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She wreaked havoc in Pine Valley, now she has plans to do the same in Llanview.

ABCTim talks with Robin Christopher...

Question: What was the first thing that went through your mind when you heard you would be bringing Skye to One Life To Live and not All My Children?

Robin Christopher: I guess the first thing that went through my mind was "Really?!" LOL! It was kind of bizarre. I asked my agent, "Are you sure it's One Life and not All My Children?" I thought they made a mistake. The next thing was, just for me as an actress, was to try and piece together the character's history and what would have brought her Llanview. There was a lot of thinking that was going on.

Question: Were you ever hesitant to reprise the role?

Robin Christopher: No. I guess you're more hesitant about going back to a soap when you're out in Los Angeles and you're trying to do night time shows. I'm so happy to be back playing Skye. I guess I always feel like Skye is a part of my history as well. Anytime you play a character and you invest your own real feelings in something it becomes a part of you. The whole hesitancy issue was really about coming back to New York as opposed to playing Skye again. To come back to daytime and reprise this role was great for me.

Question: What would you like to see Skye do in Llanview?

Robin Christopher: I don't think Skye has ever had a real relationship. There was the whole Tom Cudahy thing, but she wasn't really ready for that. I think it's going to have to be somebody who is very much like her. I don't think Skye would even know a great relationship if it kicked her in the head. I think it has to be somebody who loves drama like she does. I think her relationships will always have some sort of conflict because that is all she knows. I'd like to see her sort of always get into people's faces. Skye is so insecure herself but in a way she has a great gift for being able to get under peoples skin and bring out their insecurities. That's her way of controlling the situation.

Question: Who would you like to see Skye become involved with romantically?

Robin Christopher: So many possibilities! I think there is a nice possibility with maybe the Max/Blair story. I'd also love to maybe work with Tim Gibbs (Kevin). I love working with Tim. We really didn't work together that much when we were on another show together, so that would be fun.

Question: Do you think Skye is really a bad girl at heart, or just mixed up?

Robin Christopher: I think it's the only way she knows how to be. Who really is a bad girl at heart? I think that would make the character very one dimensional. I think it's the sum of her experiences that has made her the way she is. We all sort of grow up to become part of our parents anyway and having Adam Chandler for a father, it's inevitable. I think that she's bad, but it goes pretty deep. I do think that she's very confused.

Question: What was your favorite Skye moment?

Robin Christopher: I loved holding Barbara hostage with the gun! LOL! That was pretty cool. That was so wacky! Susan Pratt played Barbara, remember?

Question: Did you follow Skye's antics on All My Children after you left the show when another actress played the role?

Robin Christopher: Yes, I'd see things in soap magazines because I was on Another World at the same time. I'd pick up magazines and see what she was doing. I thought it was great because when Skye first left Pine Valley, they had started to kind of soften her up. When I heard that she had come back in like this, I thought, "Oh, that's fun!"

Question: Do you think Skye will be making Llanview her permanent home or will she eventually move to Pine Valley?

Robin Christopher: I think my father might visit me here. I'm having a good time here because it's a whole different group of people to interact with. Skye has a history with a lot of the characters on All My Children, but it's really fun to be here and see the different chemistries with people. And, also to work with some of the people I worked with before. It's great.

Question: If you could change one thing about Skye, what would it be?

Robin Christopher: I guess all that insecurity and nastiness comes out of fear. I think she's afraid of a lot of things in life. She's afraid to feel real things. I think even this thing with Ben isn't real love for her. I think I'd probably just make her less afraid to let someone affect her and get to her.

Question: Do find working on OLTL different from working on All My Children or Another World?

Robin Christopher: It was strange to bring the character over from another soap. In that respect, it's different than just starting a new character or being recast in another role. I think it took a little getting used to for the people here. It's great for me to come back playing this character years later. I think with it, just as Robin, as an actress, there's more confidence. I'm more secure with myself and my work. Being able to come back and play the character again, that's fun. That's great.

Question: If you didn't play the role of Skye, what character would you like to play?

Robin Christopher: Oh boy! Dorian, probably. I think she's a great character. Robin Strasser is great. She gets to do everything and she does it so well.

Question: Is there anything you care to tell us about your real life fiance, Matt Crane?

Robin Christopher: We're engaged. Everyone keeps asking, "When's the wedding." It's just a matter of us - we want to probably go away and do it privately. It's just a matter of where and when and finding the time. He's here with me. We're incredibly happy. Very busy between going to California and here. It seems like we're always away on the weekends. We're very happy.