Bachiler Family Home Page
This site is about the  ancestors of Stephen Bachiler.  Too often we approach genealogy and history with a today mindset. We need to think in terms of the 17th and 18th centuries.  With this approach we can see a little more clearly what Stephen Bachiler and his band of pioneers actually encountered in the 'new world'.     When they left England they had no adequate navigation, as we do today. Seamen were reluctant to lose sight of land. They were dependent on dead reckoning to know where they were. The battle over using Jupiter's moons or Greenwich time for navigation was still ahead in the next century.  It was a hardy soul indeed who would venture out of view of land, and to be at sea longer than Columbus had to be hard on nerves.    When they arrived, trips away from Boston were not as they are today. There were no interstate highways. No state or county highways.  From the Atlantic to the Mississippi River was hardwood forest. A super highway to them would have been a bridal path, but more often than not it was only a narrow path to your neighbors, or a game trail to fresh water.  They were in an alien environment, not what they were used to in England. They were in the 'bush'. I have included numerous links to other sites of interest, some have elected to cross link others have not or are still deciding. If you go to a site and don't find a return link, you can return by clicking on your browser's back button.  Thank you for visiting.   Last updated 07/13/2004.
Dedication plaque in Founders Park , Hampton, N.H. Courtesy Lane Memorial Library
To step back into history and visit the Bachiler family press Enter below. 
My Fine Art
Lane Memorial Library
F.C. Pierce & Daniel Webster
An excellent site, Marston Manor
The Bachelder's in Canada
John Bachelder's Patent
Batchelder Family Association

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