Jewish Families from Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire







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The Goldschmidt family home in Grebenstein, Germany

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Many of the families listed in these pages arrived in the United States in the 19th Century and settled in Baltimore, Cleveland, Philadelphia, and other small communities in western Pennsylvania and Ohio.  

The German branch of my family came from Hesse-Kassel.  I have discovered over 3000 descendants from Falcke, an 18th Century Jewish merchant.  Today, we live throughout the world, and several of us are inter-related with many   Jewish families from in and around Frankfurt am Main. 

Another branch came from Austria-Hungary, specifically from the old Hungarian counties of Szepes, Saros, and Zemplin which are presently in  the Slovak Republic.  These families settled in Cleveland, Ohio, a melting pot of central European immigrants. 


Originally From Germany:

The descendants of Falcke Jacob (born in 1697) and his son Jacob Falcke (born in 1729) in Oberlistingen, a small village near Kassel. Jacob's sons, Elieser, Lehmann, Seligmann, Meyer, and Simon, adopted the Goldschmidt name in the early 1800's when Jews were required to adopt surnames. This large family lived in the towns of Grebenstein, Eschwege, and Frankfurt am Main. Many from this branch who escaped or survived the Holocaust settled in England, the U.S. and Israel. There are many illustrious, well-known entrepreneurs, artists, and philanthopists from this family.

From Germany to Holland:

Jacob's other son Jude settled in Holland before the Napoleonic edict was known as Joede Jacob, and the Dutch branch of the family hereafter used the name Jacobs. The Jacobs family lived in and around Hengelo-G, Humello, and Zelhem. A large part of this family were murdered by the Nazis. 

From Germany to The United States:

The Goldschmidt family members who settled in Philadelphia in the middle of the 1800's became known as Goldsmith. These people became merchants in the wholesale clothing business. Others settled in small communities and operated retail clothing establishments. Common surnames in the Goldschmidt branch include: Dannenberg, Mansbach, Simsohn, Reinheimer, Stern, Schwabacher, Loewenthal, Oppenheimer, Feuchtwanger, Schwarzschild, Cramer, Fuld, Meyer, Rapp, Tedesco, Offenbacher, Eisemann, and Bodenheimer, among others.


The descendants of Gerson Katzenstein (born 1815), married Eva Goldschmidt, daughter of Seligmann Goldschmidt. Gerson and his family arrived in Philadelphia in 1856 from Jesberg, Germany. Gerson's son Scholum married his second cousin, Henrietta Sigmund, whose mother was a Goldschmidt. Katzenstein branches were pioneer retail merchants who settled in Philadelphia, Johnstown, and Washington, PA. 


The descendants of Albert Sigmund (born abt 1819) from Bavaria arrived in Baltimore, MD in the 1840's. Albert married Ella Goldschmidt, the daughter of Meyer Goldschmidt. Albert and Ella's daughter, Henrietta, married Scholum "Joe" Katzenstein. Many of the Sigmund descendants still reside in Baltimore. Other family members moved to New York and Denver. Families include: Goldman, Gelbard, Baker, Aurbach, Clastner, Weil.

From Austria-Hungary:  

Ignatz and Edward Schoenberger came to Cleveland in the 1870's. Edward married Sarah "Sally" Grossman (see below). This large family includes Gross, Eilers, Sampliner and Glueck families of Cleveland, and the Weinberger-Weber family of New York. 


The descendants of Moyshe Grossman and his brother Shmuel settled in Cleveland. Includes Hibschman, Rosenblith, and Beyer.


Saul Abraham Wolf (born 1831) lived in and around Igló (Spisske Nova Ves). His widow, Hannah "Rose" Englander came to Cleveland with her six children in the 1880's. Branches lived in Cleveland , Chicago, Akron, and Los Angeles. Includes Stein, Wachner, Klein and, Rigelhaupt. 


Bert Spanye né Sonnenschein. The Sonnenscheins were from Girált (Giraltovce). Most of this family changed their name to Sunshine except Bert who changed his name to Spanye while studying at the University in Budapest. Bert was a successful businessman in Cleveland, and with his uncle, Charles K. Sunshine, owned and operated the Acme Foundery, The Bailey Company Dept. Store, and Sunshine Cloak Co.


The descendants of Sidney (Shaja) Englander and Chaja Roisa "Rosa" Englander. Came from Nagy Vitez. Many of these Englanders still live in Cleveland. Includes Handler and Unterberger in Philadelphia, Kaufman, Dattelbaum, Edelman, Klein/Kline, and Beckerman of Cleveland.


The descendants of Hani Baumoel and her husbands Abraham Moskowitz and Herman Lefkowitz. Includes Greenbaum, Kaufman, Klein, and Schwartz. Many still live in Cleveland.


The descendants of Isaac Gottdiener family from Slovakia/Hungary. His son Henry Gottdeiner arrived in 1878 and lived in Galion, Rendville, and Cleveland. Includes Bloch, Milder and Leon. 


The descendants of Herman Weber lived Zanesville, OH. The Weber family owned the Weber Home Store.
The descendants of Leib Korach family from Siroka. This large family is spread throughout the world.

We are indebted to our many family members, institutions and researchers for their contributions!  This site contains stories, commentary, photographs, vital information, and family history compiled from research gathered in the past 100 years.

We have made every effort to insure 100% accuracy, but everyone who is involved with family history knows there is no such thing!  Please contact us and report any errors.  Please email us if you can add additional information.

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We hope that this site will be a source of enjoyment and learning for descendants and others fascinated by the struggle of our Jewish ancestors as they moved throughout the world in search of religious tolerance, and political and economic freedom.

Dedicated to the members of our family who suffered and perished  at the hands of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime 

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Jewish Families
of Frankfurt am Main

Please visit Jewish Families of Frankfurt am Main
Here you can find a short history of the Jewish Community and  trees of prominent Jewish families


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