Excerpt from "The Bachelder Family"
                                        by David Acker - April, 1967
Alfred Clarence Bachelder, son of Clarence Elbridge and Helen
                                Florence (Beck) Bachelder
                    b. 8/5/1921, Providence, R. I.
          married, 1/2/1945, Rocky Mount, N. C.
Lillian Genevieve (Joyner), dau. of E. D. and Geneva (Weaver) Joyner
                     b. 5/20/1924, Rocky Mount, N. C.
            Richard Scott, b. 2/15/1947, Rocky Mount, N. C., a student at
                       the University of R. I. in mechanical engineering,
             Cheryl Lynn, b. 11/30/1950, Wakefield, R. I., a student at the
                        North Kingston Senior High School.
Alfred received his B. S. from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1943
and served as an engineering officer in the U. S. Navy during World War
II.  He attended Northwestern University and North Carolina State Coll-
egeand received an M. S. from the University of R. I. in 1952.  He is
an associate professor of mechanical engineering and has been on the
staff of the University of R. I. for twenty years.  Since 1960 he has
been Director of the Engineering Instrument Laboratory.  Residence:
North Kingston, R. I.

Happy to make your aquaintance.  My understanding is that my grandfather, Clarence Bachelder was Charles brother.  (I'm not positive of this, but I do have the information somewhere.)  He married Helen Beck and they lived in Warwick, RI in the Oakland Beach area.  They had three children, the oldest was Edith (now living in Florida), the second was Alfred (my father - deceased in 1994) and the third was Charles (lives in Wyoming, RI).  I have a sister (Cheryl Bachelder Kornegay) who lives west of Hartford in Pleasant Valley, CT.  I am including a linki to my sister Cheryl, my Aunt Edie and Uncle Charlie in case you want to contact them.
I rec'd a BS in ME from the University of RI and an MS in Accounting from there as well. Worked for about 21 years for Combustion Engineering/ABB-CE as a field engineer on utility power plants in PA, KS, TX, GA and SC - Primarily in GA. Spent the last 10 years with them as District Manager of Technical Services in Atlanta. Quit in '91 and then hired back on contract basis as a senior project manager on a utility project in South Africa. Left to take a job back in US as Director of Field Services for Tampella Power. They just about went belly-up (people quit building power plants so I negotiated a "package" and was offered a new career as an investment consultant with the firm I was investing with. Six years later and I'm still here with all my licenses in place (securities, insurance and investment advisor). Not totally out of my fields of education (MS Acc).
Current firm is small, private firm. No corporate BS or rigid structure.
R. Scott Bachelder