(1) The prohibition of worshipping any other god, in any form or matter
whatsoever. If a person is forced to do so, he should try as hard as possible
not to carry out such a demand. If he is being threatened by death, there are
those who believe that he should be willing to die as a martyr if he does so
while being witnessed by ten Jews or ten people of other nations that worship
only the One true G-d.
The following has been prohibited by Rabbinical courts, and those who do not
fulfill these rulings are punished by the court: A person is not allowed to
give honor to other gods, to hug or kiss them; to swear by them or to bring
them into his home. He is not allowed to produce a god, so that others can
worship it. He is not even allowed to produce it, even for artistic purposes.
He is not allow to participate in any rites connected with the worship of
other gods even if this person is passive and does not take any active
participation. All this so that he will not be misunderstood and bring about
that others will sin because of his action. It is the duty of such a person
to degrade and hold in contempt all others gods.
(2) To blaspheme G-d is worse than worshipping other gods. It is believed
that whosoever is blasphemous is actually worshipping other gods, since he is
not honoring the One true G-d.
(3) The following are prohibited because they too are considered the worship
of other gods: a.) Not allowed to have your children converted to other
religions (to pray to Molech); b.) Not to deal in magical traits, such as
predicting with the aid of a crystal ball, or to self-hyonotize yourself so
that you can predict the future, or deal in black magic. Not to try and
predict the future through other means such as horoscopes or things like
that; c.) Not to believe in superstitions, such as bad luck because of a
black cat. Or good luck with the aid of certain number; d.) Not to raise
animals for the use of magic, like hypnotizing them; e.) Not to deal in
spiritualism; f.) Not to try to communicate with the dead.
1. The prohibition of cursing G-d by Name or by any other attribution;
2. The prohibition to denounce G-d or His Torah; 3. The prohibition of asking
philosophical questions on what occurred before the creation of the world. We
should only observe on what has occurred since the creation. This so that we
can try to realize and grasp the greatness of the One true G-d, as we have
already previously mentioned; 4. It is prohibited to breed animals which
are not of the same kind; 5. Prohibited to take on a new religion. But as
previously mentioned the Noahides by seeking compensation in the fulfilling
of the seven commandments (Mitzvot) the Noahides are not taking on a new
religion, since these seven commandments are mentioned in the Torah. There
are those that Noahides should not fulfill; the commandments connected with
Tefilin, Mezuzot, Shabbat and Jewish holidays, because they are connected
with holiness.
(a) According to Rabbinic literature G-d does not want people to question
about matters connected with what existed before the creation.
(b) Concerning genetic engineering, this is a delicate subject. Those
dealing in this field must be careful that through his work, they will not
feel that they are capable of divorcing themselves from G-d and His creation.
That scientist will feel capable of creating independently from G-d. Like
Adam in his first sin.
1. A person must honor G-d and His Torah, including the sages, teachers of
Torah, elderly person, holy books, holy places like houses of prayer, and
cemeteries where (Tzadikim) are buried. If a person makes a vow in G-d's
Name, he must fulfill his oath. Even if he does not make the vow in G-d's
Name but pledges to do something for someone else, he must also fulfill it.
Even if he made the oath to himself or concerning only himself.
2. Before performing any work or whatever a person must always try to say
that he is doing this with G-d's help. Also he must remember that all of his
successes are derived and come from him only through G-d.
3. A Noahide in order to fulfill the seven commandments should strive to
learn carefully and seriously all his obligations in connection with all the
seven commandments of the children of Noah. If there is a problem or the
person does not know exactly how to fulfill a certain obligation as a
Noahide, he should turn to a Jewish Torah authority who will make a decision
on the issue in question.
4. A Noahide is allowed to make animal sacrifices to G-d. But this must be
carried out strictly according to the Torah. For this purpose he must seek
the advice of a Jewish Torah authority that knows well all the commandments
connected with the sacrificial rites. This wise person is allowed to teach
the Noahide everything connected with the sacrificial rites, but is not
allowed to help him carry out the sacrifice itself.
(c) A person that makes a vow to G-d, by fulfilling it, he is honoring G-d.
If the person makes a pledge to a fellow man, he must fulfill it, since it is
according to the commandments.
There are several types of Prayers: Requests, Thanksgiving to G-d for good
things He has done to a person. As it is stated in numerous places in the
book of Psalms.
1. Regular prayers to be said everyday in the morning and in the evening:
Which should include a statement saying, "And you shall know today and have
put it before your heart, that G-d is the LORD and there is none other than
Him." He should also recite the "Hear O Israel (Shma Yisrael " prayer.
2. Prayer in time of emergency or danger: A person who finds himself in a
dangerous situation should recite an appropriate chapter from the book of
Psalms. For example chapter 20; if the emergency situation is due to illness,
chapter 103; if he needs to strengthen his belief in G-d, in order to receive
His help, chapter 121.
3. A prayer of thanksgiving: Psalms, chapter 107 or chapter 136. In the
prayer emphasize "and all the living will give thanks to You, sela."
4. Special prayers during holidays: It is worthwhile to pray for world
peace. When saying such a prayer it is worthwhile to turn towards to the
direction of Eretz Yisrael, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, and to say, "G-d
of the world, give peace to the land, and allow all living creatures which
you created, to enjoy all of your blessings" On the Sabbath recite from the
book of Psalms, chapter 102 and 104.
