If Stephen Bachiler were alive today, what would he do and think, in regards to our
government and society in general?  We know that he was a strong proponent of each
man's right to approach God directly, without intervention . 
   Today, the liberal thinking has swung the pendulum to the opposite pole. But the end
result is the same. The rulers (government and church leaders ) have unknowingly
( or knowingly ) assumed devine right. They are making decisions about who should worship and where they should worship, all under the guise of equal treatment for all.
Jesus Christ has been squeezed out of the class room, most public places, and I fear eventually from our currency.
    Since, his papers were destroyed by fire, we can't be sure, but I would submit that
Stephen would be speaking out strongly, but within the law. With these thoughts in
mind, I have decided to add a book I wrote eight years ago to this site, for what it's worth.