Razorlight @ King Cross Pool & Snooker Club - 18th August '03 | ||||||
"...And from the sublime to, um, the snooker hall. Obviously, clean-living type that yer columnist is, we don't have much experience of snooker halls, apart from being downstairs in Pink Floyd's coffee shop in Amsterdam once and viewing an interminable match between Terry Griffiths and Hurricane Higgins that our folks took us to scarily many moons ago, so when we received our invite - stuck, impressively, on a broken David Johansen 7-inch - to go and see Razorlight at said venue, right next door to the aforementioned Scala, we proclaimed it foolishness to refuse. Rather a fine night it was too, as it goes; not much in the way of snooker, distressingly, but the 'Light certainly know how to party like it's 1995, doling out a feverish brew of prime These Animal Men sleaze (who did have a prime, regardless of all the drubbings that many, this correspondent included, have given them since. Honestly, play 'Speeed King' again) and young Supergrass scampishness. Wheels might not be exactly rolling away in fear of being reinvented, but there's a growing charm to their endeavours, and 'Rock'n'Roll Lies''ll always play more than merry hell with the blood pressure of those of a particular indie vintage. Shaping up for top 40 things too, we hear, and they'll be a durned sight more welcome to it in our books than The Stands / The Delays / The OneofmanyotherterminallydullVirginFMso-calledalternativetypes..." Iain Moffat http://www.playlouder.com/feature/+itsthemoffatshow-4/ |