* * *If you know of any good ideas for this feature, please let us know. These work with IExplorer and may be different with Netscape.* * *

  • Our main pages are reached through the index links on the left side. From there you will find links to the other pages.

  • To get the full page without the frames, right click on the link in the INDEX Frame and then click 'Open Link In New Window'. Finished...exit page and you are back to the original page. Works on all Hyperlinks.

  • For best graphics set your monitor to at least 800 x 600, high color, (16 bits)...or higher.

  • Always try using the right click to get menu's that could be shortcuts to the task you are doing.

  • Scandisk and Defrag your computer often, even if it says it is not necessary.

  • Most Photo's on these pages can be clicked on for a larger (maybe) image.

  • IExplorer 3 only: Click on a Link. Slow?? Look for 'Shortcut to ???' on Status Bar (bottom), then click Link a second time to get to the site faster.

  • Need bigger text? IExplorer 3 only: Click on- 'A' FONT -on Standard Button Bar at top. IExplorer 3 & 4 go to View/Fonts and change to larger font.

  • Easy way to find E-mail Address for any name on list. Right click on name then click Properties.
  • Would you like to know the HTML code of any webpage? How about copying from it (ask permission first) to use on your site? Just click VIEW/SOURCE from the menu (or right click/View Source anywhere blank on the page). You can then cut and paste any code from that page.
  • See a picture (jpg) or gif on a webpage that you would like to save? Just Right-click and Save Picture As to a folder on your hard drive.

  • When you go to a URL and find it is not the homepage you can access that page by deleting the end of the URL on the Address bar ie: XXX.XXX.com/delete.htm.


    To view this web site at its best you may need to DISABLE AOL's compressed graphics feature. This feature of AOL's browsers allows web sites to load faster by compressing the graphics to a smaller size using a special AOL graphics format (.art) If you've ever noticed that web site graphics and images look distorted or off colour, this is why. To disable this feature follow the instructions below:

    1. Click on the MY AOL button and select PREFERENCES from the drop down menu
    2. Click on the WWW icon
    3. Select the WEB GRAPHICS tab
    4. UNcheck the box that says "use compressed graphics"
    5. Select the GENERAL tab
    6. Push the button that says "CLEAR HISTORY" (This will clear any cached copies any web sites)

  • back to homepage