By Steve Brauning updated December 29, 2005


Steve's Scale model page, My general scale model page(click on the thumbnail and/or link), specializing in WWII Luftwaffe and RAF subjects, jets and dioramas - lots of 1/48 scale dioramas (UPDATED Jan. 2, 2006 - with lots of new stuff!)

1/48 scale armor models from my collection, including some unusual kits and conversions.



REVIEWS:(click on the thumbnail and/or link)


Steve Faxon resin conversion kits for 1/48 scale armor

Finally, the scale modeling world is discovering 1/48 scale for vehicles, figures and accessories. It was bound to happen: it’s such a natural for model makers! This scale is ideal for all kinds of reasons: besides the obvious advantage in size(not too big, not too small), the biggest reason for me is the possibility of combining aircraft and vehicles on dioramas and displays.


For the airplane modeler, having1/48 scale vehicles, figures and accessories permits displaying 1/48 scale model aircraft in their "natural habitat", either on a display base or on a diorama. What could better way to show off one's prize 1/48 scale Sopwith Camel or B2 Stealth Bomber, than on a airfield with few figures and/or vehicles around?


For the pure armor builder, you have the size advantage, and if you ever want, you can branch out and build a plane to accompany your vehicles.


This sector of the industry has been very spotty in selection, availability and, apparently, in popularity, until recently when scale-modeling giant Tamiya really kicked in with the production of a line of 1/48 scale vehicles, especially tanks, as well as figures and accessories. Other small and mid-sized manufacturers, such as Skybow and Eduards, have gotten into the act, including a wave of aftermarket sets. It looks like prospects are picking up for “the perfect scale”!


I have been interested in this topic for over ten years, and have collected information to help the like-minded modeler find the hidden 1/48 scale treasures, and perhaps to raise the interest among 1/48 scale modelers in general.



Although a stand-alone model may be very attractive and impressive, it lacks historical context and even recognition, unless set on an appropriate display base or diorama. It is like a portrait of somebody you don't know. Maybe it is of an attractive or interesting-looking person, but without knowing the person, the picture has little meaning. The same thing is true with scale models.


The additional elements of an appropriate display base or diorama provide context. History comes alive. The models come alive! Combining aircraft, equipment and vehicles shows the relations and complexity of the situations in which they operated. Human figures add the “human” element, showing how people interacted with the equipment. They also provide scale reference to indicate the real size of the airplane or vehicle, especially to the un-informed observer, such as a first-time visitor to a hobby show or a child at a museum display.


Some may argue that, on the contrary, a display base or diorama just detracts from the model, as it takes attention away from it. That depends on what is being presented. If it is simply a piece of equipment, be it an airplane, a boat, a tank, a car, or whatever, that is fine. There are many such machines that have a great deal of stand-alone value, due to their impressive design, color, form, or size. But by displaying the historical significance, background and setting of any piece of equipment represented by a scale model will bring it to life.

For example, take a look at the dioramas on my main modeling page

What's the difference between display bases and dioramas? A diorama tells a story, while a display base is simply the frame for the model, or models on it. What makes a diorama is that the elements displayed on it "interact" to tell some kind of tale. It could depict a particular historical event, such as the first flight of the Wright Flier ‑ complete with Orville at the controls and Wilbur running along side. Or it could show a particular situation or reality that existed, such as a grouping of figures, vehicles, and aircraft that demonstrate the lack of fuel hampering the German forces towards the end of World War II. Or it could be a fictional theme designed to highlight a certain interest, like the battle at the rebel base on Hoth, a la Star Wars, for example. Whatever the theme, it should have some story to tell to be a diorama. There could be action, drama, or humor depicted.


A display base, on the other hand, is a fine way to show off a particularly nice model without all the added clutter of a diorama. But when a few figures or a secondary model is added, the context and history is augmented.



