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college, I studied the lowly protist, Paramecium caudatum. It
mirrors all the major organs we have, but does it in one cell: A couple of
centrioles to pump out excess water, a well developed 'digestive path'
where food is taken in and wastes released, etc. It is also a lovely
example of a unicellular nervous system. I am particularly interested in
the mechanisms that allow the Paramecia to react to its environment in
regards to movement - movement toward or away from a stimulus. It's all
fiendishly clever biochemically, and here are some details.
Introduction Paramecia are among the most complex single-celled organisms. They swim rapidly, usually in a corkscrew fashion, by means of coordinated, wavelike beats of their many short, hairlike projections, called cilia. Paramecia feed on smaller organisms, such as bacteria. A thin layer of clear, firm cytoplasm (ectoplasm) lies directly beneath the flexible body membrane (pellicle) and encloses the inner, more fluid portion of the cytoplasm (endoplasm), which contains granules, food vacuoles, and crystals of different sizes. Paramecia have one large nucleus and one or more smaller nuclei. A network of fibers below the cell surface connects the cilia. Embedded in the ectoplasm are spindle-shaped bodies (trichocysts) that may be released by chemical, electrical, or mechanical means. Originally believed to be a defense reaction, they appear to be extruded as a reaction to injury or for use as an anchoring device. Diagram They feed on small organisms such as bacteria and even other smaller protozoa. Food in the gullet forms a ball which passes into the protoplasm as a food vacuole. The food is digested as the vacuole passes through the organism, and the waste is passed out from a special place called the anal pore. Contractile Vacuoles Cilia and Ciliary Motion The speed of motion is about four times its own length per second. It moves so quickly that microscopists have to add a thickening agent to the water to slow it down to study it. As the paramecium moves through the water it rotates on its axis and small particles of debris and food are collected and swept into the gullet. If a paramecium comes across an obstacle, it stops, reverses the beating of the cilia, swims backwards, turns through an angle and moves forward again on a slightly different course. Behavior - or How does the
Paramecium change direction? All of the cilia have a calcium-activated reverse gear; when a cell bumps into an obstacle, calcium channels open, the cell depolarizes. The voltage normally present across the outer membrane leaks away, as ions rush through open channels to even out the across membrane charges, and the ciliary machinery switch gears, causing the cilia to switch into the opposite motion and the cell backs up fast. Normally not all the cilia are swimming forward during forward swimming; some are moving in reverse mode. When the number of cilia that are swimming forward exceeds the cilia that are in reverse mode, the cell moves forward. When the cell re-establishes cell polarization, the cilia return to their forward movement. This doesn't happen quite smoothly, and when the paramecium resumes its journey, it is usually in a slightly different direction than before - giving the apearance that it has made a detour around the obstacle. What is the significance of this? Galvanotaxis provides a neat model of how our very own nerve cells communicate, via voltage gated channels. Cells are stimulated or not by the voltage gradient across their outer membrane; when they are stimulated, they depolarize, meaning ions like potassium and chloride rush through pores or channels that can open when the voltage exceeds a certain level, i.e. they are "voltage gated"). Nuclei Reproduction Division. In favourable conditions the cell divides in two by a process called binary fission. The nuclei divide, the rear half develops a new gullet, and the front half grows a new anal pore. Then the paramecium breaks into two individuals. This whole process make take place two or three times a day if conditions are right. Conjugation. This is a more complicated method. It involves two cells coming together to exchange nuclear material. Two compatible cells join and part of their cytoplasm fuses. They do not need their big macronucleus and it is slowly destroyed. Their micronucleus goes through a long process where its chromosomes are reduced in number by half (a process called meiosis) and then the post-meiosis nucleus replicates, so each of the mating cells has an extra nucleus. Then, each cell trades the extra nucleus with each other. Now both have a pair of "his and hers" nuclei, which fuse into one, mixing the chromosomes together. Then the one nucleus divides, and the extra one grows into the macronucleus. The two cells then separate and continue to reproduce by simple division. It is similar in some ways to sexual reproduction in more complex animals. Without the rejuvenating effects of conjugation, a paramecium ages and dies. Only opposite mating types, or genetically compatible organisms, can unite in conjugation. Paramecium aurelia has 34 hereditary mating types that form 16 distinct mating groups, or syngens. Autogamy (self-fertilization) is a similar process that occurs in one animal. In cytogamy, another type of self-fertilization, two animals join together but do not undergo nuclear exchange and then reproduce by division. More Information http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~bioslabs/studies/ invertebrates/paramecium.html After all, I guess it doesn't matter whether you look down
(through a microscope) or up (through a telescope) - as long as you look. |