It doesn't take a very careful inspection to realize that something is
dreadfully wrong with Christianity in America today.  We look around us and
we see all kinds of problems confronting churches today.  We see the problems and we look to the exterior for the reasons why we have the problems.
     Why is America becoming the mission field as far as the rest of the
world is concerned?   Why is there divisiveness, contentions, and strife,
resulting in church split after church split?  Why is no congregation free
from the backbiting of other congregations?  Why are the pulpits of America
leaning more and more to modern day advertising and marketing techniques
instead of preaching the gospel exactly as Jesus intended?  Why do we feel
that we have to sugar coat God's word?  It appears that we have gotten caught
up in a paper chase, a numbers game, where we are diluting God's word to win
people to the Lord. In truth, this approach, is sealing their eternities to the lake of fire.
     If the churches were doing as God intended, there would be no need for
special programs, campaigns, slogans, or gimmicks.  Everyone would be of one accord, a willing, ready, servant of our Lord and Saviour.
     We need to get back to basics!  We apparently have missed some steps
along the way, either through false teaching, or careless learning.  This book
attempts to take us back to basics, starting in Genesis, then through the plan
of salvation, to a logical extension of what is expected by God of the new
convert.  I think you'll find as I have, that the way is much narrower and
the gate is much straighter, than you were led to believe.  If we preach the
gospel as Jesus preached it, there is no question, that we will experience the
same reactions to the gospel that He did.  No one should say that being a
Christian is easy, just that the truth will set you free.  This book attempts
to bring us back to that truth.