5. Blessing after the meal: It is worthwhile that after the main meal of
the day (whether at noon or in the evening a Noahide should wash his hands,
sit sown again at his seat at the table, and give a thanksgiving blessing to
G-d for the good that He has given to him. It can be something like this:
"Blessed are You, King of the Universe, Who feeds the whole world with His
goodness, pleasantness, grace and mercy. He gives bread to all flesh and the
world is full of His mercy. Due to His great goodness, we have always not
lacked and will never be in need of food forever. His great Name feeds and
gives everyone his livelihood, does good to everyone, and prepare food to all
those that He has created." A person can of course change this and even add
especially if some good things have occurred to him lately. This prayer has
to be said by each individually, and not just by one person. He must say
these prayers directly to G-d and not through any intermediaries.
A Noahide who has sinned against G-d or his fellow man must repent and be
sorry for what he has done. he must promise to himself that he will not
commit this sin again. He will make a personal prayer to G-d, requesting
mercy. If he has hurt a fellow person, he must request that person's
forgiveness. If he has done damage to that person's property, he must
compensate him. As the people of Nineveh did toward Jonah when he proved to
them that they were committing and doing evil things.
A person is prohibited from causing another person to err or commit sin. As
Pharaoh accused Abraham (Genesis 20:9). The same concerning Avimelech who
accused Isaac (Genesis 26:10).
1. SABBATH: There are those that say that every Ger Toshav (a non-Jew
living in Eretz Yisrael) has to uphold and keep the Sabbath, (Kritot 9, Rashi
Yevamot 40). There are those that claim that the Noahides by accepting to
fulfill the seven commandments are in the same category as a Ger Toshav.
So it seems that this is the way that the Noahides should celebrate the
Sabbath. On the eve of the Sabbath (Friday night), they should have a festive
family dinner with special food and light candles in honor of the Sabbath.
During the meal they should sing songs to strengthen their belief, including
songs about the creation. they should read from the Torah. They should call
this day not the Sabbath but the Seventh day. As it is written in Genesis.
On the Sabbath itself, they should refrain from going to work. If possible to
go out to the fields or a park in order to feel close to the Creator of the
world. If the congregation holds a prayer session, they should recite the
Psalms connected to the Sabbath and Barchi Nafshi. They should also study
portions of the Torah connected to the seven commandments of the children of
Noah. They can also study the weekly portion of the Torah being read that
Sabbath in the synagogues. At the end of the Sabbath (Motzai Shabbath), they
can also recite the prayer for the new week (Havdala) after having lightened
a candle, to thank G-d, for having taught Adam how to make fire. Which is the
source of all energy which enabled man to make changes in this world. This
Havadala can be recited as a Noahide wishes and can go something like this,
"Blessed are You G-d King of the universe that differentiates between holy
days and regular days. Between the seventh day and the rest of the days of
the week. Between Israel and the rest of the nations, who all together are
partners in one holy objective. To make Your Name holy in this world."
2. SUCCOTH (Feast of Tabernacles): It is stated in the book of Zecharuah
that during the holiday of Succoth, all the nations of the world will make a
pilgrimage to Jerusalem, in order to bow down before G-d. It is worthwhile
for a person to take his vacation during this time. By doing so, a Noahide
can them use this free time to study, to look around observing nature, and to
meet together with fellow Noahides for mutual prayers with emphasis for world
peace. The same as the Israelites did when the Temple existed and sacrifices
were made for the welfare for all the nations. Also to pray for the coming of
the Messiah who will amend the ways of the world.
3. ROSH HASHANA. These are the days of reckoning to the whole world. The
two days of Rosh Hashana should be days of repentance with deep inner thought
about what a person has done the during the past year. A Noahide should also
recite a prayer requesting that all the people of the world will accept and
recognize the truth concerning the One true G-d. A Noahide can also recite
certain prayers from the Rosh Hashana prayer book.
4. HANUKAH. Noahides are called to celebrate the victory of Judaism over the
Hellenism. Since this victory showed the world the strength of the Israelites
belief in the One true G-d, their true devotion and dedication in keeping the
Torah and its commandments.
5. PASSOVER, THE FEAST OF FREEDOM. The Noahides during this holiday should
put a special stress on freedom for all humans. Even though we do find lavery
in the Torah. but we must remember that the slavery mentioned there is a
humane slavery. Maybe the main lesson of this hoilday is that all humanity
should be free. If a person should have a slave, he must then be a merciful
master. Toward this holiday they should clean throughly (spring cleaning)
their house. On the eve of the first day of Passover, Noahides should hold a
festive meal with Matzot and wine in honor of freedom.
6. SHAVUOTH. Holiday of summer and renewal of the human race. It is a day
that should be set aside for the study of Torah and the Noahide commandments.
Noah cursed his son ham, saying that he should be a servant to Shem and
Japhet. The reason is that Noah believed that it would for the benefit of
mankind. Since the decedents of Shem and Japhet would be conscientious and
civilized people and could influence Ham. Rabbi Shamshon Raphael Hirsch, in
his book Ma'agalei Shana says, "That humanity learned the true meaning of
freedom from the Israelites battle for freedom from Egyptian bondage."
Contributed by Jack E. Saunders
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