What is the advantage of 1/48 scale, as opposed to 1/72 or 1/35? Each scale has its own advantages, but 1/48 is nice for various reasons. One advantage is size. It’s big enough to allow for significant details. For example, it is virtually impossible to do anything with the eyes of a 1/72 scale human figure, but in 1/48, the eyes can be detailed. Besides, my eyes can’t handle 1/72 scale anymore! Yet, 1/48 scale is small enough to get a couple of airplanes, vehicles, and buildings into desk-top sized display. 1/35 scale takes a lot more space. Also, the industry has differentiated between aircraft, making them in 1/32 scale, and military vehicles and figures in 1/35 scale. That creates a difference of almost 10% is size, which distorts the scale reference.


Another advantage of 1/48 scale is that there are so many aircraft kits available, as well as accessories, such as photo-etch and decals. Once one decides on this scale for aircraft models, then why not go on to display these models?



However, the availability of figures and vehicles in this scale has always been a limiting factor. Sure, scratch‑building is an option, but it is an arduous task that not everyone is up to.


This sector of the hobby industry has been spotty. Stuff comes out in spurts. Aurora had some kits in the ‘60s. In the ‘70s, there was Bandai’s fairly extensive line of World War II tanks, trucks, figure and accessories. Then for a long time, there wasn’t much worth noting except a few resin cottage-industry producers and some motorized kits of questionable value. Then in the mid-to-late ‘90's, it picked up again, with Frog/Fuman re-issuing many of the Bandai kits, and a surge in the cottage industry, including some very impressive resin lines. By cottage industry, I refer to small producers like Jaguar, Elan, and Knight’s Cross, but also companies like Verlinden, Tarmac, Hart, Gaso.Line, and Scale Model Accessories. The common element is that they make short-run resin kits.


Most of the cottage industry’s and small companies’ items are produced in small quantities, a.k.a. short-run kits. Then they go out of production(OOP). You have to hit upon them when they are available, or search for them at hobby shows, from private venders, from shops that specialize in out-of production kits, or on internet auction sites, such as Yahoo or e-Bay.


The Internet definitely fed this surge. With world-wide connectability, even the smallest producers can market their products anywhere.


Since about 2000, a steady stream of products have come out from faithful producers, mainly in England and France. Now in 2005, a new surge has begun! Tamiya has gotten into the game big time, and along with them, at every turn there is another company making either injection molded kits, new resin lines, or new aftermarket products!


I decided back in the mid 90's back that I wanted to display as many of my airplane models as possible on display bases and dioramas, and began to make it “my quest” to search out vehicles, figures and accessories in 1/48 scale. I began to build fairly large and complex dioramas, although at first I was limited because I couldn't get many vehicles. So it has been exciting to watch the growth of this sector of the scale modeling industry.


One weak area has always been trucks. It would be nice to see at least some of the standard types of trucks ‑ Opel Blitz, British lorries, etc., in injected plastic, instead of expensive resin. I hope some manufacturer picks up on this.


The internet provides many resources for investigating the availability of kits and supplies, as well as providing reviews of them. Here is a list of web sites on the topic:

My scale model page has sections on the subject: www.oocities.org/stevescalemodels I have my 1/48 scale dioramas on this site, as well as other resources.

Yahoo Quarter-Scale Group is a forum for 1/48 scale military models, at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/quarterscalearmor

Heavy Steel is another one: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/heavy-steel/ Sign up and get into the conversation, and make sure that you check out the photos, files, and especially the links.

www.perthmilitarymodelling.com/reviews/48/48reviews.htm has good reviews and comparisons, and links to other sites.

http://tanxheaven.com/reviews/skybowtiger/skybowtiger.htm compares the two Skybow Tigers to each other.

There are numerous other internet pages that specialize in armor, vehicles, uniforms, and other historical information in general. Just run your search engine.


If you can’t get the kits and supplies, you can’t build. The rest of this article is a resource list of manufacturers and sources of 1/48 vehicles, figures and accessories that I have discovered. Many of the items here pertain to World War II, which is my personal area of interest, and by far the largest period represented, but many also have pre‑war, post‑war, or modern items as well.


