420th Air Refueling Squadron
421st Air Refueling Squadron
427th Air Refueling Squadron
429th Air Refueling Squadron
431st Air Refueling Squadron
622nd Air Refueling Squadron

KB-29 Units KB-50 Units KC-97 Units KC-135 Units KC-10 Units Numerical List
KB-29M Photos KB-29P Photos KC-97 Photos KB-29P Inside Tanker Aircraft SURVEY

421st KB-50J 49-0330.

KB-50 Tanker Squadrons of the US Air Force


421st ARS on 10 Aug 04

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The KB-50 tanker was a non-tactical, modified B-50 bombardment airplane with provisions for in-flight refueling of other aircraft. It differed from the basic B-50 airplane in that all defensive armament and bombardier equipment was removed and in-flight refueling equipment was installed. The early KB-50Ds had external fuel tanks and Wing air refueling pods slung under the wings. Later KB-50J and Ks had jet engines that replaced the external fuel tanks.

To view all the different KB-50 squadrons, click on a patch to the left.


KB-29 Units KB-50 Units KC-97 Units KC-135 Units KC-10 Units Numerical List
KB-29M Photos KB-29P Photos KC-97 Photos KC-97 Model Tanker Aircraft SURVEY