Issue 57 review
Released oct 17 2001 by the team of Fabian, Pat and Al
We start this issue, after the carnage of last issue, with the Fixer wondering about his choice, it was smart but was it right? The choice cities of gravy train are floating and the world is in chaos, all the heroes are suspended above the earth held by a gravity filed. M'reel tells gravy to start transforming hte world. Karla is shocked, thinking it was simply an early ego thing of Franks, but now begins to wonder if he has grown past her abiltiy to manipulate him.
Meanwhile Fixer sees a wierd aura around M'reel, something that will come into play soon. We then change scenes to see a child falling from the carnage of Burton Canyon, only to be saved by Citizen V\Zemo. This multi conscous\single body hero\villin is certainly getting interesting. WHO is more in control? He\they ponder that also as they stop to also save the boys mum. Then we take a break to notice some scribbles on a wall...Dragynwulf? BobMM, Rev Meteor...and Moonstonelover!!! AWESOME stuff, thanks Patrick!!! Those are names of some of the regulars at the Tbolt Message Board at comicboards. We are fortunate to have both Fabian and Patrick post there and interact with us. COMIC BOARDS ROCK!
Cit. V then decides to take on gravy train and recruits Mel and Abe. Mel is emotional and wants a piece of gravy, Abe isn't scared to do it, but worries about his "normal" life. Then he is told...Are you SUPPOSED to have a normal life??? They agree. Abe gets a frequency code for the VBattalion and calls his cop friends and they put him in contact with Aubrey, Citzen V orders that the tbolt protocols M-3 and SB-2 be released.
We then flash to avengers mansion...and ATLAS is back...sort of. He has taken control of Dallas body. She looks a little Phoenixish.
We then pop over to see Clint and the criminals lived through the crash, Cottonmouth tries to take off, but the security manacles shock them unconscious. We know from Fabian that Hawkeye won't be back with the tbolts or avengers for quite a while so talk is this is the new team for Hawkeye
As the trio waits for their special delivery some SHIELD agents pop in, start to protest their involvement, but shortly give them the nod. Cit V chats with Fixer and gets him over to their side(he sure switches sides a lot!!!)He then zaps M'reel as a distraction so the deleivery can slip past gravy train. Karla gets in Norbies face about his attack, he shows her that M'reel is sucking energy off gravy train, and Norbie calls gravy train ,gravy train!!! I coined that phrase on the 'boards, although I MAY have heard Hawkeye(editir note since found out spidey used it, oh well, i started it on the 'boards :)  ) use it in an old WCA issue, I am not sure, but getting my handle and a phrase in  this issue. AWESOME, hey Fabain can I send you a picture, maybe I can make a cameo...maybe Moonstones new love interest???? Never mind :) Back to the issue. Fixer then shocks Moonstone. Is he toast when she wakes up!!!
Then the Tbolts are BACK, and pound on gravy, including Cit V sword going THRU gravy train...OUCH.
AWESOME issue, the team is BACK!!! Fabian has been building steam and things have the old feel back, the art work continues to be the most consistant out there, very striking opening scene with all the heroes.GREAT STUFF!!
My name here :)