I belive that cursing is limited, too limited. I recall the days when: shit, fuck, bitch, motherfucker, cunt, cocksucker, etc. And it was as exciting as Atari and now as I am older I am losing my faith in the standard words of filth. I propose new cuss words. Fuck is the king of words, was, but now its as shocking as men being gay. Shock is only good as long as you keep them hanging, and that is what cuss is now plain, dull and the blind see it coming. To the majority of society now needs a paragraph to be ragged on in order to be angry. The world needs words that make you see red, of course I know Webster will not put or define words, and fuck why should they? At least one word sometimes if looked in a thesaurus would have 4 or up, words that means the original word and exact meaning. And I'm pissed cause we don't need 4 or 5 synonyms when truely a King has only his shadow and that would be himself = fuck, and the shadow = fornicate. If any one who will help me on my quest to create new motherfucking cuss words e-mail me and suggestions will be posted any will be appriciated.

If you have a rant e-mail me:
Back to Sinful Lands
AS I APOLOGIZE     By Matt Toro

My nature can't be explained, the actions i commit mean no harm to people and objects
around me,
Yet i come off cold and heartless, but my sorrow lingers and I repent,
your forgiveness seems to be the way to fade the shadows i rendered,
I present a hand you don't see and a voice i think you can't here,
It can be a trial to ask for guidance and direction,
I say not that you are my issue,
I say I'm not doing well,
I cloak my feelings and emotions to bring a atmosphere that is well,
to you,
and mine i can't view past.... not sure of it,
I ask of any to help when I'm freightened it may push you away,
I apologize i only mean well,
i'm freightened to ask to their face, as i might not be accepted.
Click on the Nuns with Guns and you will be direct to a friends page of Rants
Rants By FalleN
Part one

Done by Reverend FalleN

"i hate this, i hate that.... i detest the people who hate for no good reason are that stupid, or is it you want to be with the in crowd or because of what genre they put you in because of your drees code, or the reason you found out you are a dumb shit who cant hack or erect it or penis envy or tit size matters you dont think your beautiful or fat or ugly. Wake up my little cum lickers you are dumb shits. First of all apathy is not a bad thing its only bad when you are becoming that to every extent and distance of that word. So piss off most things are pyschological and if you commit suicide who am i to remotely care. I dont condone it or support if and only if youre a dying victim of something beyond your control cause these little anguishes or torments are bullshit cause you can. And if you dont listen to anyone who gives a shit or does there best to help you i "WILL" watch you fall and be smoking a cigarette. I wont laugh cause i am not with heart. recently i am starting to become stronger in empathy and that really hurts the rant above this one is how i still feel. To add if you look around this site and wonder if i am crazy, yes. That is not a joke, I am clinical announced as a bipolar paranoid schizophrenic. I dont this is too scare or brag as if it is a good thing i tell people this as a warning cause i have mood swings that since 6 months ago are becoming violent and i live with the simple belief and rule "treat me nice and i will return you kindness". back to what i was saying empathy is a bitch to go thru cause it play with your emotions and sometimes it wont stop or youll become sensitive to the slightest feelings around you and can be ampilfy so i am not with out heart. Next sexual prefrence. WHO GIVES A GODDAMN SHIT IF SOMEONE IS GAY!! let they do what they want are they touch you in your ass dick mouth ear stomach pussy or caressing you in any way that you are uncomfortable NO SO SHUT UP YOUR PROBLEM IS YOU PROBABLY HAVE GAY FANTASIES YOU SICK DELUSION FUCK!!!!!! I have gay and lesbian friends am I ATTRACTED to some of those lesbians FUCK YES and do i judge them NO, am I ATTRACTED to any of those gays no, BUT still i dont judge them. A
STRAIGHT MAN if a gay guy flirts or hits on this STRAIGHT GUY he will get offended and probably beat up the gay man. IF a gay man did either of those two things I would smile and say that i am straight but thank you, WHY YOU ASK cause i will tell you some thing that you asshole men might love about of  what i am about t say. That means a couple of things, 1 you got alot of options for you 2 you might be irrestible to both sides of sex 3 you might be that damn good and 4 that a BIG FUCKING COMPALMENT YOU DUMBASS. of course some say thats stupid and i am a idiot I AM A REALISTS ASSHOLE, THINGS IN LIFE GET BLOWN OUT OF PURPOTION AND EVERY ONE TAKES THING WAY TOO SERIOULSY....
you other are not going to left out......
Rants By FalleN
Part 2

Done By Reverend Fallen

Grudges........what the FUCK IS THE POINT a person I know holds a grudge like it was the holy grail in a pouch. people are too stupid then they forget what it was about are that pissy or can you get the poll you personally put up your ass out. NO cause of pride, pride can.....no no is a dumb thing how many people who are dead can raise there hand NO ONE THEY'RE FUCKING DEAD, DO YOU WANT TO HAVE THAT HAPPEN TO YOU. No cause you say "I value life" BULLSHIT, most of the time its a stupid dumbass reason and I dont see the point. NOW if say if this person hurt some one or you badly physcial more than emotionally YOUR AN IDIOT. cause what do you think they have therapist for!!! I dont believe in a middle person with a piece a paper A DEGREE to tell me how I'm feeling. "BUT ITS A DEGREE THEY STUDIED FOR THIS PAPER." YEAH A FUCKING PAPER get some one who has LIVED this situation and then we talk. NOW I know so people probably hate that statement but my opinion and feelings towards it. I didnt say you had to follow it condone it. JUST MY FEELINGS TOWARDS IT. Cause I know, some people cant deal with it and have no one to turn to. I sympathize I KNOW. But back to the matter at hand, you think that your friend did something or know that your friend and or LOVED one I'll and as well deal with it out of court and out of a therapist office. Be better than to humor and support people who rob you of money and an HOUR of life you say "you value" cause its not reasonable or logical having others or pills run your life UNLESS....UNLESS the are medicinal for PYSHICIAL PURPOSES. say sickness of the body not mind UNLESS you are that unstable of the mind, cause that can help. AND FROM FIRST HAND EXPERIENCE I SAY THAT IS TRUE. One more thing.... is it possibly to say you love everything and say it with a straight face. CAUSE I SMELL A LYING SON OF A BITCH!!! I promote pacifism I do cause detesting a lot of people with stupid hatereds is ANNOYING AND POINTLESS. I CONDONE IT and say "ALL PEOPLE SHOULD HAVE EITHER AN PACIFIST IN THEIR MINDS OR AT LEAST SOME EMPATHY. EMPATHY = to feeling the feel the emotions and or upset of people around you and experience it too menatly. Cause that would be great to have either or wouldn't you think so. like the top of the browser I hate asshole like you = meaning jerk offs how should FUCK THEIR GRUDGES, DEAL WITH THERE PROBLEMS, AND SHOULD LEARN A BIT OF PACIFISIM AND OR EMPATHY. Good night and remember "DARKNESS IS BEAUTY TOO." -Rev.FalleN
My new CURSE WORD Idea