First, the Manufacturers:


ABER (www.aber.net.pl/english_ver/index.htm), from Poland, sells photo-etched and resin parts: 48A01 TIGER I Grills (fit to TAMIYA model ),#48A02 German clamps and clasps ,;48003 - M4 Sherman early production(for 'Tamiya' www.aber.net.pl/store/cataloque_parts/3_grudzien_2005/48003p.htm), D-04 Small Leaves(see right) . New products are coming out on a regular basis.


Academy (www.modelrectifier.com/products/plasticModels/academyArmor.asp) has a line of armor kits in 1/48 scale, some motorized, mostly modern subjects.


Acu-Stion www.acustion.com/index.html2e.html from Japan, makes photo-etched sets mostly for Tamiya armor kits.


Andrea Miniatures from Spain (www.andrea-miniatures.com/eng/Index.htm ) - makes very high quality pilots and ground crew, as well as diorama accessories and paints. Available at Great Models, VLS, and Squadron Mail Order.


Aires, from Czech Republic, has aircraft detail sets and resin engines for German and RAF, mostly. They are available from Roll Models and Squadron Mail Order.


Airfield Accessories from England has a good variety of British and German WWII vehicles for airfields, including tractors and fuel trucks. They are in the $25 to $55 range. All have resin and molded metal parts, with fairly good detail and accuracy. They also have a 1/35 and a 1/72 scale line. Available from Stormbird Hobbies and Matador Models. Here is a sample of their offerings: #4801 Opel Blitz Fuel Truck; #4803 Austin K2 Ambulance; #4822 Hanomag R40 Luftwaffe Tractor;


Aiwa, from Japan, has a line of motorized tanks, mostly modern, but a few W.W.II vintage. HobbyLink Japan sells them.


Aoshima has vehicles and tanks in 1/48. See Rainbow 10 /

Archer Fine Transfers Dry transfer decal sheets: very complete. See the Archers web site for full details.


Arii (Japan) has plastic kits at HobbyLink Japan.


Armorscale has metal barrels coming out: 2 for Tigers so far. Include a turned barrel, plus machined and photo-etched parts for the muzzle break.


Atelier infinite Update/Detail Sets www.jttk.zaq.ne.jp/a-if/48itiran.htm - 48001 80 ton freight car; 48002 Tiger1 early model resin track: (review-Tiger I Early Workable Track Links ) 48003 Tiger 1 Track for railway transportation Available at Rainbow 10 /


French "AZIMUT" conversion sets for the 1/48 "TAMIYA Sherman M4 (kit No.32505): Sherman Firefly IC Conversion, Sherman M4A1 76 (W) Conversion, Sherman M4 w/mine roller T1 E3, and a Pacific based Sherman with deep wading trunk (based on theM4 Hybrid hull).


B3 Collector Edition Models: sells completed die-cast models for wargaming, like Solido and other brands, plus kits from Gaso.Line and decals. See http://homepage.mac.com/brentdietrich/tanks.htm , especially the area called “Custom decals”- many very interesting and varied sets.


Bandai, one of giants of the scale model industry, is mostly in the “old and odd out‑of‑production stuff” category, with a major line produced in the ‘70’s. The kits are fair in detail and accuracy. Many of the old Bandai kits were reissued by Frog/Fuman in the 1990’s(see below), and in 2005, Bandai is jumping on the “Band(ai) wagon” by reissuing some kits(sorry I couldn’t resist the pun!). Some very useful vehicles for dioramas include: M3A1 Half Track; M30 Cargo Carrier; Panzer IV Flak Mobelwagen; Opel Blitz cargo truck; Opel Maultier Sd.Kfz. 4, Willy’s Jeep, and so on. Figure sets include German Infantry(I, II, & III), German Sappers (I & II), German Artillery men; American infantry; U.S. Artillery crew. There are 12 different Fieldworks sets, including weapons, bricks, sandbags, and trees.


