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12 Dec 03:

Carrie sez--

As Christmas is coming, I'm hella busy emailing, doing presents, writing letters,
et cetera, ad nauseum...but I'm also probably going to write an article on Christmas itself, sooner or later (probably later...knowing me, it won't be published until after Christmas!) This also means I get a two-week break off school, in which I'll have too much time on my hands and probably be updating like a madwoman.

I'm sick of girl friends telling me they're fat. Apparently these days we have to fit an "ideal" in order to be attractive to the opposite sex.. I find this untrue, so I've (foolishly, I must admit) taken it upon myself to disprove the theory. I shall talk to a random sampling of males selected from the phone book and poll them, asking what they think about girls, girls' bodies, girls who think they're ugly, cosmetic surgery and all the other silly controversies. They'll probably think I'm working for a womens' magazine. XD

*sigh* The things I do in the name of writing. Oh, but y'all haven't seen the half of it.

Speaking of writing letters, I have remembered that an actual author lives within my vicinity, so 'twould be cool to write to him. I'm now collecting questions to be asked, and will do my best to get them all answered. Hopefully he replies. Aspiring writers, be on the lookout, and
please seize the opportunity to tell me which things you want addressed! Speak up, folks. If you visit and have something to say, by all means mouth off. That's the idea we operate on.

Right now, there are donuts calling to be eaten, so I bid farewell.

Yours in rattiness,
Carrie, a.k.a. Zade