The Rational Argumentator
A Journal for Western Man
Click here to visit Issue II.
The Manifesto:
Read "The Rational Argumentator's" mission statement.
An Essay on the Necessities of Progress, Technological and Moral:
August 31, 2002
A two-part philosophical treatise outlining the absolute survival value of technology to individual and species alike by G. Stolyarov II
Identifying Antiprogressivism:
September 1, 2002:
A Corollary to "An Essay on the Necessities of Progress", which gives you the systematic framework you need to refute the foes of advancement by G. Stolyarov II.
Fields of Desolation:
September 1, 2002:
A lyric description of the repugnant untamed wilderness which is the diametrical opposite of Western development culture by G. Stolyarov II.
September 2, 2002:
A metaphor for a hero by G. Stolyarov II.
Please Help Us All, West:
September 2, 2002:
A criticism of the multiculturalist paradigm, which upholds all societies, no matter how miserable, with the exception of the truly valuable one by G. Stolyarov II.
To Post-Modernists:
August 31, 2002:
A scathing condemnation of the movement which corrupts Western art in the form of a
rhyming, rhythmic, eloquent traditional-style poem by G. Stolyarov II
An Objectivist Condemnation of Abortion:
September 1, 2002:
The philosophy of Ayn Rand on this topic does not coincide with her specifically professed point, and G. Stolyarov II attempts to grant valuable secular, rational, Objectivist ammunition to anti-abortionists in this essay.
Panacea: How a Single Executive Decision Can Win Conservatives Victories on Three Fronts:
September 1, 2002:
A suggestion for a potent power play by President George W. Bush in order to elevate conservative political agendas, save the economy, and depose of a ruthless dictator in one blow by G. Stolyarov II.
All work herein is property of its individual authors, and permission is required before any reproduction is authorized. This statement is also to certify that readers are allowed to non-commercially reprint the works of G. Stolyarov II and Edmund Daleford.