We have a lot to thank Razorlight for. Well, one thing actually: the press coverage they're currently receiving means there's less column inches for The Darkness. With tonight's gig being a sell-out it appears a lot of people want to thank them and, possibly, we want to see what all the fuss is about.
This is answered as soon as vocalist Johnny Borrell, who looks as Stuart Cable would if he bothered to lose 15 stone, bounces along to 'Rip It Up' which has succeeded in whipping the by now drunken crowd into a frenzy who are left wanting more, even though the song's just finished. The two security guys look at each other nervously, clearly unsure what to do if anything happens but they have nothing to worry to about as there isn't even the sniff of a crowd-surfer.
'Get And Go' is the wham-bam-thank-you-mam beast that everyone wishes they had in their set-list. The warped guitars and shambolic Borrell crash their way through the song in perfect harmony so it looks like they've actually pre-prepared the onstage mayhem. 'Dalston' has the frontman climbing the relatively small barrier to serenade the crowd who, a result, go absolutely insane. He's hero-worshipped as though Razorlight have released more than two singles. Getting back onstage is more difficult, as the barrier is re-scaled Borrell trips and nearly knocks himself out, but surely even God has his bad days. 'In The City' is being told that you're getting a pay rise, you only have to come in three days a week and the company car will be arriving on Monday.
Razorlight leave us without as much as a goodbye but unlike other shambolic one-night stands this is someone we'd like to see again.
Seonaid Masson |