      Since the "war on poverty" began in 1965, the government has spent more than $5 trillion trying to ease the suffering of the poor but instead produced more poverty. Since it's development, our welfare system has failed. It's unfair to the taxpayers, who foot the bill for failed programs; to society, whose mediating institutions of economy, church and family are increasingly pushed aside; and it's most unfair to the poor themselves, who are trapped in a system that destroys opportunity and hope for their children.
        The Libertarian Party, and Breanne Brislenn, believes that it's time for a change. It's time for a program based on opportunity, work, and individual responsibility.This can be accomplished by :
            1.Ending welfare. By ending welfare, people will be forced to depend on their family, friends, and, most importantly, themselves, as opposed to leaning on the government for help.
           2. Establishing a dollar-for-dollare tax credit for contributions for private charity. Private charities already provide $125 billion annually to charity, so a tax credit would boost the contributions enough to be able to replace government welfare.
          3. Tear down barriars to entrepreneurism and economic growth. The Libertarian Party calls for the repeal of government regulations and taxes that are steadily discouraging those who want to start their own businesses.
         4. Reform education. Nearly 40 years after Brown vs. The Board of Education our schools are still segregated, by income now rather than race. Poor children are unable to escape poverty because they are stuck in the underfunded schools.
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