Table of Content
With brief page descriptors to make your search easier.  To go to the page just click on it. Enjoy.
1. Introduction - England 1512-1548
2. England  to 1593 Disputed sermon
3.Expulsion- Holland - Puritans
4. England- 1603-1625 King James
5. Co. of the Plough- Boston 1632
6.Hampton, N.H. 1638- England
7.Hampton Founders Park plaque
8. Winthrop- Divine right issue - colonies
9.N.H.- VT. to Canada- via Jethro
10. Mass. 1791- Aunt Katie Bachelder
11.Mass. 1900's Gertrude Bachelder
12. Frank Bachelder- J. G. Whittier poet
13.Frank Bachelder- Myrtle Bachelder
14.Myrtle- Manhattan Project
15.Myrtle & Frances Bachelder
16.Stanley Salwak- R. L. Bachelder
17.Dorothy Bachelder- Ft. Logan
18.Raymond Lloyd Bachelder
19.Colo.-Georgia- Boston- Wahington
20.WWII & Post era R.D. Bachelder
21.R.l. & R.D. Bachelder
22.Raymond D. childhood
24.Submarines- Post Office
23.Raymond D. - Navy years
A1. Tree- Ford, Nixon, Webster
A2. Tree- Walter Ingalls down
A3. Tree- Dooleys
Additional Links
25.  Postal career good times & bad
26. Retirement
Coat of Arms?
A4. Submitted Tree Branches
Bachelder Group