Welcome to My Download Page

OK... OK I don't have a bunch of download sites, but I am working on it, and if YOU have one you like , hey send me an email and I will add it. :)


bulletGet on the Internet and Chat.  Mirc is a program that allows you to sign on with different servers...such as Dalnet.  That is how we all get together by using this program. It is shareware and it is easy to download and to setup ...  So get to it, we want to meet you all soon  :) Mirc

bulletOnce you get on Mirc, the only way to really have fun is to play mp3's.  What the heck are mp3's... well get on dalnet, find an mp3 HELP channel and they will tell you all about it.  But first you need an MP3 player... sooooooooo check these to players out.

winamp    or    winplay3

bulletOnce you are on mirc and wanting to play mp3's or wavs,this program is great...:)

wavget   or   This is a great program for playing mp3's on irc Spr Jukebox

bulletWinzip is the best for unzipping AND zipping those files- Go Check it out


bulletI know you will find this hard to believe.. I am sure you think I do all this HTML on notepad !!!! but I actually use a program to help me out just a little bit. It is called Web Weaver. OH MY GOODNESS, it even lets ME do pretty good looking webpages... RIGHT.. go check it out

Web Weaver

bulletI use this great image viewer called ACDSee32. I highly recommend it


bulletFor all my FTP needs I use Cute FTP

Cute FTP

bulletThis is a program I cannot live without.. It is called DUNCE. What it does, is reconnects you to your isp if you disconnect., automatically. GET it, you will wonder how you ever got along without it.


bulletAnother program I love is ICQ, it is one of the ways I chat and keep up with all my friends..


bulletIF YOU DON'T CHECK ANYTHING ELSE OUT   CHECK OUT THIS PLACE. It is called Lockergnome, It is an E-zine, that sends out a daily email that tells of the best places to go on the net for programs, interesting web sites, a new font almost everyday and what he calls a gnome tip of the day. I just love it, it is free, all you have to do is go to this web site and sign up. You wont regret it.


bulletThis is a great web page for people learning HTML for some fun and trick things to do

bulletNow This is an interesting thing to do for yourself.. it is called SETI@home or the "Search for Extraterrestial Life at home.  The way the site explains it is  "SETI@home is a scientific experiment that will harness the power of hundreds of thousands of Internet-connected computers in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). You can participate by running a program that downloads and analyzes radio telescope data. There's a small but captivating possibility that your computer will detect the faint murmur of a civilization beyond Earth"  I have it set up on my computer.. You should try it too.


WEll that seems to be the best of what I have to give

The beautiful graphics are of the creative mind of Winged Web Graphics

Email Me Please

This page last updated Saturday, June 12, 1999

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