Meet the Rat chicks, the intelligent typing mammals behind the madness. We say Rat chicks because we have no male Rats yet. But we're recruiting. If you think you're worthy...
NAME: Carrie
(Site design & management, editrix, co-founder, writer, ranter)
DOB: 1/17/86
Carrie, a starter of many things but a finisher of few, is a student in Flint, Michigan. She exists in a rat's nest (how appropriate) and spends her spare time working on a novel and not having income. Amongst her many talents are art, psychology, journalism, and frightening people. She brings to RAT a wisdom of words and a vast supply of anecdotal garbage.

She can be found and/or stalked at the following:
Her art gallery
Her "house"
Some old writing
Another neglected gallery

She knows where you live.
DOB: 3/18/86
BIO: Unavailable right now.
NAME: Spaz
DOB: 5/3/86
BIO: Also presently unavailable.
'Cause we're women of mystery. Or just lazy. The latter seems more plausible.
RAT Trivia:
-The ragged edge of the ugly collage on the front page is in the shape of the coast of California. Because a picture of California was used for it.

-Below the 'Under Construction' message on the front page, there's a hidden message.

-RAT doesn't really stand for anything. It was going to, but somewhere between "Random-Assed Text" and "Rebellious Active Teens" and "Run, Anthrax Terror!" We descended into idiocy and gave up.

-The site exists on Geocities because 1)We have limited knowledge of HTML 2)We're lazy and 3)We don't have a domain. We can't afford nice things.
"My, this little box is cramped!"
"I only look sweet and innocent..."
Image pending.