Excerpt from "Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy" by F. C. Pierce:
George Edmond Bachelder (Jacob B., William, William, Jethro, Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Stephen ), b. Sunapee, N. H. July 20, 1847; m. Norwich, Conn.,  Oct. 25, 1868. Ellen M. Gould, b. 1847; d.; m. 2d, there, April 23, 1887, Ellen De Wolf,        b. Nov. 13, 1857.  Among the able young men of Norwich, George E. Bachelder, clerk of the board of selectmen, figures prominently.  He was born in Sunapee, N. H., 46 years ago, but when four years of age went to Lisbon, Conn., with his parents, where he obtained his early education.  He afterward attended the Bryant & Stratton Business College at Hartford, from which he graduated in 1864.  He soon after removed to Norwich and took up his residence in Greeneville, and has since been an adopted citizen.  For several years Mr. Bachelder was engaged in the retail boot and shoe business on Main street as a member of the successful firm of Bidwell & Bachelder, now known as Bidwell Bros.  For some years he has been a quiet but active worker in politics, and since 1889 has been a Republican.  In 1887 he was appointed post office inspector by President Cleveland and attached to the New York division on which he served until he tendered his resignation in 1890.  While in the service his indefatigable and clever work won him the praise of the public and the press, as many of his captures effected proved him to be one of the most successful thief catchers in the postal service.  The evidence of his skill was significantly demonstrated by the fact that he was detailed on the most intricate cases and many of them out of his district.
   Mr. Bachelder is now serving his fourth year and second term as clerk in the office of the selectmen, in which position he is of great value to the board.  He has also been twice mentioned and once nominated for first selectman.  Probably no man was ever more familiar with the workings of town affairs than he.  Outside of his duties as clerk of the selectmen he holds the position of business manager of the Broadway theater and is also assistant manager and representative of the Eqitable Life Assurance Society of the United States.  He is as well a represntative of the London Guarantee Liability Insurance Company.  These companies, of which he has the agency in his locality, stand high, and business placed with him insures prompt payment of losses.  Mr. Bachelder's duties bring in contact with all classes of people, and his face is accordingly familiar to most residents of the city and town.  He is a Knight Templar Mason.  Also agent of the Security Mutual Life Association of Binghampton, N. Y. and Germaia Fire of New York.  Res. Norwich, Conn.