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Link in the Chain
The dominant paradigm - this system - needs you.
But you don't need it.
You can't change the system fundamentally from within. Take a look around at all the grey-haired public (and private) servants; many thought they'd change the machine. The system changed them instead.
Working within the dominant system means you are a cog in a machine -
a link in a chain that fetters all freedom. Working within this machine merely makes it more efficient. Even throwing a spanner in the works will ultimately make the machine more efficient - at destroying the world.
True motivation - clear will - is the real directing force.
What we will is what we manifest.
You CAN change the system by walking away from it and actively working with alternatives to it. What we truly believe is what we actually live.
Are you sick of contributing to a sick society?

Do you yearn for a meaningful life?

Do you believe change for the better is possible?
Telling Stories

Religions would tell fine parables if they didn't take themselves seriously;
fables to entertain and edify children are mistaken for ultimate truth.
Religions are the kindergarten of humanity. As a baby grows, so does humanity.
Simple ways are useful to a child.  Those who don't remember the
simple way of life find rules, rulers and religions.
As we evolve, our institutions evolve; if not they are outgrown.
As humans evolve, so does the cosmos, the divine.
As the old fables wither on the vine, new growth becomes possible.
What fables will satisfy the new humanity? Pie in the Sky? Beneficient aliens? Placing resonsibility for our existence into the hands of others?
Only if we remain dependent larval forms of a potentially free humanity.
Divine Child
Truth resides in the eyes of a child; trust is nurtured by truth. We are children peering through a latticework of fables at the lives of our parents - and simultaneously we are parents peering back at their own divinity watching them.
Children are messengers from the wellspring of life that show us our nature.
They are greater than the sum of their parents.
A child feeds on truth and is harmed by evasions, lies, 'half-truths' and commands. We are all crippled by the false tales of our ancestors and elders. An innocent hearing the sick fantasies of ancient humanity which masquerade as
spiritual guidance can only laugh or cry in shock.
They are not tablets from the mountain but sleeping pills for awareness.
Follow no-one. You are divine. Walk hand in hand with your mates, children and parents in paradise. This garden planet is a playground, not a prison;
bars are for drunkards.
Drop your baggage. You won't need it.


"Smash, smash the old laws and wake from the lie that all humans believe."
- Yeheshua
"Children are the golden apples of the Sun"
- Michael Moon
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