Tbolts Issue 50 Review
BYE BYE BAG'S...sob... This is Mark Bagley's final issue, I do believe Pat Zircher will do fine, but a moment of silence before we continue...
This issue scripted by Fabian N published MAY.2001. Double size, double action, double gasp...they said issue 50 would dramatically change the face of Tbolts...it has...
Meanwhile the other section of the team is talking and we find out the plan was to use Omega 32 as a weapon, a germ warfare type weapon, and it is then that the Nanoprobes seize Cit. V. and he thrusts a sword through Hawkeyes arm. Scorge then "chastizes" Hawkeye for getting soft since he stopped working with Cap and starts a scrap with Cit. V..Hawkeye heroically jumps in and tells Scourge to go after Gyrich and stop Omega 32,he will take on Cit. V.. Scourge" You won't last 10 seconds with this guy...He's good..." Hawkeye," I've been takin' down better than him for a long time!" Scouge takes off and Hawkeye and Cit. V. Square off. Next we see Gyrich and Scourge and Gyrich explains how this room they are in contains a chemical compound that can unbind the cohesion of hard air molecules allowing then to be transmitted through the electromagnetic data stream and then infect whom every he desires...he is about to explain WHY and we see a razor sharp arrow pierce through his hand...Cit. V. is unconcious and Hawkeye was shooting for the head, his bad arm threw the shot off, or was it just Hakweye's usual banter? Would he have killed? A question maybe to be answered, but not now...
Then in the midst of fighting the Fixer, Abe discovers that this guy doesn't remember ANYthing after his neck was snapped while fighting the Elements of Doom, he remembers nothing about the time as robotechno and the whole impersonation Orge scheme, which raises all sorts of questions about THAT Techno. but I know  someone who doesn't care(Rev Meteor) since he got his human Techno back. Techno, Opps i mean Fixer takes Abe out quite easily with the Tech pack, Jolt then jolts him and is subsequently attacked by the Smuggler who uses his contact with the darkforce to contact the darkforce inside Hallie and uses it to choke her out. He then reveals that he is Conrad Josten, the brother of Atlas(good call Rev M!)
Gyrich is monitoring all this and is gloatiing over Hawkeye being in this postion. The Nanoprobe controlled Reddemers sneak up on the Tbolts, but Abe catches it in his visor and the battle begins and the team come face to face with the FIXER! Moonstone gets the best line of the book, imo,seeing the Fixer she replies, "Reason number one why dead supervillians should just STAY dead". Chuck then pounds on the Fixer, and Meteorite gets in a hard air blast on Moonstone, Abe and Fixer end up mixing it up and Chuck gets the Beetle and goes balistic and starts to burn and fuse the suit, going so far as to start burning the person INSIDE the armor, and he seems to be quite enjoying it. Songbird and  Scream face off and Mel realizes Scream exists on a familar pitch, she hesitates and then gets sonic slammed big time, in the midst of that she redirects a scream of her own which shakes up all the "dance partners"...
Hawkeye gets a great line in as he speaks to Cit. V, "Do I have to feel you up to make sure you're a guy this time?" Cit. V,"I'd really rather you not..." He then unmaskes and reveals his identity to the Tbolts, Charcoal then spazzes on him(tisk tisk i see anger management classes taught by Captain A...but i am jumping ahead here.) Cit V tells how he, Val Cooper and the V-Battalion had been working together to uncover the CSA conspiracy. Hawkeye then call Scourge out of the shadows, which is a huge shock to Cit. V.. Hawkeye then suggests splitting the team up to  try to take out Omega 32. Abe jumps in an assigns the members to each team, putting Hakweye, Scourge and Cit. V together. Hawkeye realizes he has lost a lot of the trust he had built. As the two teams take off we see Moonstone just not sure where to go...
Hawkeye is ready to expose the whole CSA scam and Gyrichs part in it, even though it is revealed he was controlled by Nanoprobes too. WHO ever was behind the scenes simply used the desires Gyrich had, Gyrich did indeed create the plan and wanted to carry it out. then Val Cooper steps in saying the news can't get out or a human\spuerhuman war will erupt. So it was time to negotiate...Hawkeye say, "IMMUNITY for the Tbolts and Monroe" Gyrich screams" NEVER" ans says HE will stay quiet if HAWKEYE goes to jail. Abe jumps in, sensing Hawkeye wouldn't make it in prison,  "We  won't take the deal..." Hawkeye interupts..."If Val will give you final presidential pardon, a chance for my team to have a clean slate I'll do it!" And HE DOES!!!!! THIS is a hero...this is someone who walks the talk, he set out to help them get this and he did WHATEVER it took. WHAT a character!!! what an awesome story...Redemption denied? HELL NO!!!!
Gyrich hatred for Hawkeye led him to hatch this scheme, then we switch back to the Tbolts and Chuck again attacks and burns..this time Smuggler, which then frees Hallie. We then see the typical Fixer as he make cruel comments about Hallies condition of paralysis and says "look what pursuing redemption has cost you, has cost all the Tbolts.." and this is a NON nanoprobed Fixer, Jolt's power kills off the probes and we find out that is why SHE was first on the protocol list. Moonstone shows up with a knocked out Meteorite(was there ever a doubt!)And she used her powers of persuasion to get Scream on their side(since Scream isn't human the probes didn't work, it was just following the lead of its team when they attacked the Tbolts. Back with Gyrich he talks about how each probe is coded so they can just control who they want and then he lets the probes loose!!!! Mach 2 fires a blast away that destroys the containment field Jolt then zaps the probes and...it is done...
We begin with the Redeemers, led by John Watkins(Cit V) ,entering a building and being confronted by  "The Destruction" A robotic construct from Helmut Zemos lair, the Redeemers attack it and destroy it, then Gyrich appears and the Redeemers then find out they have been infused with the nanoprobes and are unable to move...except Cit. V, whose costume is delaying the probes taking over him...He then explodes a smoke bomb and makes a hasty retreat. As he is fleeing a dark figure phases through a wall, grabs his cloak and phases him through the wall where he is met by....the THUNDERBOLTS!!!!!
Back to New Moon
"It was an impossible shot...if he missed, his reputation--and that of the Avengers--would have been irreparably harmed, if he MADE it, then six wanted felons would be turned into HEROES. It was an impossible shot...AND IT WORKED!!!"
To me this was it, Redemption is something that has attracted me to Tbolts,because it is something i believe each of us needs, it is a hearts desire in each person. that is why we love Tbolts, this is why this story hits us...GOOD DOES win out.
Hawkeye and Moonstone declare their love for each other, YES!!!! Monroe uses an image inducer and slips away, We will need to follow the Cit. V. LS to find out who was behind the scenes...the pardons are granted, with the condition they no longer use their powers, Cap. A is the new field leader for Redeemers, who have Chuck and Jolt with them,And we are left with Mel and Abe asking "What do we do now?"