~ A Calvin and Hobbes Page ~

Rachel has become a Calvin and Hobbes fanatic!

We read Calvin and Hobbes comics and books to Rachel all the time. And she reads them herself alot too! Here is one of her favorite comics....

Of course, we have to mention some of the other characters
in the comic strip, too...

We are not sure, but we think Susie wants to be Calvin's girlfriend, eeeek!!!

Calvin's long-suffering parents... but Calvin's dad tells some real whoppers that may lead to Calvin's erratic behavior.

Rosalyn is the only babysitter who can even try to handle Calvin!

Miss Wormwood is Calvin's teacher. We think that she wants to retire early because of having to deal with Calvin's antics.

Moe is every jerk I've ever known. He's big, dumb, ugly and cruel.
He always picks on poor Calvin.

So now Rachel's favorite animal of course is the tiger.

Links to Rachel's other pages:

A Looney Tunes Page

An Amazing Animals Page

Rachel's Page of Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs and Dragons

Dinosaurs and More Dinosaurs

A Winnie the Pooh Page

Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone

Dragons Dragons!

More Dragons!

Dedicated to Chris

The song playing is, appropriately, Eye of the Tiger by Survivor.

Some graphics from