OCD, also known as Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder, is a neurobiological disorder that affects many people. Some
characteristics of this disorder are obsessive thoughts that a person cannot
suppress and compulsive repetitive behaviors that can take up several hours of
the day.
Again and Again: Surviving Life With Obsessive Compulsive
Making List...Again and Again
I've made my list...
Checked them again and again....
I have them in order by importance...
Checked them again and again...
First one says make list...
Second one check list...
Third put in order...
Checked them again and again...
Time goes by still making my list....
Checked them again and again....
Still fixing the list...
Must stop soon....
Checked them once more....
Looked at the clock almost noon....
Must get started on the list....
Don't know where the day went...
Checked them again and again....
Here the door the kids are home...
Put up the list...time to get dinner...
Checked them just once more....
I made my list....
Time for bed...
Check them just once more...
Must do the list tomorrow....
Checked them again before I close my eyes!!!!!
These quilt squares have been submitted to
the RAOK Quilt for the Cause
If you would like to link back to this project,
please save the graphic above and link it back to
Thank you to all
the RAOK TLC Committee members and Nick,
our Committee Leader for their work in this project. Without Volunteers like
you, it wouldn't have been possible.
Credits And Special Thanks to: Background
set by Shirley Web Design by The
Greytgang URL/Links research by Eddy,
Candi, Friendpoet,
Penguin Angel, Fan,
Anne Quilt
Squares by Friendpoet & Fan Graphics
by Lainy, Candi,
Teresa, The
Greytgang, Zack, & Fan Poetry by Friendpoet,
Candi Ideas/Contributions
by Candi, Friendpoet,