Battalion Bits 1/48 Scale Conversion Sets & Kits include:resin conversion kit with a late production 'Henschel' turret for the Bandai PzKfw VI King Tiger; a BT-3 50 tonne Flat Wagon type SSys and other kits. Available at Track48.


Berkshire Valley “O” gauge Model railroad accessories – hundreds or items! www.berkshirevalleyinc.com/bvinc1.html

Bison decals include a set for the Tiger and one for the Pz. IV, each with more than a dozen options.


BlueJacket, on line has ¼” scale ships and fittings.

Bunka BNK88050 M4 Sherman Metal Track


Calibre 48 www.calibre35.cz/CAL35index.htm offers figures, conversion and full resin kits:

48 001 US Tank Crew (WWII) ,48 002 Kubelwagen Holzgas(Conversion set for TAMIYA kit w/ resin & photoetched; 48003 Early war Opel Blitz & 48004 Bergetiger (Future Releases).


Canyon Creek Scenics – trees and other scenery. http://canyoncreekscenics.com/


Ciro Models, on line at www.ciromodels.com , has several trucks and vehicles useful for airfield dioramas.

Copper State Figures (WWI) to accompany their resin airplane kits.


Corgi makes completed diecast vehicles, finished dioramas, and figures, available at the “

Corgi, maker of die-cast models and full dioramas, available at "The Motor Pool”.


Custom Dioramics makes mostly 1/35 but some 1/48 scale accessories for dioramas. Building kits available include: 8017 European Farmhouse Ruin, 8018 MidEast Market Ruin, 8019 MidEast Ruin w/ Balcony, 8022 European Cornerstone 2 Story Building. Available at major retailers on line.


CMK Czech Masters from the Czech Republic make resin conversion kits and figures. Examples: CMK 8001 Sturmtiger Conversion resin conversion; CMK8002 Tiger I zimmerit version: turret, panels resin

Figures: CMKF4824 RAF Fighter Pilots x 2 From: Great Models, Roll Models and Squadron, as well as other sources.


Dartmoor is a French company with a good variety of white metal figures, both for aircraft and vehicles. They are sold on the Quarter Kit)page.


Des Kits - vehicles and figures -


DioArt: dioramas accessories – printed signage. (Available at Quarter Kit)


Dioramas – misc. from Quarter Kit :Atlantic wall: concrete gun emplacement 50 mm kwk l 60 kit; concrete gun emplacement 50 mm kwk l 60 atlantic wall; Ramp for V1 DIO48003M v1 rocket launching ramp


Diverse Image makes quite a few figures in 1/48 scale. Available at Great Models.


D.M.L./Dragon has a Luftwaffe figures set with several pilots, ground crew members and accessories. It is especially good for dioramas since there are various poses, chairs, and even playing cards in the kits. It can be had for about $15 from Squadron, Roll Models, or anywhere D.M.L. is sold.


Eduard -Figures, photo-etch, masks, and metal gun barrels. Example: WWII Luftwaffe Personnel(#8501) & USAAF WW2 Personnel (8502) injection molded figures kit. Available at major web stores.


Elan Miniatures was a line of very fine detail resin figures, and at reasonable prices, too! The line was discontinued, and is no longer available.


Faxon Conversions: about 35 good quality resin conversion and upgrade sets made for Bandai kits; mostly tanks, including StuG III and IV and Sherman Firefly. Address: STEVE FAXON  1517 SE GODSEY,  DALLAS   OR  97338   USA; E-mail: Noxaf@aol.com   - and available at Track48.


