Kyo'nne Ilhar'droBasic Information

Name: Kyo'nne Ilhar'dro
Date of Birth: Selona 24, 17 BBY (( April 7th ))
Actual DOB: Elona 5, 19BBY (( Jan 5th ))

Height: 1.6m (5.2 ft)
Weight: 54.4 Kilo (120 lb)

Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Pink
Lekku pattern/color: Royal Fuchsia


1. There is the roundish scar on her upper left arm, that is easly seen.
2. On her right side just under her ribs, there is a three inch scar that is very faint
3. A long, but faint scar on the base of her left lekku, almost hidden by one of her markings
4. Three Slash like Scars on her stomach, that are quite visible compared to her other scars
5. On her inside of her forearm there is a four inch scar that's healing was stunted by poison

Personal History:

Family (living):
Father: Asiche Stelo
Aunt: Lyn'nu
Mathernal Grandfather: Kora Bondara

Family (Dieseased)
Mother: Sin'ya Bondara
Paternal Grandfather: Donde Stelo




Clan Bondara:

Kyo'nne's mother was the eldest daughter of the Kora of clan bondara. How Kyo'nne came to be, and why Sin'ya abandoned her life as a noble is largly unknown.

When Kyo'nne was a young girl, barely learning to read, she discovered a chest in the back of a closet, that bore the golden clan symbol and name "Bondara" When Kyo'nne asked her mother what bondara was, her mother strongly urged her to forget that name, and never speak it again, Shortly after this event. the chest disappeared, and Kyo'nne's Mother came into a small amount of money. Kyo'nne did for many many years, forget the name Bondara, until one afternoon, while sitting in the Bocatt with Daofi and some other house member, the name was mentioned in passing. Kyo'nne learned that a "Friend" of Daofi's had been instrumental in selling one of the Clan's daughters to a human merchant who lived outside of Mos Espa.

Now much older... Kyo'nne rememberd the long forgotten event of her childhood, surmised that her mother must have had some kind of relation with this clan. Curiosity got the better of her, and she took a trip to Mos Espa, to track down this Clan woman, and find out what she might know of Kyo'nne's mother.

It was through this woman, a pale skinned Tolian Twi'lek named Lyn'nu, That Kyo'nne discovered that she was a blood relation to the Clan Bondara, the Kora's first born Grandchild, and that her mother had run away with her when she was less then a year old. Why she ran away from the clan was a mistery to Lyn'nu, who was espically close to her older sister.

Personal Relationship:

Onigumo Bochak

Onigumo was Kyo'nne's first love, They met under very strange circumstances, and she ended up shooting him in the foot, and treating him for the same injure. It was a whirlwind romance and they were soon to perform the Jasshi'rr together. Kyo'nne even went so far as to ask Daofi to find her mother on his next trip to Ryloth and let her know that she was ok, and going to be Married soon, however it was too late.. her mother had died shortly after Kyo'nne was taken due to an infection, and lack of care, caused by the blaster bolt that knocked her unconscious when Kyo'nne was taken.

Their love was not meant to be.. Onimgumo's Current where abouts are unknown.

Rafoi Kisleu

A human force user, Raofi and Kyo'nne because fast friends when he joined the house. Months later, when Kyo'nne's Father was believed murdered by the Blacksale Clan, her connection to the force surfaced, fueled by her fear, anger and sorrow, she nearly lost herself in the dark side, it was Raofi who helped her to regain her control. He was then assigned to be her bodyguard, in case the Blackscale Clan decided to make an attempt on her life. It was then that she started to develop feelings for the human. She was torn by her feelings, for at this time she was still engaged to Onigumo, however she had not seen him for months, due to his work with the Alliance. She eventually gave into her feelings for Raofi and they began to see each other..

But again, tragedy stuck.. Rafoi needed to make a journey to Dantooine.. and never returned.



Kyo'nne seems to suffer from Tdoshokaphobia, a severe fear of Trandoshans, as well as a mild case of Acrophobia, a fear of hights


Medical Training:

Kyo'nne has about a years worth of medical training, she learned some basic skills and abilities that can be applied to a variety of minor situations, however, when her force connection surfaced she withdrew from schooling, at first from fear of detection, then later to focus on training in her newly acquired skills.

She is able to treat many minor and moderate wounds, but she requires a medical droid for most everything else..

Force User Skills:

Kyo'nne was taught the basics of Lightsaber combat, as well as how to craft them, by a woman calling herself
Ekria. Ekria taught Kyo'nne the basics of a form of lightsaber combat called Makashi "Way of the Ysalamir"

Some prior skills in the dancing arts has given her a strong basis on which to build her lightsaber skills. One of the many props dancers have been known to use with their premformances are various types of swords, many of which were dangerous and deadly to work with, so Kyo'nne learned quickly to be fast on her feet with a prop sword while dancing, which in turn taught her how to be quick, and smooth with the lightsaber... Some of her moves may still lack some discipline, even though her previous entertainment skills enhance what she has learned, allowing her to use the weapon with some notable skill. But as she's only had a year and a half of training, she is by far no expert with it yet.

Saber Block:
This is an ability that Kyo'nne lacks skill in, during training with Daofi Ecan, Kyo'nne easily blocked his shots, and was even successful in returning a shot, striking Daofi in the chest, However, these were staged, "Safe" instances, in combat, where there is a real threat, she lacks the concentration to affectively use this skill.

Force Lightning:
Kyo'nne learned this skill from Keyan Farlander, however, she lacks the knowledge required to adequately use this skill and has little control over it. When she is angry, feels very threatened, or when feeling other strong "negative" emotion... her feelings get the better of her and she can loose control of this ability.

Force Choke:
Kyo'nne has used this ability once, while injured, in pain and while trying to protect Daofi Ecan and Kit'ani, A young Zabrak girl who Kyo'nne feels very maternal towards, who at the time was also injured.

Force Run:
Anohter abilty she leard from Keyan. Kyo'nne Loves the exhilarating feel that the ability gives her, however, this skill wears her out, and so is reserved for only dire circumstances when she needs to be else were.. very quickly.

Mind Trick:
Kyo'nne has difficulty with this skill.. She lacks the force of will required to to influence the thoughts and/or actions of another

