What Is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic, genetically determined, debilitating disease affecting every organ system. Insulin is not a cure, but merely life support.

There are two major types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 (juvenile)  is caused by the autoimmune destruction of the insulin-producing cells of  the pancreas and is usually, though not always, diagnosed in childhood.  People with Type 1 must take insulin to live. People with Type 2 produce insulin, but their bodies do not use it effectively. Type 2 is usually diagnosed in adulthood.

* Diabetes kills one American every three minutes.

* Sixteen million Americans have the disease; of     these, 5.4 million are  undiagnosed. 

* Diabetes afflicts 120 million people worldwide, and the World Health  Organization (WHO) estimates this number will skyrocket to 300 million by the year 2025.

* A new case of diabetes is diagnosed every 40 seconds.

* Taking insulin does not cure the disease nor prevent the development of complications.

* Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, adult blindness, and  no traumatic amputations.

* People with diabetes are two to four times more likely to have a heart  attack or stroke.

* Life expectancy of people with diabetes averages 15 years less than that of people without diabetes.

* Diabetes is a leading cause of nerve damage.

* Death rate among infants born to mothers with diabetes is two to three  times as high as for women without diabetes.

Source: Juvenile Diabetes Foundation http://www.jdf.org/

This quilt square was stitched for the RAOK Quilt For the Cause 

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We at RAOK feel this is an important topic. For it effects so many in their daily lives. If you know of someone that may be able to get use from this section please do pass along to them. Diabetes effects man, women and child. It effects those that have it as well as those around the ones that have it. It can be brought under control. We hope these pages help you see and fully understand that  .


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Diabetes Dedication Quilt   Stories from TLC Committee members


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The RAOK TLC Committee


Thanks to the members of the RAOK TLC Committee and
Nick, our TLC Committee leader, for their work on this project! Without volunteers like you, it wouldn't have been possible!

Background set by: TheresaB
 Web design by: Fan
Graphics by: Little Kari, JanDee, Sunny, Fan
Poem shared by Lisa
URL/Links Research by: TheresaB, Eddy, Anne, Karlynn, Grammy Nancy , Marsha
Link back graphic by: Shirley
Story by: Karlynn, Anne
Quilt square by: Shirley
Ideas/Contributions by: BrendaSue, Anne, Karlynn, TheresaB, Fan, Lisa

Diabetes Dedication Quilt by: Anne, Karlynn, TheresaB, Fan, Lisa, Grammy Nancy, Eddy, Little Kari, Lainey, zack, Vu, Kind Soul, and Nick