FineMolds, has replacement tank gun barrels for Tamiya’s tanks. Look at Update Sets

Fingerprint Designs - decals


Fliegerhorst , from Germany has products for Luftwaffe dioramas: notable is the barracks. See www.fliegerhorst.com/Diorama____1_48/diorama____1_48.html


FlightPath Models have excellent quality photo‑etch and molded metal airfield sets, with huts, planking, bomb trolleys, vehicles, and equipment. Most are for RAF WWII settings, with some modern, and are priced in the $15 to $25 range. fp48016 Beaverette MK.III Airfield Defence Vehicle


F.M. Models from Hungary have very fine quality resin vehicles available, although the prices are fairly high. They are available from Squadron Mail Order and Great Models. Example: 480001 Kubelwagon; 480002 Bedford QL Fuel Truck (British WWII); 489703‑5: Daimler‑Benz Engines. They also have Opel Blitz fuel and cargo trucks.


Fonderie Miniatures -makes a rare item: an armored train car. fon6502 Draisine Kommando S.SP


Frog/Fuman, from China, has two separate lines of vehicles, tanks and accessories, including re-issues of part of the old Bandai line. Examples: the Sd. Kfz. 7 11 ton Half Track (with 5 seated figures) is very useful for dioramas, airfield or otherwise, since it was the common prime mover, often used for towing the 88mm gun with crew(which Frog also has) and for carrying troops. Plus it can be modified to carry a quad 20mm or a 37mm flak gun.

Click the thumbnail for a sample photo of some Fuman kits on a diorama:

The Fuman Willy’s Jeep is perfect for any Allied airfield diorama. Also, accessories and figures: a Luftwaffe officer, pilot, and driver for the Kubelwagon; S.A.S. Desert Willy’s Jeep conversion - weapons, jerry cans, etc.; German, British, & Russian decals for tanks; Photo-etched sets for tanks and vehicles(Valentine, Sherman, & Willy’s). They are available from Squadron, Great Models, etc.


Gaso.Line, from France, is one of the most prolific producers in 1/48 scale vehicles, and one with the most variety and many unusual subjects. They have resin armor conversions for Bandai/ Fuman kits, and several complete kits. They also have 1/48 scale armor decals, accessories, and figure sets, covering German, British, Russian, French and U.S. themes. This is a good source to watch as they promise many interesting future releases. Look mainly at Quarter Kit), but they are also available at Great Models, The Right Stuff, and several others.


Grandt Line has railroad and architectural accessories: specialty is scale bolt and nut heads.

Griffon www.griffon.cz has resin and Photo-etched parts, mostly for aircraft but also for the Kubelwagon and some useful for airfield dioramas.

Hart, from England, offers exquisitely detailed resin kits with molded metal, photo‑etched brass, and black vinyl tires. They are pricey(from $40 up to $115 each item), but are about the best quality anywhere. They have way too many to list(about 70), mostly of W.W.II (and a few modern) topics. Most are British and American trucks, plus a few guns and tanks. German WWII items include 3 trucks and 4 tanks. They are available from Great Models.


Hasegawa has made various sets or ground equipment and figures, which are available in the hobby mainstream.


Hauler has come out with 19 photo-etched sets to go with the new Tamiya 1/48 scale vehicle line (and no doubt that more sets will be forthcoming): they are excellent in scope and quality, and quite cheap. Order from the Czech Republic at http://www.hauler.cz/ .


Hecker and Goros is a line sold by Quarter Kit on line, with a quite ample line of white metal figures for aircraft and for vehicles. Highly recommended. See www.hecker-goros.de/index.html


Heki, from Finland, has good quality and value trees of different sizes and variety, as well as embossed wall/street material. Also, they have one item in particular that is very useful: large grass mats that really look like grass! Available from Portman Hobby Distributors, 851 Washington St., Peekskill NY 10566 FAX: 914‑737‑6984 and from www.sceneryexpress.com – this web company is also worth noting for a wide array of scenery and other accessories.


Heller – a big model company with one kit in our area of interest: he81138 'Patriot Missile' Launch Vehicle

H‑R Products Inc., P.O. BOX 67, McHenry, IL 60051, sell cast white metal ship fittings, weapons, figures and other equipment in various scales, including 1/48.


