Lasippa tiga siaka (Malayan Lascar)
The Malayan LascarThe Malayan Lascar is the commonest of a group of look-alike butterflies in Singapore.  The upperside of the species is black with broad orange bands.  The ground colour on the underside is orange yellow with deep grey bands.  The species glides in the typical "sailor" fashion and is usually seen in clearings and forest edges in the nature reserves.
The caterpillar of this species is believed to feed on Cratoxylon.  Three other species, Pantoporia paraka paraka (Perak Lascar), Lasippa heliodore dorelia (Burmese Lascar) and Pantoporia hordonia hordonia (Common Lascar) are also found in Singapore and identification of these species is often difficult in the field, unless the butterflies stop long enough for a good look at the characteristics which separate the species.The Malayan Lascar
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