but is independent of the error term. This is often difficult to do and somewhat arbitrary. The simplest instrument variable is usually the lagged explanatory variable in question. Another method used when only X is subject to measurement errors involves regressing X on Y.

Errors in variables refer to the case in which the variables in the regression model include measurement errors. These are probably very common in view of the way most data are collected and elaborated. Measurement errors in the dependent variable are incorporated into the disturbance term leaving unbiased and consistent (although inefficient or larger than minimum variance) OLS parameter estimates. However, with measurement errors in the explanatory variables, the fifth or the OLS assumption of independence of the explanatory variables and error term is violated, leading to biased and inconsistent OLS parameter estimates. In a simple regression, is biased downward, is biased upward.


There is no formal test to detect the presence of errors in variables. Only economic theory and knowledge of hoe the data were gathered can sometimes give some indication of the seriousness of the problem.

One method of obtaining consistent (but still biased and inefficient) OLS parameter estimates is to replace the explanatory variable subject to measurement errors with another variable that is highly correlated with an explanatory variable in question but which is independent of the error term. In the real world, it might be difficult to find such an instrumental variable and one could never be sure that it would be independent of the error term. The most popular instrumental variable is the lagged value of the explanatory variable in question. Measurement errors in the explanatory variable also can be corrected by inverse least squares. This involves regressing X on Y. Then  and , where and are consistent estimates of the intercept and slope parameter of the regression of Yt on Xt. 


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