Hobby 37, from Spain, makes diorama accessories. See www.hobbymaquetas.com/


Hobby Linc has many accessories, including “0” & 27 gauge figures and buildings. www.hobbylinc.com/


The Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Companyan amazing array of figures and vehicles, seemly designed for wargaming.


Hunter Scenery Home Page www.huntersceneryco.com/ - scenery and diorama materials.


Hussar Productions offers decal sheets: 48001 Tiger I Early Production Decal Sheet, & 48002 Tiger I Mid & Late Production Decal Sheet


ICM 1/48th German Luftwaffe Pilots and Ground Personnel (1939-1945) #48082- good quality and nicely designed set of 7, including some pilots and ground personnel in various poses. Injection molded styrene. They promise USAAF and RAF sets as well. Available at major web stores.

Italeri, another big model company, also makes one item to list here: IT6444 Crusader Anti-Aircraft Vehicle


Jager Industries of Scotland makes nice resin stuff, mostly for WWI. www.jager.co.uk/


Jaguar makes excellent quality resin sets, mostly figures so far. They have: German Tiger Crew, reloading; Japanese Pilots; Berlin Sewer diorama kit. Available from Great Models and Roll Models, VLS, as well as other sources.


Just Plane Stuff makes very finely cast resin flight decks for displaying aircraft, available from Great Models, and others. They run in the $20 to $25 range. 001 U.S. Navy Flight Deck (14"x13"); 003 Japanese Flight Deck(also has the same items in 1/72 scale).


Kancali Latex Street Sections (Cobblestone Patterns) for dioramas.


Kendall, (KMC) from USA, is another discontinued line of detail sets for aircraft, including accessories like bombs and barrel weapons; a German Kettenkrad.


Knight's Cross is yet another discontinued line of multi-media kits: They had a #4801 Kettenkrad w/ Me262 tow bar and a #4803 20mm Flak 38 A‑A Gun with trailer.


Legend Productions , from Korea, accessories and figures(fuel drums, pilots, etc).


LionMarc Model Designs Detail & Update Sets, including AW-48000 Tiger I Early Workable Track Links ; AW-48003 M4 Sherman Replacement Barrel ; AW-48004 Hetzer Barrel and Mantlet ; Tiger engine fan set http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-4/989774/Fanset-1.jpg


Lion Roar Photo Etched Detail Sets: LA48001 Tiger I Early , LA48002 StuG III Ausf.B , LA48003 M4 Sherman Early

Loyal Hanna Dockyard has ships and fittings for many scales, including 1/48.


MINImali productions www.modelimex.cz/inshop/scripts/shop_NF.asp (SEARCH for the company name "MINImali productions"). 1/48 diorama accessories include MIN48010 – Staff Maps; MIN48011 - Camouflage Net (150x400mm); MIN48013 – Barrels ( 8pcs. ); etc; MIN48020 – Wooden Latrine

Modelkasten has SP-04 1/48  Tiger I Metal Track  & SP-031/48 Wittman & Crew figures.

The site, www.modelkasten.com/tank/ is all Japanese language, but products can be found at Hobbylink Japan, at www.hlj.com/company/MDK/ . Model Point, at www.modelpoint.us/s.nl/sc.14/category.306/.f, sells metal machine gun barrels.


Model Train Stuff, on line at http://www.modeltrainstuff.com/ has a good selection of landscaping and scenery materials, including Heki products, plus building and structural parts.


Mitsuwa Models once had a line of motorized tanks in 1/48. I found several in a closeout sale. They are not all that good for detail or accuracy.


MR Models Update/Detail sets www.mrmodellbau.de/ - newest releases for Tamiya's 1/48 scale KKübelwagen (Set MR-4801) and Schwimmwagen (Set MR-4802). Both sets include tarps and small detail parts. The Kübelwagen set also includes a set of balloon tyres. They are from MR Modelblau, although their website does not list these items for some reason. www.mrmodellbau.de/mr/e/index.html


Nimix from Spain, has a line of German tank crew drivers and commanders, resin and nicely detailed. Check out “new releases” at www.nimix.net/ and available at Track48.


