Issue 52 review
Written by Fabian. Pat Zircher  artist,Pat Zircher, released May 16 2001.
We start with Cap and the Redeemers on a mission on counter earth, working FOR DOOM and going against the Young Allies, Rebel is tagging along because he was promised he would be reunited with his lost love by DOOM. They took out some of the reprogrammed Doombots and Cap relflects on WHY they are find Dallas. He thinks of counter earth, a place they were taken by Franklin Richards, he doesn't remember that time(but us readers are STILL trying to forget the Heroes Reborn mess!!!)
We then get a Young Allies role call of sorts... Kid Colt, Bucky, Man-Bull... and their plan to threaten DOOM to abdicate using a biochemical gas. Cap doesn't remember Bucky and isn't pleased with her actions...we then see the other part of the Redeemers, Jolt, Fixer, Chuck,and Smuggler hunting for the Allies. We are privvie to Jolts thoughts about wishing she was NOT with this team, and had been allowed to be pardoned and wasn't too young so she became a ward of the state. We then get her read on her teammates..."fixer is a jerk" YUP! "Smuggler seems nice...but inexperienced and bitter...bad combo" "Chuck? Acting like a werewolf...not Mr Even Keel"...She realizes the Tbolts were more a family then this group was or will be. she starts to give some orders to the group, bruising Fixers ego...BLAH....
BRACE YOURSELF...IT GETS GRAPHIC HERE!!!!! Fixer realizes he is scared, he is NOT really confident...he had been killed, how can you be confident after that...hmm I have heard that can be tough baldie..tough cookies...SUCK IT UP!. We then get some insight on how he is alive again...he awoke from a bionutrient gel tank-- his preprogrammed survival protocols kicked in...he had ZEMOS help for that...Really?,hmm so Zemo must have some too...hmm INTERESTING!!!!!. These protocols enabled his body to not decay etc until the brain could be reintegrated...and we see Norby coming out of the tube in the buff....EWWWWWW. we go from Bagley doing nice Moonstone pics to Pat giving us Norbert  nude...EWWWWWW again! i say EWWWWWWWW

We find out the only reason he is along for the ride is that if he doesn't play  hero his tech harness will shut down his neural net..not good, then he muses about how his conscience ran Techno that had saved Jolt's maybe he can fake it til he makes it...til he learns and gains the potential for fixing his soul. time will tell!!
We then jump back to our earth and Mel and Matt. Matt is quite content and happy to be working and being normal, but Mel just isn't settled....what can SHE do...what is she good at?  well she used to be good as a crook,but that was then...this is now....
She enters a store that is hiring...and ends up making a STEAL a necklace...hmm this surprised me, Songbird the first to do the illegal thing,hmmm interesting....
Okay the Redeemers finally find the Allies and a battle is started-- we get a few action scenes to the other wise slow paced book, then the SHIELD makes an appearance, which means wing head is there...but the scene changes to show Dallas and DOOM. Dallas is looking good...DOOM is doing the politics thing and is happy... then we switch to Seagate prison....
And HAWKEYE!!!. In prison gear, he is excorted to see a visitor,we find out the arrest was NOT public knowledge ,and we see DUM DUM DUGAN of SHIELD on VERY unofficial business. And that is the only hint we get...back to the Allies, and Allies (Bucky )especially,  kicks it up a notch and surprisingly breaks open a can of the biochemical gas!!!!!!!! Rebel tells them to secure the lid, they don't and he shoots the Bull dude right between the eyes...Cap is not impressed...the Allies damage done!. We then see Buckys motive for this thing, DOOM is keeping counter earth unstable so he can keep the people under his thumb..the allies are trying to bring back basic civil rights and basic living conditions, she then opens up the gas container!!!!
The gas is inert, it was simply a ploy to try to twist DOOM's arm into being a bit more humane. But Cap called her bluff and now DOOM wins! the ALLIES disappear with Bucky leaving Cap with the haunting words..."when was the last time YOU had to make a hard choice?"

Cap then takes a container to DOOM and LIES to him!!! tells DOOM she planted other gas tubes around that will be released if people aren't treated better...he leaves the decision in DOOM's hands...VERY NICE, first time i have liked Cap in a LONG time!!!!
Okay, my overall views was slow.. i am not real interested in the Redeemers, i did like the handling of Cap, it just doesn't seem like a Tbolt issue though. But i know this is temporary, and Pat is doing okay with the art, the first few pages i saw in reviews were 50\50, but  after reading the book, it is good, no problems...he does an amazing Songbird that is for sure LIFE SENTENCES..will be the book though, Hawkeye and his situation, Moonie and gravy train...THIS is TBOLT stuff... 3 weeks til then!!!