Razorlight, the band of the moment, are doing their headlining tour of the UK and quite rightly deserve all the press and admiration they are currently getting.
At last the UK may have a band original enough to break the states and put us back on the music map.
It's hard to describe them, although all the tracks sound familiar they are completely original, sounding somewhere between Talking Heads, Jons Spencers, Terrovision, Television and Bruce Springstein.
They kept the crowd waiting and eventually came on stage at about 10.15pm to deliver an intense 45 minute set.
Normally, a band only doing a 45 minute live set could be seen as being down right lazy, but this set literally blew the roof off the Rescue Rooms and left the band and crowd knackered.
The energy and originality of Razorlight was awesome, the tunes rocked with downright catchy riffs, choruses and stage presence.
After the first song, a mosh pit at the front of the stage had broken out and as the set continued, crowd surfers and stage divers appeared, leaving security unable to contain the situation.
Firing song after song at high-octane levels and demanding more and more crowd attention is the only way to sum up this gig.
Each song was cleverly mastered and their stage presence re-assured us that this band is well on their way to stardom.
The encore was one song and ended with the stage being rushed and a near riot breaking out as the crowd demanded more.
There's a UK revolution about to happen and this band may well be leading it. Definitely a new hope for us. |