North Star, England: figures for War gaming plus Gaso.Line and other company kits. www.northstarfigures.com/catalogue/index.html


The Oakridge Corporation, P.O. BOX 247, Lemont, IL 60439 FAX: 708‑257‑0198, has “O” gauge everything: besides rail stuff, there’s landscaping and terrain accessories, house and street accessories galore, figures, vehicles, animals, structural components, and buildings. They also have paints and tools. On-line at www.oakridgehobbies.com/


P & D Hobby Shop, 31902 Groesbeck, Fraiser, MI 48026 FAX: 810‑296‑5642, also specializes in “O” Guage railroad stuff, plus have several good lines of cast metal accessories: Berkshire Valley and Keil Line are highly recommended. They also have a nice set of building components: the DPM modular system, which can be made to represent early 20th century European buildings.

PJ Production On-line at www.pjproduction.net/ has figures and vehicles.


Panzer Works, has accessories like 1/48 Tiger 1 88mm Cover, and photo-etched sets. Available at Rainbow 10 /.


PART (www.part.pl/) from Poland makes photo-etched and resin parts.


Pegasus Hobbies has some figures: PGS7005 California Mission Indians #2 & PGS7006 Farm Animals


Pend Oreille has various figures, accessories and vehicles in 1/48 scale, including resin diorama parts.


Plus Models from the Czech republic have just started producing 1/48 scale accessories: WWII German crates & boxes; building and architectural supplies, and a complete M 998 Cargo kit. See their website: http://www.plusmodel.cz/


Preiser,(Preiser) from Germany, have figure sets in different scales for both World War II and for modern Luftwaffe settings, including ground crew and pilots; available from Squadron and other sources.


Profikit PROF4801 3,7cm PaK 37(t)


Pro‑Modeler (part of Monogram/Revell) issued a nice set called, “Airfield Accessories”, including a German fuel trailer and bomb trailer, a British fuel trailer, and a US tractor. It is discontinued but shows up in hobby shops regularly. It has been offered by Great Models, Roll Models and Squadron Mail Order.


Propaganda: French producer with many good lines. Their web page is http://propaganda.kompany.free.fr/ Distributed by Figures'n Bits in the USA.

ReHeat Models makes detailed resin figures, with many different W.W.II British, US, German, Japanese and Italian sets. They have some modern topics, and are priced around $10 for sets of 3. Hard to find.


Resination has 1/48 scale figures.

Rest Models http://restmodels.com/ Soviet trucks, figures and weapons.


Scale Model Accessories from England has a variety of figures and accessories: example: SMAAR039 - 20mm Flak Ammo boxes: a must to go along with any 20mm flak gun listed elsewhere; SMAAR041- 20mm Flak crew: 3 figures made for Verlinden’s Flak 38. Most are no longer available.


Schatton has tons of turned brass gun barrels, munitions, rockets, and so on that are reasonably priced and VERY high quality. Their web page is http://modellbau-schatton.privat.t-online.de/ (also see WSW, below).


Schomberg Scale Models, in Canada, supply railroad accessories www.schombergscalemodels.com/


Signifer has some airfield accessories on line.

Silflor has the BEST turf/grass mats, of incredibly realistic looking grass, of various lengths and colors. It is pricey. Check it out at: www.sceneryexpress.com .

Sirmar Model Ships - look at the fittings, lots of 1/48 scale!


Skybow is a new-comer to 1/48th, having recently released German Tiger I early and late versions, and track links for them. They have announced other kits. See http://www.skybow.com.tw/ For review, see: Tiger I Late Production   Download the correct instruction for TP-4801 Available at most sources.


SOL, from Korea, has a number of vehicles and accessories listed in Squadron Mail Order flyers and on the Great Models web store. They have an Opel Blitz fuel truck and a cargo truck, several BMW motorcycles, an RAF dispersal tractor, and other items. Price is normal for resin, and is good quality.


