Lt Col P N Nissen
Many of you will remember the wonderful time you had living in the old Nissen Hut! Picked up a copy of the Quarterly, "History Ireland", Spring 2003 while visiting the Emerald Isle a year ago(of all places to find this article!). The article was about interning Republican (Irish) prisoners on the Isle of Saint Helena in the South Atlantic. Construction of a camp "for every 500 men, with sleeping accommodation of sixty square feet per prisoner, and two dining huts, each with an area of 4000 sq ft. Provision was also made for recreation huts, a small hospital staffed by resident surgeons, sanitary facilities, coal stoves for heating and paraffin lamps for lighting". Sounds a lot like where we all lived? Oil for coal; electric for paraffin; 2 dining halls?! Note that Lt Col P N Nissen (Brit) was responsible for our living quarters. I remember old 352-B at Site 7, RAF Bentwaters, my home!

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