I went to the Board and read your recent messages and who your looking for.  Sylvannus is directly connected to my husband's family line along with Ephraim BACHELDER.  How the BACHELDER's got to Michigan is quite a co-incidence too for a response from me due to that's one of the first places my family received a written letter and phone call from a Glenn BACHELDER who was working on his mother's line at the time of correspondence but had details over his father's line all the way back to the state of Maine.

Did that make sense?  Anyway, I have some of that information along with other contacts that you might be interested in corresponding with ... if they write back is yet another question I honestly can't say yes or no too!  My sister-in-law, who currently lives in the state of Maine and where I have to do all my research from is not the best in responding back with facts, dates or other information even when prompted and poked into digging the family info up.  She claims to be interested but I have a difficult time getting her to respond back in kind.

Yes, you are a cousin but I'm unclear as to where your connection is.  However, I will send you a small direct line here on this page to show you where we are in the family link.

Starting with my husband I'll go backwards from there ...

William Edward / William Thomas / William Owen / Edward Rishworth / ** Edward Franklin / Edward Richardson / Sylvannus / Ephraim / Nathaniel VI / Nathaniel V / Nathaniel IV / Nathaniel III / Nathaniel II / Nathaniel BACHILER / Rev. Stephen BACHILAR / (possibly) Phillip BACHELDER

** Died 3 months after Volunteering and enlisting in the Civil War.  He died from Measles in Louisiana near the Yellow Bayou, a famous military site in the state of Louisiana.  Edward Rishworth, his son was only 3 years old and the only son of Edward Franklin.  However, there is one other sibling who was born after Edward Franklin left for War by the name of Genevieve.  All in the state of Maine.

There you go ... I haven't a website or I would of sent you that for reference over all the details I have listed in my database over the BACHELDER's in general.  I have over 12,000 listed family members but this also includes my side which has no connection whatsoever to the BACHELDER until I married one!

Shelia Charlene Bachelder

Editor's Note: Documented on pp 169 of Frederick Clifton Pierce's Batchelder, Batcheller Genealogy.