Solido makes die-cast tanks, trucks and other vehicles. They can be found at on Quarter Kit, or at http://homepage.mac.com/brentdietrich/tanks.htm


Again, you can’t build if you can’t get the stuff.

Here is a list of sources and venders:

Bandai Gallery: A web page dedicated to the old 1/48 scale Bandai line, including auctions and sales, photos of dioramas, kits and other information: www.kbleitch.com/bandai

Figures'n Bits sells TONS! of stuff for O scale / Quarter Scale / 1:48 www.figuresnbits.com/


Great Models Web store, www.greatmodels.com , has a large selection with many of the lines list above.


HobbyLink Japan sells all the Japanese-made brands at a good price(depending on the exchange rate). www.hlj.com/


HobbySearch www.1999.co.jp/eng/plamo/ is another Japanese internet vender with Tamiya and other brands.


Jager Industries: figures and accessories, mostly WW1: www.jager.co.uk/


Matador Models in England sells Airfield Accessories 1/48 scale range www.matadormodels.co.uk/


Meteor Productions at www.meteorprod.com/ is a major internet vender, worth a good search.


The Motor Pool sells lots of die-cast and some resin tanks and even some c0mplete, finished dioramas by Corgi. Check out: www.themotorpool.bigstep.com/


MR Modelblau, http://www.mrmodellbau.de/mr/e/index.html


Parabellum in England has many good lines and unique items. www.parabellum.co.uk/



Quarter Kit, in France, on the web at www.quarter-kit.com . Perhaps the world’s biggest and best source for 1/48 scale vehicles, figures and accessories. It is located in France with several nice lines I have not found elsewhere. Notably, they seem to be the main distributors for Gaso.Line and Tarmac.


Rainbow 10 sells Japanese-made items www.rainbowten.co.jp/english/ and even has a section to order Tamiya and Bandai parts!


Replica, from Hungary, with FM and other kits, on line at: www.replica.hu/fm/


“The Right Stuff” sells Tarmac and GasoLine (see FineScale Modeler ad) www.rightstuffdist.com/catalog.htm


Roll Models has Verlinden, Jaguar, Czech Master, Reheat, etc., at low prices and large selection. See FineScale Modeler ads. www.rollmodels.com/


Scale Link, in England, has Airfield Accessories kits and Preisner figure sets. www.scalelink.co.uk/


Squadron Mail Order: check them out on the Internet at www.Squadron.com , or in ads in FineScale Modeler. Being larger than most others, has a wide selection of all the big companies and the following lines: Kendall, Knight’s Cross, Scale Model Accessories, True Details, Verlinden.


Track 48, in Canada, has its own line of accessories and parts for Bandai and other kits, and sells other brands like Hauler, Gaso.Line, etc. www.track48.com/


VLS (a.k.a. Model Mecca) sells numerous lines, including some unusual ones. On-line at www.modelmecca.com/


Wings-n-Treads specializes in Skybow, Hauler, www.wingsntreads.com/  


And of course, the on-line auction sites like E-bay and others, can be mined for gold like old Bandai kits. Search the plastic model categories.



An industry sector perhaps untapped by 1/48 scale modelers, is the “O” gauge model railroad industry, which supplies a bewildering array of accessories that can be used to fit dioramas. Even though they are not normally associated with scale aircraft or armor modeling, they are an excellent source of appropriate scaled items that no one else has. One can find all kinds of terrain, trees, figures, equipment, and even buildings that compliment airbase or other scenes.


Finally, craft shops are a good source of natural foliage materials, in the form of dried flowers and plants. Certain ones resemble scale trees, and can be painted, cut, bunched and in general used to create entire forests at a reasonable price. Of course, the resourceful person can be on the lookout for natural plants, such as grasses and bushes that can be dried and used for dioramas.


So now the 1/48 scale modeler can really get into it big time! Just use your imagination and do some research. A lot of nice dioramas will be on the way!

Contact me at: stevebrauning@yahoo.com